Stefan's Unconditional Support


President Gilbert hurriedly stood up, wiping his exquisite, customized, handmade suit.

"Sarah, what did you do, you spoiled president Gilbert's entire suit."

Ashley said with fake concern and her most innocent face, but the mocking smile on her face couldn't be hidden from Sarah and Stefan.

Sarah knew something made her skirt stuck from behind, that's why she tripped and made a mistake with a high-end client of Walters company. Although Stefan and Sarah don't have any proof, still they both are sure it was planned by Ashley.

Stefan hurried his pace and encircled his arm around Sarah's shoulder, taking her in a protective embrace.

"I am so sorry, President Gilbert, for soiling your suit, but you see my wife is injured and not well, seems like her head reel and she made a mistake."

Although Stefan was apologizing and soft his tone was overbearing.

Stefan Walter is a separate name from Walter's company, his own company Phoenix industries is a top company in the city and huge profit-making, even Gilberts wanted to associate them with Phoenix industries but that's not so easy, that's why he was pleasing Walters.

"Mr. Stefan doesn't need to apologize to me, I can understand, after all, she has an accident. I suggest you must take her for some rest."

President Gilbert said fawningly, and it amazed everybody, especially Walters.

"President Gilbert is a notorious rude and sharp-tongued man. How could he let go Sarah just like that?"

"It's because of the popularity of Stefan Walter and his company in the city, nobody can offend him."

"Walters should be proud that they have a son like Stefan in their family."

"Yes, president Walter made the right choice to accept Stefan back in the clan."

The surrounding guest gossiped and everybody drowns in different emotions.

Stefan's parents have a proud look on their face, whereas president Walter is thanks to his angels that Stefan saved his face in front of president Gilbert, and Mrs. Walter was thinking she also has two sons but none of them is so capable.

Ronald is burning in rage thinking Stefan has stolen everything of his, even the stage today and Ashley has sharp resentment and hatred for Sarah because not only her plan backfires but she got extra care of Stefan and every guest in the wedding banquet trying to fawn Stefan.

Ashley came from behind when Sarah walking towards a calm place in Stefan's embrace and yell, dragging everybody's attention.

"Oh, lord, Sarah, just look at your wedding dress, it's torn from the behind. Such a big hole, it's auspicious."

Ashley wanted to make Sarah embarrassed and make others feel that Sarah is a careless girl who was never serious about her wedding.

"I know Sarah you are modern and don't believe in these traditional things, but you couldn't reckless about your wedding. Your wedding gown could be store life long as a symbol of your happy wedding."

Sarah shook her head seeing Ashley's drama. She knew Ashley stepped on her skirt which made her trip and only because of that her gown torn, but she was not in a mood to argue with Ashley.

"You are right Ashley, I should be careful about the gown given by my husband for my wedding, but this gown was given by your husband to me. It's related to my painful past, it's better that it's torn so that I can move on from it."

Sarah's said with a blank face and icy cold eyes, this made Ronald's heartbroken, that now she doesn't have the value of the stuff given by him.

Ashley was thrilled inwardly because even she likes nothing could be with Sarah given by Ronald. Only she has the right to everything which belongs to Ronald and Sarah's pain was even more joyful for her. She wanted to rub salt on her wound when Stefan meddles.

"Don't worry, I will get a perfect wedding dress for my bride. Hendrick, I want the best wedding dress for my wife within ten minutes."

Stefan ordered overbearingly to his assistant and the next moment the team of his security and assistants were in commotion.

Stefan was looking at his watch, holding Sarah in his embrace, who was really feeling dizzy and kept head on his shoulder.

When 9 minutes 45 seconds were over and only 15 more seconds to go for ten minutes, Hendrick ran towards Stefan with a packet in his hand.

"President, it's a wedding gown for Mrs. Walter."

"I am impressed, you made it on time."

Stefan said and took the packet from Hendrick.

People in the banquet were stunned by the incident to unfold. Stefan is a highly influential person in the city even Walters didn't realize it before, but he makes them proud in front of so many guests.

Only Ashley was jealous and envious of Sarah because once again her plan backfires.

'It's ok Sarah if my plan didn't work this time, but I couldn't let you win. As before, I still have many cards on my sleeve. I will make your life miserable and pathetic in Walters's palace that you yourself will leave the house and my life forever.'

When the wedding banquet was done, both couples sat in the beautifully decorated cars and moved towards the Walters palace.

If this could be a normal wedding, then Ronald and Sarah would go to the airport from the wedding banquet to fly for the world tour as their honeymoon trip planned by Ronald,

This is an unexpected wedding for both the couples and none of them was ready that's why they don't want to go on any honeymoon trip yet and elders also said nothing in this matter.

The two couples reached the palace gate together but when they were entering, Stefan stopped Sarah.

"Sarah, you are injured I can't let you climb these many stairs. Let me help you."

Stefan crouch and lift Sarah in his arms, but he did something sneakingly, that nobody noticed. Stefan walked in with his bride, turned around to see a dramatic scene.

When Ashley stepped forward, her foot stepped on some marbles, she stumbles and was about to fall but at the nick of time, Ronald held her hand.

"She couldn't even manage her first step in the house, don't know how will she manage her steps with Ronald in the future."

Amy taunted her and walk from there.

"It's ok don't feel for Amy's words, she is just superstitious," Julia said to Ashley.

With the help of Ronald, Ashley stepped into the palace's living hall and noticed some marbles in Sarah's hand. She yelled, dragging everybody's attention.

"Sarah why r u doing this, what wrong have I done to you?"

Sarah raised her eyebrows with a blank face.

"What's going on Ashley?" Julia asked.

"Mom, Sarah spread the marbles when I was stepping inside the house, I just noticed marbles in her hand."

Julia frowned, took a step towards Sarah to check her hands, but found it empty.

"It must be in her purse."

Julia then checked Sarah's purse but found nothing. Now even Julia was confused about whom to believe.

"She must have thrown here, somewhere."

"Ashley, you are such an unreasonable, stop blaming Sarah for no reason and elder sister Julia stop being a puppet of your newly wedded daughter-in-law."

Amy's words embarrassed Julia and she scolds Ashley.

"Enough Ashley, stop overthinking, now no more blaming and bashing to your own family members."

"Ashley, Sarah listen to me carefully, although you both are half-sisters and perhaps have some differences. Remember, it's my family and I don't want any clash in my clan because of you two, did you hear me?"

Julia was irritable by the constant blame game of the sister to each other and warned them strictly.