Ashley's New Plan

"Now everything is over. It was a quite long day for everybody, so all of you go back to your room and take a rest. Mrs. Walter, please check the arrangements personally for new brides and bridal chambers."

Andrew said to his entire clan and everybody bows their head, respectively.

"Alright," Julia said.

"Hold on, everybody, I want to start a new ritual."

Stefan said, gaining everybody's attention.


Everybody said in unison.

"As you all see, my newly wedded bride is injured, so from now on I want to start a new ritual in Walters clan, that groom should pick her bride to the bridal chamber."

Stefan said and immediately picked Sarah in his arms before she resists.

"What say, big uncle?"

Stefan said in a naughty way to Andrew. Since Stefan was young, he was close to his big uncle more than his father, but because of some misunderstandings over the past few years there was a gap formed between them and now he was trying to fill the gap.

Today Andrew was proud of Stefan immediately sided him with a smile.

"Of course, romance is in Walter's blood."

"Alright then, I think Ronald should also try then."

Stefan threw his trump card to embarrass Ashley and walked towards his residential area.

"Stefan, what are you doing, put me down. I am not badly injured that I can't walk."

Sarah was embarrassed in front of the entire family and protest, but Stefan didn't listen to her.

"So, what if you are only slightly injured it's my right and duty as well to take care of you?"

Stefan was behaving all lovey with Sarah and Ronald was burning in pure jealousy, he has a feeling of loss in his heart.

Ashley was expecting Ronald to pick her as Stefan did to Sarah, but she was not sure that Ronald will do as Stefan. Thinking something she took a step and yell, "Ahh, my foot has a sprain, Ronald can u also......?"

"I am not feeling good, I am going to my chamber."

Before even Ashley could finish his words, Ronald refused her harshly and walked from there. Nobody said anything to Ronald and Ashley's eyes filled with tears.

Stefan brought Sarah into his chamber & apologized.

"I am sorry Sarah to make you embarrass in front of the entire family, but as you want to make Ronald jealous, I did that."

"It's ok I know you are doing everything just to help me and thanks a lot for your help."

"Sarah please, don't be so polite to me, it's all happened because of me at least I can do a little favor in your mission."

"No, Stefan, nothing has happened because of you, in fact, you indirectly helped me to see the truth of my so-called relationship with Ronald."

Sarah's heart pained once again thinking about Ronald's distrust and her sister's deception, whom she loved with a true heart. Still, she maintained a blank face and Stefan felt bad for her.

"If you don't mind, shall I ask something?" Stefan said.


"Why are you punishing Ronald, what he has done? I mean whatever happened with u it was all Ashley's plot and somewhere my fault too. Whatever he has done it was all implicated by Ashley then why are you punishing Ronald?"

Sarah chuckled painfully.

"Stefan, tell me one thing, around five years ago you were in love with Valerie. When she died, you assumed she was killed by president Walter and Ronald and after five years you came back to revenge the culprits of Valerie, aren't you?"

Stefan didn't get what Sarah wanted to say, but he just nods his head.

"You are still so deep in love with Valerie that even after five years of her departure you couldn't able to move on. Stefan this is called true love. Ronald's love for me was so weak that it's faded in a blink of an eye. He apparently came to know that he got betrayed by his love and the next moment he decided to move on. Tell me, is that love?"

"At first I thought that our relationship has a lack of trust, but now I am sure there was not even love between us."

Sarah's deep explanation jolted Stefan. But he is still thinking as a brother's point of view for his younger brother.

"If you think like this, you can move on in your life or can punish Ashley for her deeds, but why Ronald? The truth is I am feeling bad for him."

"One day I will surely answer your question that why Ronald is also my culprit."

Stefan's eyes were showing pain for his brother and Sarah doesn't want to drag this topic that's why finished in one line. Stefan also shrugs his shoulder.

There was a knock on the door, Stefan walked and open the door and was surprised to see Ashley on the door.

Ashley walked in with hands at the back, stood opposite to the bed of Sarah and Stefan.

"What are you doing here?"

Stefan asked sternly with a frown face, even Sarah's face also turned ugly with the sight of this cunning, opportunist, betrayer.

Ashley immediately down on her knees and fold her hands.

"Sarah, Stefan, what do you both will get by doing all this to me. I am already married to Ronald and so it's better you back off. I know you both are faking your marriage, but if one-day family members will come to know they will be hurt."

Sarah and Stefan look towards each other in confusion, that what is Ashley up to, because she is not so good that considerate about family, nor she will down on her knees just to plead Sarah to back off, especially in front of the two people who knew her true colors.

"What makes you think that our marriage is fake?"

Sarah said with disdain, but before Ashley could retort, Stefan interrupts her.

"Alright, now if you are done, then get up and get the hell out of my room. You are not welcome here." Stefan said rudely.

"But Stefan......"

"I said enough, get up and get out otherwise I have to call Ronald, big uncle, and his family here."

Stefan's threat worked, and Ashley stormed out of his chamber.

"Sarah, just avoid her."

Stefan said in a polite tone and Sarah nod her head.

"Sit here and let's introduce ourselves to each other."

Stefan made Sarah sit on the bed holding her shoulder and he sat beside her and Sarah again nod her head.

"Hi, I am Stefan Walter, president of Phoenix industries, I don't have any hobbies, just my work is my passion, although I am still in love with my ex, I will give my hundred percent to our relation."

"I am Sarah Smith, pursuing a job as a freelance designer, I love two people most in my life, my mother and grandmother. I have moved on from my ex and rest, you know about me well."

"Great, now it's quite late, go to sleep. You sleep on bed; I will sleep on the couch." Stefan said.

"No, it's your room, you sleep on the bed I will sleep on the couch," Sarah said.

"Sarah, you are injured, you need proper rest so you sleep in bed ok."

"I am not that injured, stop being so overprotective of my injury."

"Excuse me, nobody has dared to argue with president Stefan Walter, silently sleep on the bed, otherwise I will do it forcefully."

Stefan's threat worked, Sarah's face turned red from his threat, and she immediately laid down on the bed.

Stefan and Sarah looked at each other and burst into a laugh.

One more person is laughing, she is Ashley who was listening to both of their conversations and smirking devilishly.

Ashley actually planned a small microphone with a recording device in Stefan's chamber and wanted to expose both of their fake relation in front of entire family members.