Stefan's Drunken Confession

Stefan pressed on the gas pedal and speed of the car raised to its maximum, still Sarah wasn’t afraid but she was concern that she hurt Stefan, she tried to talk to him but his stiffed face didn’t restrain her to say anything.

In a blink of an eye, they were in front of Walters palace’s gate.

Sarah looked at Stefan’s dark face, which was stern and looking forward from the windshield.

“Stefan, I am...”

Sarah got down from the car and wanted to apologize from Stefan, but he interrupted her.

“You go inside I am coming in some time.”

Post completing his words, he stepped on the gas pedal and drove off. Sarah sighed seeing the departing car & thought she shouldn’t talk like this with Stefan.

As Sarah entered, she was warmly welcomed by house ladies and everybody started chit chatting. Although Sarah was not in mood, still answered them with a smile. They asked about Stefan and she made a fake excuse of work, then she went to her room.

Late evening, Sarah was waiting for Stefan and drowning in guilt.

“Stefan helped me unconditionally, just for repenting for his one mistake he stakes his whole life for me. He even gets married to me just to support me, in fact Amy’s mom is helping us. Sarah, you were wrong, you shouldn’t say all this to Stefan.”

Sarah was scolding herself while waiting for Stefan, who hasn’t back home till late. Just then the door of her in room clicked open and Stefan entered with stumbling steps. Sarah noticed he is drunk and was about to fall, Sarah ran towards him and get hold of him. Both had a short eye lock, which was broken by Stefan.

“Sarah, I am so bad, I ruined your life, but I swear I didn’t come here for this.”

Stefan said in a drunken state and pinched his throat while swearing, Sarah felt sorry for him.

“Stefan, I am sorry I don’t mean to…….”

Before Sarah could complete her apology, she was interrupted by Stefan.

“Sarah, please, let me finish first.”

Sarah didn’t answer, she supported him till bed, made him sit, but before she can move Stefan held her hand and pulled her, making her strike to his chest. Sarah tried to break free, but Stefan didn’t let her go.

“Please, listen to me, for once.”

Stefan said childishly with an innocent face and blinking eyes, Sarah nodded and Stefan continued while pinching his throat.

“Sarah, I swear I didn’t come back to the city to ruin your life. I have a misunderstanding that Ronald and big uncle are responsible for my Valerie’s death, that’s why I planned my revenge to them and came back. I was aggravated when I came to know Ronald loves you a child without father and even big uncle also agreed for this relation.”

“You know Sarah, my Valerie was also a fatherless child brought by her mother single-handedly. Because her father refused to marriage to her, after making her pregnant. Making these reasons an excuse, my family refuses to accept my relation with Valerie. Thats why my family disowned me.”

“You know Sarah how much it hurts.”

Stefan hiccup and point towards heart, and tears rolled down from his eyes.

“I begged from big uncle to accept this relation but he refused then why his heart softened for his own son? Why he accepted Ronald’s love but not mine? Why Sarah, do you know?”

Stefan was pouring his heart being drunk and Sarah felt bad for him, Stefan took pause of two minutes before continuing.

“I was hurt, Sarah, but I didn’t plan to ruin your life, I swear. It was my bad luck that I met with Ashley, she cried so much for Ronald that I thought she is a victim of love and pain and betrayed by Ronald. It was her plan to defame you in front of Ronald, so that he will accept her. Sarah, I am really sorry it all started from me.”

Steve abruptly hugged her; Sarah felt a shiver in her body by his sudden hug, but she hugged him back.

“But Sarah you are great you forgave me so easily. Why Sarah, why you forgave me so easily?”

Stefan almost hundred times ranted Sarah’s name and crying like a child, his tears were falling on Sarah’s bare shoulder and her heart is beating fast because of his proximity and manly scent.

Sarah consoled her surging emotions and rubbed his back in order to console him.

“It is because I got that you are misunderstanding everything and you deserve a second chance.”

Stefan too felt something in his heart with her that’s why didn’t let her go.

“You not only forgave me, you even pulled me out from the darkness of revenge towards the light of life and hope. You are my true angel.”

Sarah, then broke into a hug, held his hands with her both hands and looked in his eyes.

“It’s not a big deal, even you also have done so much for me, still doing.”

Sarah was also down with emotions but Stefan’s state was out of imagination, he said with so much love, “Sarah today I want to share my deep secret with you, will you listen?”

Sarah smile seeing her behaving like a kid.

“Sure, why not bring it on.”

“I moved on from Valerie, I fall for someone but scare to confess.”

Sarah felt someone pinched her heart hard, even she doesn’t know why she is not feeling happy after listening Stefan’s confession. Why is it paining to her if Stefan loves someone?

Whatever she has to be happy for Stefan, Sarah controlled her emotions and asked, “That’s great if you move on, but why are you scared, just say to her. You are an awesome guy no girl can reject you.”

Although Sarah said this, she has to struggle hard to stop her tears from falling down.

Stefan became happy in his drunken state, looking like a cute child.

“Really, will she accept me wholeheartedly?”

“Yes, of course she will, by the way, who is that lucky girl?”

Even Sarah smiled for Stefan, but her heart aches while asking about the girl.

“It’s you Sarah, I love you Sarah, I love you. I don’t know how, when, where it happened, but I fell for you? I want to live my whole life with you, will you accept me as your husband forever?”

Sarah was numb for a few seconds by Stefan’s out of the blue confession, whereas Stefan looks towards her with hopeful eyes.

Sarah noticed his innocent eyes with lots of hope and unknowingly nodded.

Stefan was beyond happy by her acceptance. He moved towards her slowly, lean to her face and plant a soft kiss on forehead, then he looks towards her lips, Sarah noticed his gaze and closed her eyes. Stefan then leans towards her lips to kiss her.