Ashley To confess Her Exploits

Ashley’s face brightens when she heard that Ronald is agreed to accompany her to her father’s place, but the bubble of her happiness wasn’t longer. Sarah busted it by her words.

Sarah came near Ashley with an evil smirk and whisper in her ears, “Ashley don’t forget what you have to do today otherwise yesterday what we have shown was just a trailer. If you again try to trick anything evil, then I will not hesitate to let you know the consequence of messing up with me. Don’t forget I still have that video.”

Ashley nodded with teary Eyes.

After breakfast Stefan and Sarah drove off towards Sarah’s community, and knew that with in some time Ashley and Ronald also coming to the same community.

Although it doesn’t matter to Sarah and Stefan what Ashley and Ronald will do in this community, still today they wanted to know what they will do in the community because Sarah has asked Ashley to confess her mistakes in front of her father and grandmother.

After sometimes having a good time in Smith’s house and chit chatting with Sarah’s mom and granny, Stefan stood up to go to office and bid Sarah a formal adieu.

“Sarah, I am leaving for the office you stay here I will pick you up in the evening. If you required any help, please give me a call.”

Don’t know why, but Sarah’s face hung down listening that Stefan is going back and will not be here at the important moment of her life.

“Stefan, if you don't mind, can you not go office today and please stay here? I am sorry if I am bothering you, but it’s a big day for me because Ashley is going to accept her deeds. I don’t want any problem in this plan, please I need you by my side.”

Even Stefan doesn’t know why he felt thrilled deep inside his heart when Sarah requested him not to go to the office but want him to be her side. He consoled his thrilled emotions and nods his head with a smile.

Another side in Miller’s apartment, Ronald was waiting for Stefan to live so that he can get the chance to talk to Sarah.

Oblivious of Stefan’s plan who is not going to the company, Ronald was checking out Smith’s mansion frequently to see Stefan left or not, but Stefan hasn’t left.

At last Ronald was frustrated when his wait was getting longer and longer and finally he was about to leave, but Sebastian stopped him.

“Hey, Ronald, where are you going? Stay, eat lunch with us then, stay for a day then go back in evening with Ashley.”

“I have to go to office today, sorry I can't stay here. I will pick Ashley in the evening.”

Ronald said in a cold tone with a stiff face and walked out of their mansion without even waiting for Sebastian’s response and Sebastian rendered speechless by Ronald’s rude behavior.

Stefan was standing in the balcony and noticed when Ronald came out of the Miller’s mansion and walked towards the community parking. He called Sarah earnestly.

“Sarah, Ronald already left, what are you waiting for to execute your plan? Now what is the benefit to do that in absence?”

“Stefan, I was waiting for this moment only, now I will execute our plan.”

Sarah answer calmly and Stefan was confused.

“But why do you want to do that behind Ronald’s back? Why you don’t want to disclose Ashley’s deeds to Ronald?”

“There are two reasons behind my decision. First, I want to give Ashley a slow pain, if her truth will reveal in a minute then I will not be completely satisfied. I want to show her what she snatched in her obsession was a wrong choice for her, she needs to understand that she won’t be happy ever by snatching somebody’s love.”

“Second thing perhaps she will do some emotional drama in which she is a pro or she can refuse to accept that it’s her voice in the video. Stefan, she will try her best to prove me wrong, it’s obvious that she will not leave all this easily, which she gets after so many wrong deeds.”

Stefan nods his head understandingly.

“Alright, I got it, let’s go now.”

“Wait, let me call mom and granny. Mom, granny, it’s time to go to Miller’s house.”

Sarah called her mother and grandmother and both the ladies’ eyes widen in shock, they have never expected that Sarah will ask to visit Millers after Ashley ruined her marriage.

“Why, what is the need to see those Millers.”

Granny said with a frown, but in response Sarah smirk evilly.

“There was a great show in the Miller’s mansion soon, lets enjoy together, because today nobody can stop us.”

Although Laura and Evelyn were reluctant, still they wanted to know what is Sarah up to because Sarah will not take any step recklessly, just for fun.

No matter whatever reason she is saying she has some concrete reason to once again enter Miller’s mansion.

The doorbell rang of Miller’s mansion and Marie, grandmother of Ashley, opened the door and her eyes widened in shock to see the entire Smith family at their doorstep.

“What are you all doing here? You are not welcome in my house; don’t you dare to step in.”

Marie said sharply like spitting fire, Laura and Evelyn didn’t like her words but Sarah didn’t buy it, she answered calmly.

“Even we have no wish to come to your house, but it’s your darling granddaughter Ashley called us here. If you don’t want us to step in your house then no problem, Ashley we can talk in corridor also, come outcome fast.”

Sarah smirks and Ashely scared by her threat, she has to confess her exploits, obviously she can’t do it in the corridor else many onlookers will be attracted and she will lose her face in front of everybody.

“No, please, not in corridor, you all please come in and talk. Grandmother, please let it be for my sake.”

Ashley pleads to her grandmother, and Marie’s stern attitude softens for her granddaughter.

“Alright, Ashley, just for your sake, I am allowing these wretched people to step in my house, talk fast and chase them out of my house.”

Ashley nod but her voice started stuttering.

“Da…. dad, I…… I want to co….. confess something.”

“Tell me Ashley what happen.”

Sebastian spoke to his daughter softly and Ashley started crying.

“Dad, please forgive me, it was all my fault, I could never forget Ronald.”

“Ashley, what do you want to say? Ronald is already your husband, why are you talking about forgetting him.”

Ashley squeezed her eyes, if she could she would have killed that Sarah who has proof against her and never ever let her truth reveal, but she is helpless.

“Dad, back on the day of marriage, whatever Sarah said about me was correct. I tried to keep her away from her marriage so that I can get married to Ronald.”