Ashley Failed Again

After sometime when Sarah asked Stella to sit peacefully, and she will serve the breakfast, but Stella walked out, Sarah started pacing in the kitchen. She had told Stella that she will supervise the servants when they will serve the breakfast, but what will she serve as her dish.

With passing time her anxiety was growing more, but it was not too long when Stefan appeared at the back door of the kitchen and handed over a parcel to Sarah with a bill.

“Sarah, serve the chocolate mousse as yours and stick this bill at the bottom of Ashley’s dish’s bowl.”

“For what? Why are you doing this?”

Sarah asked with a frown. She is grateful that Stefan’s plan could save her face in front of the family, but why to trap Ashley for no reason.

“What? She tried to ruin your dish; she deserves punishment. Also, if you will let her go doing nothing, she will first run to find out why her plan backfired and it can jeopardize our trick to save you.”

Stefan said to make Sarah understand that she will get nothing being big-hearted with Ashley, but when he noticed that Sarah was still silent, he frowned.

“Sarah, don’t tell me you want to be lenient with Ashley again.”

Sarah realized she was going to make a big mistake, letting Ashley go back in the past only because of her lenient nature she had never seen Ashley’s true colors. Now she will not repeat the same mistake.

Sarah took the take away parcel from Stefan and stuck the bill at the bottom of the plate containing strawberry cake made by Ashley, as Stefan had said.

That’s why Ashley’s plan backfired and she lost all her face in front of the entire family.

Although morning was not smooth for Sarah, but nothing went against her and she escaped from all the problems with the help of Stefan, still she was not happy.

Sarah was standing in front of a large French window and staring out of the glass in a daze when Stefan walked towards her and stood behind her.

“What’s wrong, you are looking quite disturbed, even when you are winning all your battles against Ashley.”

“Who likes to live a life in a battlefield? Every moment we have to be wary of the thought that doesn’t know what Ashley will do next? Stefan I am a carefree girl, I like to live the life without burden, but Ashley has turned our life into a battle.”

Sarah said in a hoarse voice, and Stefan felt sorry for her. She is right, Ashley has made their life’s so complicated that they can’t even think about anything other than what will be her next plan.

“Then why don’t you let go of this life and get back to your old carefree life?” Stefan said.

“Do you think its so simple? The day Ashley turned against me in this never ending battle was that when I will put down my armors Ashley will not let it go, she will keep on targeting me. I wanted Ronald to see Ashley’s true face and regret for trusting her.”

“But it’s paining you, what about that?”

Sarah’s eyes turned wide in shock; Stefan read her inside out, how come. She is even hiding the fact from herself that it’s paining her seeing Ronald every time, it’s paining her to pretend in front of Ronald. Then how did Stefan read it?

“Don’t be shocked Sarah, your pain is written all over your face, actually you can’t hide your emotions on your face.”

Sarah didn’t pretend anymore and squeezed her eyes to let the tears flow.

“Stefan, even though I said Ronald’s love for me wasn’t true and its somewhat true, but my love is true for him. I always loved him from the bottom of my heart, I had given him all my dedication that’s why I decided to marry him.”

“Till one day before I was the happiest person on the earth, after so many years I got my father, a sweet loving sister who was also my best friend, with mom and granny life was perfect and cherry on top I was getting married to the love of my life, but in a blink of an eye everything has shattered.”

“All the colors of relation faded and their real color are so horrible that I am heartbroken with its sight.”

Sarah was speaking her heart out, and tears were flowing from her beautiful eyes. Even Stefan said nothing, just let her vent her emotions so that she will feel lighter from heart.

After some time when Sarah wiped her tears, Stefan held her shoulder and make her sit on the bed and he sat beside her.

“Sarah, the way you are feeling now, I felt exactly the same five years ago when my Valerie died. The day we were about to get married they killed her; I thought my big uncle and Ronald killed her.”

“I was left alone with no relation in my life, even I tried to commit suicide, but was saved. That was the moment I felt I have nothing left in my life anymore. Still, I moved on and rose again from the ashes. One day you will also move on, after all this is life.”

Stefan said in a bitter tone and with a blank face, he rose from the bed and walked out to go to the company.

Sarah was rendered speechless at Stefan’s words; his pain was so deep that she had never imagined before.

Outside Stefan and Sarah’s chamber Ashley took her mobile phone, switched on its voice recorder and walk inside without even knocking.

When Ashley entered Sarah was still in a daze, even Ashley’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion seeing Sarah’s blank face.

“Sarah, what happened to you?”

Sarah zoomed out of her thoughts and frowned with a disdained face, seeing Ashley in her room.

“What are you doing here? And have you lost all your manners too, that you entered someone’s room without permission?”

“I am not here to fight with you, I wanted to ask, Sarah, you did this on purpose, right? Since I stepped into this house you are after me, why are you doing this? You ruined my first step in the house through marbles, then today I don’t know where the check of the confectionary came from but you did that, didn’t you?”

“What are you saying Ashley, what did I do?”

Sarah while speaking walks towards Ashley.

“You have snatched everything and now you are trying to accuse me wrongly? What more, you are even trying to record my confession.”

Sarah held Ashley’s hand and forwarded it, which was still holding the phone, Sarah smirked and Ashley’s eyes widened in shock.

“Ashley you snatched my fiancé, you gave me drugs and proved me a drug addict, you defamed me in front of the whole society, you broke my marriage, even you tried to kill me and still you are trying one or the other gam to spoil my life.”

Sarah said calmly, but it triggered Ashley and she blurted everything out in a rage.

“Yes, I did all this because you are the one who tried to snatch my first love. Ronald was my fiancé whom you snatched before, now I got it back what was mine. If you will try to be troublesome in my life, I won’t leave you.”

Ashley was about to pounce on Sarah, but Sarah stopped her and showed her something which made Ashley all pale.