Ashley's Plan Backfires

Ashley was dumbfounded. Her face was dark, and she was looking in a daze at the thought that why Sarah had spoken for her in front of Julia. She was not only in a daze but scared, thinking what is Sarah up to?

“So, newly brides, what are u both going to cook for your family as first meal?” Stella asked.

“Sarah will make chocolate mousse, she makes it very delicious?”

Before Sarah, Stefan answered for her and everybody giggled.

“Stefan, how do u know about her culinary skills?” Amy asked, raising her eyebrows.

“Mom, as you all know we both are bound with an unexpected marriage, and don’t know each other well, that’s why last night we talked about ourselves and let each other get acquainted.”

Stefan said truthfully because they all listen when they both said let’s talk about each other. Although they both are stuck in circumstances, still they both are trying their best to make their relation healthy. For a moment everybody felt sorry for Stefan and Sarah.

Ronald and Ashley are still smoldering in jealousy for different reasons, Ashley was burning in jealousy because, even though she had snatched Sarah’s love from her, she was still getting everybody’s love and Ashley didn’t even get her husband’s attention. Whereas Ronald was smoldering in jealousy, seeing Sarah so close to Stefan.

“And, Ashley, what will you cook?”

“Hmm, Ronald, you tell me, what do I cook?”

“Whatever you like.”

Ronald answered in a bitter tone and left from there, making Ashley upset by his distant behavior.

“Ashley, you can bake strawberry cake, you make it delicious.”

Sarah and Ashley were half sisters and living together for a few months that’s why they knew about each other.

“Alright, you both continue.”

Julia said in an ordering tone, and Sarah and Ashley walked into the kitchen.

“What are you up to, Sarah? Who asked you to be my lobbyist in front of my mother-in-law?”

Sarah smirked because Ashley had asked with concern and she liked it when Ashley had a scared expression from an unknown fear.

“I want to tell you, how your wonderful plan had backfired? Don’t you want to know?”

Ashley once again fumed, but kept her mouth sealed.

“Alright, let me tell you, actually it was all because of Stefan, he was so caring. He was helping me on the bed, when I accidentally tripped and fell down near the bedpost and saw your planted device and realized what were you up to. Then we both edited the recorder with our moans. How was that my sister?”

Sarah told Ashley everything while cooking her chocolate mousse, and Ashley kept listening to her in a daze.

‘I should have planted the device carefully, but no problem, let me get one more chance, I will not let Sarah win again. I will destroy her reputation as a good daughter-in-law in front of everybody.’

Ashley had hardly started her work while Sarah had completed her dish and walked out of the kitchen.

After sometime Sarah came back.

“Oops, I forgot my phone here.”

Sarah mumbled to herself, took her phone from the kitchen table and again walked out while Ashley was still busy in cooking.

After sometime Stella walked in

“Ashley, if u r done, shall we order to serve the breakfast?”

Ashley nodded her head and walked out of the kitchen.

“Stella, you go out and sit peacefully with everybody, leave everything to me. I will take care of this.”

Stella also walked out and Sarah stood there to supervise the work of the servants as a good daughter-in-law.

“Sarah, you are my elder sister, you serve your dish first.”

Ashley smirk inwardly but kept maintaining an innocent face which fooled everybody.

‘Now, my revenge will complete.’ Ashley thought seeing Sarah serving her dish to everybody, but the next moment her face fell down when everybody praised her and even gave her a gift.

‘How is that possible?’ Ashley thought and recalled when Sarah went out of the kitchen she added vinegar in her chocolate mousse, then how it can be delicious.

“Ashley it’s your turn serve your cake.” Julia said.

Ashley started serving from a big bowl, but Julia noticed something and asked Ashley to pass the plate. Julia saw a small piece of paper stuck at the bottom of the plate of strawberry cake made by Ashley, but she got shocked and furious when she read the paper.

“Ashley, how can you do this, how can you cheat your own family?” Julia yelled, slamming her hand on the table.

The piece of paper was a bill of a strawberry cake from a confectionery shop.

Nobody could understand what got in to Julia suddenly, that she was so furious.

“But mom, what did I do?”

“You ordered this cake from a bakery and presented it on your name, if you couldn’t cook you could have told, and anyone of us would helped have you, but you cheated on us and have ruined the entire ritual.”

Julia was fuming in anger.

“I told you no more mistakes with my rituals, these are valuable for me, still you make us look down at you.”

The revelation shocked everybody. They all went out from there one by one in a foul mood, without having their breakfast.

Only Ashley, Sarah and Stefan were there. Sarah and Stefan looked at each other and smirked, and their smirk couldn’t be hidden from Ashley.

Ashley was pacing in her room and was confused while thinking how her perfect plan got ruined again. Back in the past, she had designed so many traps for Sarah and she always fell in every trap, but now what has happened that all her plans were backfiring.

When her last plan had failed and Sarah had supported her in front of Julia, she was alert till long with the thought that Sarah has some plans to ruin her dish, but when Sarah went out after completing her dish, devil inside her said, lets ruin Sarah’s dish before she ruins yours but she didn’t get how she escaped from the perfect plan.

Another side, Sarah was standing in her room and drowned in her thoughts regarding what had happened today.

When Sarah came back to take her phone and walked out, she started its video recorder, which had recorded while Ashley was adding vinegar in her dish.

“I knew it Ashley you will do something, you can’t live peacefully without doing something wrong and guess what, you proved me right about you, and that’s why I had deliberately left my mobile in the kitchen with its video recorder on.”

Sarah showed the video to Stefan. Now when her dish had been ruined by Ashley and her hard work wasted, she can’t do anything.

“Don’t worry, I will take care of this matter. After some time when I will give you a miss call, send everybody out from the kitchen and be there, alright?”

Stefan assured, and Sarah has no choice but to trust him. She nodded her head.