Laura Is Upset From Sebastian

“What?” Sebastian and Marie said in unison.

Of course, Laura and Evelyn were shocked that suddenly what made Ashley to confess her crime, but Sebastian and Marie were disbelief.

How could they believe that their innocent and pure-hearted Ashley could commit any crime which Sarah and her granny said about her.

“Ashley, it’s not true, right?”

Sebastian said with so much hope and at the same time Sarah shook her with disdain.

“Ashley, I hope you are not forgetting anything.”

Sarah said with hidden threat and Ashley realized she could be in trouble and she said earnestly in one go.

“No, dad, it’s all true. I was even involved in Stefan’s every action, I was the one who drugged my sister several times, I tried to malign her character. When my all attempt to break this marriage has been failed, I even pushed her in the river to kill her. Yes, I tried to kill her to get married to Ronald, I am a bad woman, please forgive me.”

Ashley started crying more vigorously, slapping her own self like maniac and looking more miserable with unorganized hairs and smeared makeup.


Marie called her in baritone with a daze, Ashley turns towards her grandmother with a hope.


Marie abruptly slapped Ashley hard, making others stunned.

Sebastian walks towards Ashley, but he passed by her and walks towards Laura with an embarrassed face and wet eyes.

Sebastian and Marie were all proud on Ashley and their upbringing till now.

They were blinded by her fake innocence that she can commit any mistake ever, let alone deliberately sin.

When Laura and Evelyn tried to tell them the truth about Ashley and said that Sarah isn’t wrong but Ashley, Sebastian sever all ties with Laura and old lovers separated again, he even disowned her one daughter for another.

Now when Ashley is confessing her crimes Sebastian has lost his face in front of Laura, because of unconditional love for one daughter he has lost another daughter and his love whom he got after so many hindrances.

“You were right Laura, it was my upbringing who made me lose all my face, not yours. Laura, can you please forgive me? I know I even did so many mistakes in past and I repeat them by not trusting you and Sarah. Can you both please forgive me.”

Sebastian patted Sarah’s shoulder, being emotional.

“You are an elder and biologically my father, you don’t need to apologize to me, it’s ok to be misunderstood by parents sometimes but you distrust me. Regarding the forgiveness, it’s not me who has a final say in this matter, whatever my mom will decide, I will support her decision.”

Everybody turned their gazes at Laura to know now what she will make.

“Sebastian, I forgive you.”

Laura sensed everybody’s gaze on her and answer calmly but her answer stunned Sarah, Stefan & Evelyn.

They were not expecting from Laura to forgive Sebastian even after bearing so much insult.

“Mom, are you sure about it?”

Sarah tried to meddle, but Laura stopped her sternly.

“Sarah, let me complete first. Sebastian, I always forgive you, back in the past also and today again. I always understand your problem, I got it back in the past when you choose your family over my love and ditched me you were helpless because you were threatened by your parents.”

“I got it when you chose to trust on Ashley over Sarah because Ashley was brought up by and no wonder you have more trust on your upbringing then mine, but can you assure me it will not happen in the future? You will not ditch me and my daughter for your any so-called helplessness or distrust us for any reason, could you have guaranteed?”

“Laura, I will try my best that nothing will happen in the future, please forget everything and give one last chance to me, to our relation.”

Sebastian said beseechingly, pleading to restore his relation with Laura but didn’t realize the root of their problem

“Every time you tried, Sebastian but you failed, you can’t assure anything and I don’t want to risk my dignity and again, I can’t let you hurt my Sarah and my mom again by your behavior, so it's better we end our meaningless relation here itself for everybody’s sake.”

“Laura, please don’t do this mistake, we actually got each other so many years of separation. Please forgive me and let bygone be bygones. Ashley has made an unforgivable mistake. She has to divorce Ronald and after that Sarah can get married to Ronald.”

Everybody gasped by Sebastian’s words, the relation he is talking about is not acceptable now, Ashley started crying again listening she will be separated from Ronald.

Even though Stefan knew Sarah loves Ronald and they were going to get married, now she is his wife and when her name entangled with Ronald again, it hurts him till the bottom of his heart.

“What the hell are you talking Sebastian, to reconcile with me you are trying to break your daughter’s marriage? Marriage is not game that it’s a promise of lifelong.”

“The most important thing me and you can’t be together, no matter, so stop dreaming about this matter. What’s more Sarah is moved on in her life with Stefan and Stefan is a man of his words unlike you & Ronald. He was beside my Sarah when she was in a desperate need of support and Ronald turned his face from her. She will not go back to Ronald, even I will not let her commit the same mistake and for Ashley do whatever you want to do its none of our business. Sarah, mom let’s go from here.”

Laura’s scold Sebastian and walked out with Sarah, Stefan and Evelyn behind her.

Ashley felt relaxed when Laura refused to let Sarah and Ronald unite in the future, somewhat threat on her and Ronald’s relation has been subsided, but she continued crying, making innocent faces to gain sympathy of her family.

“Mom, ask this girl she that she did really wrong and now she has to confess her sin in front of Ronald and Walters’ family and then divorce Ronald.”

Ahh, a minute before she was at ease that now she doesn’t have to divorce Ronald because Sarah is no more interested in him but his own father wanted to ruin her relation with Ronald whom she got after committing so many crimes.

Even she will lose Ronald now after confessing that what was the purpose to plead Sarah to not to reveal her video.