Recording Device

The next morning, Sarah woke up first got ready in a beautiful pink gown. She was combing her long black hair in front of the mirror when Stefan woke up and his gaze fell on Sarah, who was looking divine in pink color with wet long hairs.

He lost himself for few minutes in her beauty, but the next moment he jerks his thoughts and went to the washroom.

Stefan came out after getting ready in a blue tuxedo and saw Sarah was waiting for him.

"Let's go downstairs towards big uncle's residence. It's Walter's clan and I am sure there were still few rituals will be left for you to perform as a daughter-in-law of the family."

Sarah knew all this before getting married in Walters clan that they are traditional and value every ritual from the time of their ancestors that's why she has no problem performing those.

She nodded her head, and they both walked out of Stefan's chamber.

As they reached Andrew's residential area, they saw Ashley and Ronald standing in front of Ronald's chamber and were still wearing the same dress as yesterday. Ronald was looking all pale with red eyes and even Ashley had dark circles under her eyes.

Although they both didn't pay heed to the two people's appearance and presence and walk forward, their loud argumentative voice reached Sarah and Stefan with no effort.

"Ronald, where were u all the night, everybody was asking about you? Even I was also worried."

Ronald didn't hear what Ashley was saying because his attention was on Sarah, who was walking with Stefan holding his hand. At the moment, seeing Sarah, he felt regret for his decision.

Ashley also noticed Ronald's gaze and felt resentment in her heart, which she consoled and filled with fake tears in her eyes.

"Ronald, please answer, don't do this to me."

Ronald was fed up with Ashley's all-time tears and scolded her.

"Stop irritating me, Ashley. I am not answerable to you; did you get it?"

Ronald said rudely and walked inside his chamber.

Ashley's heart pained by Ronald's rude behavior, but she consoled herself because Sarah has seen them and moving towards her.

"Ashley, you should get ready fast because you are a good traditional girl unlike me, a modern and as a favorite daughter-in-law of the Walters family you have so many rituals to perform, isn't it?"

Sarah rubbed salt on Ashley's wound and walked from there proudly holding Stefan's hand. Although Ashley was smoldering in rage, she didn't pay heed to Sarah's words because she has her trump card to show.

Before getting ready, Ashley sneakingly breaks into Stefan's chamber and took out the recording device she planned for last evening under the bed when she was kneeling.

"Sarah, Stefan, I will expose your fake relation in front of the entire family, you both are flying so high let me pulled a rug out under your feet."

Ashley took the recording device and walked towards her room while making a plan that when to play this recorder so that everybody can listen to the content.

"Good morning, mom, dad, big uncle, aunt Julia, good morning everybody."

Stefan wished everybody and even Sarah do the same.

"Now this is called the perfect daughter-in-law of Walters clan. Sarah, you are looking so beautiful."

Amy praised Sarah deliberately in front of everybody to make them look down on Ashley who didn't come down yet even knowing that it's her first day after marriage and she has some rituals to perform.

"Amy is right, Sarah, you are looking so beautiful in a traditional gown. I never thought you will wear such clothes after marriage."

Julia said truthfully with a hint of praise in her eyes.

"Aunt Julia, mom, I won't lie. I am not comfortable in these clothes, so I will not wear them regularly, but because it's my first day after marriage and I know there are some old rituals in Walters clan to perform that's I wore the traditional gown."

Sarah couldn't be two-faced, she is expressive as she is from inside and hates to pretend, that's why she better said truthfully what she feels about these dresses rather than pretending and get praised by everybody.

"It's ok Sarah, our family has no bound on anybody over trivial matters, you have to decide for yourself. In fact, I like your crystal attitude." Andrew said.

Everybody had agreed to Andrew, although Walters family believed in traditional cultures but they never bounded or restricted their family members for anything.

In fact, Andrew and Daniel are equally modern, that's why they didn't mind Sarah's alliance with Walters family even after knowing that she was an illegitimate child.

"After that, you can even decide if you want to continue your job or be a homemaker and ever if you want to live separate from the clan then also nobody will interfere in your decision," Daniel said.

"Yes, Sarah, Walter's palace is not only big but designed with the convenience and privacy of everybody, mine and Denial's residential's area are different, both the portion have separate doors and kitchen, but Daniel chose to be united with me because it was started by our great father old Walter."

"Even Julia and Amy are also siblings and not have any dispute that's why they loved to be together, even our elder son Jack and elder daughter-in-law Stella chose to live in a joint family."

"Still, Stefan has a completely separate portion, if you want, you can live separately with your husband."

Andrew said while explaining all the details of their clan and palace.

Before Sarah could answer, Ashley walked into the living hall with Ronald and interrupt Sarah's answer.

"Yes, Sarah, you can live separately, you are livid with your thoughts, I don't think you can take these traditional rituals and adjust in a joint family."

Sarah and Stefan gave a sharp glare to Ashley, who was smirking devilishly for a second, then again covered it up with her innocent face.

"No, big uncle even I like to live in a joint family, I had never experienced the love of the father, brother, sister-in-law, uncle, and aunt even though I have all relations, but they all are a blind eye from my existence."


Sarah even didn't use her hands and slapped Ashley hard, which made her face turn dark in embarrassment.

"Sarah, even though you got such a loving family, you are betraying them, don't you think it's wrong?"

Now Ashley was about to play her trump card.

Sarah and Stefan frowned and even family the members didn't like Ashley's slandering comment at this moment when everybody was happy.

"What does that mean?"

Stefan said with an ugly face and shooting daggers through her eyes.

"Stefan, you and my dear sister planned well to get entry into this house and split me and Ronald apart."

"Oh, cut the crap Ashley, I am not interested in Ronald anymore. I have moved on and now I am happily married to Stefan."

Sarah said with cold eyes and held Stefan's arm.

"You both are faking your marriage."

"Ashley, why are you creating a drama in the morning. We have rituals to perform."

Amy said anxiously with the fear that their truth will be unveiled.

"AmI creating a drama; I have evidence with me."

Ashley forwarded her hand and showed the recording device.

"Mom, dad last evening I planted a recording device in Stefan's chamber and recorded their conversation, how they were faking their marriage."

"Disgusting, how could you do such a cheap act, I can't believe you are the young miss of the Miller's family."

Andrew squeezed his eyes and scolded Ashley, and everybody else had the same expression.

"Dad, and everybody please check the content of the recording first, before judging my course of action."

Ashley was about to play the recorder when Sarah screamed with red a face.

"Ashley, please don't switch on that recorder."