Petty Jealousy

Ashley knew only one thing that she couldn't let Sarah enter the same house as she because Walters is a big clan and the entire family lives together as a joint family then Sarah will also be in the same house and in front of Ronald which could be threatened for her marriage.

Although Ashley got married to Ronald, still Sarah is alive and knew all her exploits and what's more, Stefan is now supporting her. They both are very smart and hard to deal with.

Till Sarah went to get ready in a fresh bridal dress, Ashley seizes this opportunity to stop this marriage.

"Mom, please ask dad to change his decision and do not let Sarah get married to Stefan and enter Walter's clan. She is not a good girl."

Ashley said to the mother of Ronald, to poison her brain against Sarah.

"Ashley, it's your father-in-law's decision, and I never interfere in his decision. I believe he will make no wrong decision."

Julia denied Ashley's request straightforwardly making her anxious.

"Yes, mom, I believe but when dad decided to make Ronald and Sarah got married back in the past, then also you were dissatisfied by his decision."

Ashley said earnestly, making Julia frown by her insolence behavior.

"Back then I never wanted Sarah to be my daughter-in-law that's why I was dissatisfied with his decision because I always wanted you to be my daughter-in-law. However, I can't deny that Sarah is a nice girl, so I can't oppose her marriage in Walters clan if she is going to be the daughter-in-law of Amy."

"The second thing, just because you got married today and experienced so much in a day, I am overlooking your insolence behavior. From next time remember not to judge president Walter's decision."

Julia warned sternly, making Ashley zipped her mouth, but her heart was not at ease. Her grandmother was listening to their conversation from some distance and came to her granddaughter's help.

"Mrs. Walter, why are you making a mountain out of a molehill? My granddaughter was only considerate of your clan, after all, Walters is a big name in the city. If this girl Sarah will again do something, the entire Walter clan will lose their face. Haven't you seen she eloped from her own marriage?"

"Old lady Miller, I am nobody to comment on her absence from her marriage because if she had eloped she couldn't come before marriage that too injured and what's more she is blaming Ashley for her disappearance."

"If she will take the help of police to disclose the truth, then including my family even Ashley will be in trouble, don't forget president Walter did everything to save her."

No matter how much Julia was dissatisfied that her son's marriage got ruined, she couldn't turn a blind eye to the truth. Her words made Ashley and grandmother's tongue-tied.

Although Ashley zipped her mouth for the time being her brain started planning against Sarah to stop her from entering the Walters palace with her.

Sometimes later Stefan walked in and brought his bride to the aisle. Although Ashley is famous as innocent beauty in the entire community and Sarah as a bold, at this moment Sarah was looking most beautiful bride in the world, even with the bandage on the head.

Ronald's heart once again ached to see Sarah dolled up as a beautiful bride in the gown he has selected for her, but her hand was entwined with Stefan's hand. This scene made him jealous.

The scene of their entangled hand is nothing, but the entire wedding ceremony was like a thorn in Ronald's eyes.

At last, when emcee told you both are husband and wife officially, now you may kiss, Ronald couldn't take the scene anymore and squeezed his eyes and clenched his fist when Stefan didn't let Sarah go just after a peck, in fact, he kissed her deeply.

The entire marriage canopy echoed with claps and wished with Stefan's deep kiss.

Even Ashley was jealous because her husband didn't save her face in front of so many guests when he kissed her.

"Seems like Stefan, like my sister, see he even don't want to let her go from the kiss."

Ashley whisper to Ronald, intending to instigate him against Sarah and Stefan. The more she adds fuel to the fire, the more she can make Ronald hate Sarah.

Ronald turns his head and looks towards Ashley with painful but fierce red eyes.

"Wow, even Stefan and Sarah are looking made for each other couple."

"Yes, they are so beautiful."

"Perfect couple, president Walter made the right decision to make Sarah get married to Stefan."

"Looking like a loving couple."

The elite society gathering is like people have rights to comment on other's life if some were cursing Sarah to elope from her marriage and then came back with another man. Now many people's opinion has changed and they are praising her pair with Stefan and their comments piercing Ronald's heart. Ashley continued to rub salt on his wound with her fake innocence.

"Hmm, I was thinking only I was the one who foresight their love, but I didn't know their love is so visible that everybody can see that."

Ronald gave a sharp glare to Ashely and walked out of the wedding canopy, he walked towards the bar and started taking a drink.

At first, Ashley was satisfied with her plan to instigate Ronald and affect was also visible on his face but when he walked out of the wedding canopy and didn't come back, she was anxious.

The wedding ritual hasn't ended yet, they both have to meet the guest and propose a toast to everybody personally.

"Where is Ronald gone?"

Ashley mumbles to herself while searching for Ronald all around the community garden where the wedding function was organized.

She was looking back and forth in search of Ronald. If he will not be by her side before the toast start then she will lose all her face in front of guests.

"There he is."

Ashely found Ronald in the bar, taking a drink. She hurriedly strides towards him.

"Ronald, what are you doing here? We have to propose a toast to the guest, let go first."

Ashley said while pulling his hand. Ronald jerked her hand.

"Huh, I don't want to go anywhere. There is a more beautiful couple is there to complete the ritual. I have no place there."

Although Ashley was pleased that she successfully triggered Ronald, at this moment his rejection will make everybody look down on them and Sarah will take place between Walter clan's people, she can't let this happen.

"Ronald, it's our marriage function. They both came between us forcefully. We should not let this spoil."

"You are right, it's our marriage function, we can't let them spoil, but you know Ashley all this was arranged for..... hmm, let it be let's go."

Ronald wanted to say that everything is organized for his and Sarah's wedding, but restrain because it may hurt Ashely who sacrificed herself and saved his and his family's face in front of the society at the crucial moment. Even Ashley is not stupid who couldn't understand the meaning of Ronald's incomplete sentence, but she was joyous in the heart when Ronald left it incomplete.

They both walked in marriage canopy and saw servers were giving goblets to Sarah and Stefan and they both are proposing the toast to the guest.

Ashley burned in jealousy again. Again, Sarah was ahead of her even in ritual, although she is ahead, for now, Ashley couldn't let her win every time.

She moved forward, holding Ronald's hand, and stood behind Sarah and Stefan. A moment later, she looked around. When nobody was watching her, she forwards his leg and steps on Sarah's wedding skirt. Sarah took a step to toast to the very important client of Walters but tripped and the champagne fell on the client.