|| Don't Ask Questions

We strided along the long marble corridors- well, he was striding and i had to jog to keep up with his pace, we switched from corridors to corridors. I wonder if he’s taking the long way on purpose.

“No I am not,” he snapped darkly, “in fact you should be happy that I’m taking you out of that room, unless i’m not nice.”

This made me switch my thoughts. I’m not a big fan of his bad side, nobody is, Ryker has reminded me a lot of times about his dark side.

We reached an open ground, the plains that I watched from the windows. We walked and reached a- what looked like a long cottage. We reached the inside and I was shook.

Numerous grey wooden stalls were arranged in quite an impressive manner and in them were horses.

Yes, horses.

Holy cream balls, we were inside a Royal stable!

He walked over to a horse, it was dark in color, and had black textured hair that was long and flowy. It was gorgeous. Actually this stable was filled with gorgeous looking horses.

“The Queen owns a stable?” I asked, trying to hide the excitement in my voice.

“This is MY stable.” he stated, seeming slightly offended.

I made a low ‘oh’ noise. Rendell opened the door of the stall and the stunning model looking horse approached eagerly to him.

I watched in surprise as he gently petted the head of the horse while it showed him it's affection by snickering in a soft voice.

Never in my hundred lives did I ever think that this Prince was capable of loving something.

“This is Aspen,” he says, a small smile tugged at his lips, “He’s very friendly.”

“He’s gorgeous,” I whisper breathlessly.

“Want to ride on him?” the prince asks.

Okay so i have a million questions in mind. First of all why the hell is he letting me- being a HOSTAGE- ride HIS HORSE? I mean it's an amazing opportunity and one of my dreams to ride such a stunning horse.

“If it wasn't for Ryker’s orders,” he replied calmly, “I would've fed you off to those werewolves.”

I shook my head, well nevermind. Rendell walks out of the stall and to my surprise Aspen follows him too. Wow, I've never seen such an obedient horse.

Rendell then walks over to another stall where a whitish- brown horse stood with snow white curly hair. These horses are prettier than me. I gently rub the neck of Aspen and he surprisingly likes me back as he ‘hugs’ me with his head. God this is the best thing ever! I try my best not to jump around.

The next thing I know is that I'm sitting on Aspen. The calm horse was actually left without a leash, as he roamed around the stable with afraid little me. According to Rendell they are his family, and he doesn’t like tying them up.

Aspen walks out of the stable with me on him, soon Prince Rendell joins us who’s on top of the white-brown horse.

A question I wanted to ask since yesterday crossed my mind once again, “How did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Er.. materialize that werewolf yesterday?”

He looked at me and smirked, “It’s one of my abilities,”

I made a ‘I don't believe you’ face to which he rolled his eyes.

‘You know,’ he says mentally, ‘I’ve never met a human before, so do tell me if i’m being harsh on you.’

I looked at him and gave him an appreciative smile, Aspen walked down the lush green plains, the smell was just so earthly and fresh. Cool breeze touched my face, the sun was shining bright and warm above us. I looked ahead and saw never ending greenery.

‘Wanna race?’ I asked mentally, even though I knew he would turn it down.

Rendell looked at me then looked ahead, ‘Why not.’

And with that Aspen and Faye ran on their full speed, taking me and Rendell on them. I clung onto Aspen’s dark hair as my body jerked up and down. The cool breeze tickled my face and my hair waved, making me giggle. The sides of my cloak flapped aimlessly by the wind.




We ran along the open lush plains, not going to lie but Faye and Aspen seemed really close, during the race they never went ahead of each other. This melted my heart.

The race ended and it was a tie, of course. Faye and Aspen walked around, eating grass or just aimlessly running around, Rendell seemed to not mind it at all.

“Have you ever visited the Human Realm?” I asked, when we came into a hearing range.

Rendell’s golden eyes regarded me, they shimmered under the sunlight, looking like two pools of warm honey, “I did visit your Realm.”

“Really? Did you like it?”

“Not really, your kind is just greedy and corrupt.”

“Better than yours.”

“Whatever.” This made me laugh. My back ached but I didn't care about it.

The moment was broken when a guard called Rendell with an alarming voice.

Rendell swiftly went over to him on Faye. I watched curiously as the guard told him something which made him quickly get off Faye. His face turned a light shade of red as he yelled at the guard in some language. I recognised that language, it was Arabic. Thanks to my dad for enrolling me in Arabic language classes, which i never paid attention to.

The guard whimpered away. Something was wrong. Soon Prince Rendell started calling Aspen. Aspen being the obedient horse he is, dashed towards his owner with little me on him.

He grabbed my arm, his anger barely restrained, “Don’t ask questions.”

With that in full supernatural speed he bolted back to the palace. I screamed in fear as we blurred past numerous corridors- how the hell can he do that?

“I want you to lock the doors unless and until I tell you to open them, alright?” He pushed open the door of the room I stayed at.

“Wait, why?” Is the queen arriving? Or moreover did dad and his team find out about this place?

“Just do what I say.” He snarled pushing me in.

“Is someone arriving?” i asked watching his hands grip the doorknob.

“It's none of your damn business, lock the windows and don’t you dare go against me.”

With that he slammed the door shut on my face, locking it. I tried to open the door, struggling hard before giving up. What if it's really dad? Is he here to save me from this hell?

I move towards the window and glance down at the plains, several guards start to move towards one direction. Maybe it IS dad and his team.

I looked around for something I could use to break free from here, searching the drawers and the wardrobe.

I paused.

A muffled voice floated to me from behind the locked door, making me stand alert. Then there was sound, as if someone was picking the lock, my heart hammering with every second.

There was a click and the door flung open. My eyes literally popped out of their sockets as they met with coffee brown ones,

“C’mon let's get out of here,” he said, putting something back into his leather jacket.

I blinked then quickly nodded, to hell with Rendell and his stupid threat!