Sarah Outsmart Ashley

Ashley smirked inwardly, seeing Sarah's dark face and anxious behavior to make her restrain from playing this video, and she enjoyed in her heart for taking such a step.

"Why not Sarah, because the hidden truth of your marriage will unveil?"

Ashley said with a proud and confident look, but Sarah didn't buy her looks.

"No, because few moments of husband and wife are not to share for others, it's their personal moments. I am afraid everybody will be embarrassed by your act."

"Yes, Sarah is correct, it's unscrupulous to listen to the recording of a bride and groom's wedding night."

Stella, the elder daughter-in-law of Julia and Andrew said.

"I am agreed with Stella, its really awful, how can we listen to the recording of Stefan and Sarah's wedding night." Jack, Stella's husband, supported her.

"Hmm, even I am agreed, Ashley, now you are the daughter-in-law of Walters' family, you should know how to behave sophisticatedly. Just wrap up your drama and get ready, we have many more rituals to perform."

Julia said sternly and walked away from there.

This time Ashley was sure about her plan, but nobody was taking her seriously. It's all because of Sarah. She had always manipulated everybody easily.

Ashley looked at Sarah with a resentful gaze, and Sarah only shrugged her shoulders carelessly.

"Mom, wait, please listen to me once. I promise there is nothing ambiguous in this recording, they both are faking their relationship, I heard it by myself."

Ashley said earnestly in order to convince Julia.

Everybody looked at Ashley with weird expressions, even Ronald.

"Please mom, dad, just trust me once and listen to this audio once, Ronald at least you say something."

Ronald was uneasy at heart since he had heard the recording of the wedding night of Stefan and Sarah, and he too didn't want to listen to the content, but he had blind trust in Ashley. He wanted her to be proved right so that the truth of Stefan and Sarah's relation could be unveiled.

"Mom, Dad, I trust Ashly, she never lies. If she is saying something, that means it's the truth. Give her one chance to prove herself."

Sarah chuckled inwardly when Ronald said Ashley never lies, Ronald was still supporting Ashley with all his wits.

"Alright, only because Ronald has trust in you. I am giving you one chance to prove yourself." Julia said.

"Mrs. Walter, are you sure?"

Andrew interrupted, but Julia only blinked her eyes to assure him.

Ashley excitedly started the recorder and Stefan's voice could be heard.

"Sit here and let's introduce ourselves to each other."

Their conversation when they both introduced themselves to each other was playing on, then Stefan said, "Alright it's quite late, let's go to sleep."

"Ahh, ouch......"

A minute later Sarah's moan could be heard and Sarah and Stefan closed their eyes, getting embarrassed.

"I am sorry baby, actually I haven't made out with anyone since Valerie has departed."

Stefan's husky voice echoed.

"Even it's my first time, honey, please be gentle......"

Sarah's moaning husky voice was playing on the recorder, when Ronald came forward, snatch the recorder from Ashley's hand and tossed it to the floor, and trampled it under his foot.

Stefan and Sarah stared with an embarrassed look, Sarah blushed and crouched her head but Ashley's face's color drained. Ashley was not only proved wrong in front of the entire family but also Sarah got her husband's love at her wedding night, which she didn't get.

"I told you mom it's unscrupulous and unethical. See, you made both Sarah and Stefan embarrassed in front of everybody."

Jack yelled and walked from there in embarrassment.

"Unbelievable, Mrs. Walter, you are also responsible for this embarrassing moment today."

Andrew scolded Julia, and he also walked out of the scene, and behind him even Daniel disappeared.

They all are the men of an elite family and with high, mighty, and dignified thoughts. Just now they heard the moaning of the daughter-in-law of the family while making out with their son. This is too much for them, and they couldn't take it anymore. What's more, Sarah's embarrassed crouched head made them lose their faces in front of her. That's why they all walked out of the scene.

Julia was the most embarrassed in front of her family, till now she was all dignified and a proud host of the family, but today Andrew had scolded her in front of everybody.

"Ronald, it's all because of you, I trusted on your trust, but your wife has made our entire family lose their face in front of Daniel and Amy's family, especially Sarah. To tell the truth, I am very disappointed."

Julia said with a dark face and cold eyes. She was so aggravated that she didn't even talk to Ashley directly, but gave her a murderous glare.

"Elder sister Julia, I was saying not to let her do such an unethical thing, but you didn't listen," Amy said while glaring at Ashley.

"Really, mom such a shameful incident took place in our palace for the first time, Ashley has let everybody down in front of Sarah," Stella said.

Nobody spoke to Ashley, but everybody was scolding her indirectly and slandering her act while giving her sharp glares.

"But mom......"

Ashley knew there was something amiss with the recording because she had heard their conversation last night and it was not what they heard just now, that's why even after being scolded she opened her mouth to explain herself, but before that Ronald scolded her.

"Shut up Ashley, you accosted my respect in front of my entire family."

Ronald emphasized his words, pulled Ashley's hand, and walked towards his chamber.

"Sarah, Stefan, even you two go to your room, I will ask the butler to send your breakfast in your room."

Sarah and Stefan nodded and moved out from there.

"Elder sister Julia, I am warning you, please make your daughter-in-law understand the ethic and tradition of this family and show her the proper rights of a mother-in-law. Don't let her make you dance on her rhythm, otherwise, she will turn the entire Walter palace upside down."

Amy seized the opportunity when Julia was alone and filled her ears against Ashley.

"You are right Amy. Ashley is crossing her limits, I had never expected this from her, but every mistake has a punishment. Ashley also has to bear the punishment. She will not participate in the welcome ritual of the newly wedded bride, only Sarah will perform the ritual."

Amy was thrilled at heart and immediately asked a servant to call Sarah for performing the ritual.

Sarah came down with Stefan, and after some time rest of the family members also came because it was a ritual for Sarah and they didn't want to spoil it.

"Sarah, you have to cook something sweet for everybody, to show your sweetness to the family. This is the welcome ritual of a newly wedded bride, who is now accepting the entire family like her own."

"Alright aunt Julia, I will do that."

"Then go, what are you waiting for," Amy said.

"Mom, I am waiting for Ashley. She will also perform the same ritual, as she is also a newly wedded bride."

"No, Sarah, the thing Ashley has done today she will not perform this ritual, that's her punishment."

Julia said ruthlessly and everybody agreed with her decision except Sarah. If Ashley will not be here then how will it be fun, without making her jealous?

"Aunt Julia, she is younger, please forgive her. Just give her one chance, she is my sister, I promise from her side she will not make any more mistakes."

"Sarah, you have a big heart."

Stella said, and in return, Sarah only smiled.

Julia asked a servant to call Ashley and Ronald, and after a few minutes they both came down with a hope that Ashley had been forgiven.

"Ashley, only because Sarah has requested that's why I am forgiving you, but remember no more mistakes in the ritual."

Julia warned Ashley sternly, and Amy mumbled.

"That's not possible."