New Trouble

Stefan then leans towards her lips to kiss her, but before he could achieve his target, there was a loud bang on their room’s door.

Sudden bang startled Sarah, she pushed Stefan and ran towards the door. Sarah was even surprised to see Carol, younger sister of Stefan, in front of the door at the mid of night.

“Sarah, big uncle is asking to summon you and Stefan in his residence area.”

“At this hour?”


Sarah asked in surprise and Carol answer in one word before leaving from there.

“Stefan, we have to go towards big uncle’s residence area, get up.”

Sarah looks towards Stefan’s stumbling steps and held her head, she then put on her night robe, help Stefan wash his face and moved towards Andrew’s residence area.

Sarah found everybody is present there putting on a night robe over their night pajamas proving they all came down in rush, but for what?

They all also have seen Stefan’s stumbling steps proving him tipsy, they were somewhat surprised seeing this and realized that none of them actually knew Stefan, then how would they know about his alcohol tolerance.

Just after finishing his studies, he was disowned by his family, then after Valerie’s death nobody knows where he has gone. When they all almost accepted the fact that Stefan is no more alive, he came back as lunatic in their life and the day his truth revealed he got married to Sarah.

Sarah supported Stefan to the couch, then she noticed a new face in the room, a woman of around her age, wearing high class stylish dress, exquisite makeup with a proud face. She didn’t make a good first impression on Sarah.

“Sarah, she is Betty James.”

Andrew point towards the woman and introduced her to Sarah, but there was a hesitation in his voice.

Sarah nods her head towards Betty and then again turned towards Andrew, she has feeling that Andrew left the introduction in middle.

“She is saying she is Stefan’s wife; they both get married in new your 3 years ago.”

Sarah felt someone dropped on her head, but the next second she consoled herself.

“What nonsense, how is that possible?”

Although Sarah’s voice is low but it was sharp and buzzing in the living hall of Walter’s mansion, but before she could express her thoughts Betty retort harshly.

“Why can’t its possible? Do you all know where Stefan was these many years after Valerie’s death? He was in New York; he was all alone and dealing with his pain, and I supported him. We lived together for two days, but when he came to know that I am pregnant, he married so that our child will not be called as illegitimate.”

Betty said with all proud and smile on her face, but Sarah didn’t find her smile genuine.

In fact, Sarah felt this woman Betty James’s entire story is a lie, but she doesn’t have any proof.

“Impossible, I knew everything about Stefan’s life, he mentioned nothing about you.”

Sarah said confidently, but in return Betty curled her lips in a mocking smile.

“Sarah, right? Tell me is there any man in the world who mention about his ex in front of current wife specially when they didn’t even divorce yet.”

Sarah got her hidden mockery but chuckled inwardly, here nobody knows that till now Stefan and her are not husband and wife but a good friend who shared everything with each other.

“Then probably you don’t know Stefan well.”

Sarah said with a hidden smirk and noticed Betty’s facial expression, which stiffened for a while before turning dark.

“How, could I don’t know my husband, Stefan is my husband and I have all evidence of our marriage and why don’t you ask him who am I to him?”

Betty has no other choice but pull Stefan between them.

“Alright then.”

Sarah shrugs her shoulder and moved aside, then only Betty could see Stefan on the couch leaning against, with closed eyes.

“Stefan, Stefan its me Betty, open your eyes.”

Betty called Stefan with utmost love, but Stefan didn’t budge from his place, Betty tried again and again with all her love but Stefan didn’t open his eyes.

Betty heard some suppress giggle and stopped calling him.


Then Sarah stepped towards Stefan and called him, Stefan straightens himself listening to Sarah’s voice, opened his eyes and looked only towards Sarah.

“Yes, Sarah?”

Sarah gave a mocking glare to Betty and lean towards Stefan.

“Stefan, do you know her?”

Stefan turned his head at the direction Sarah was pointing and found somebody was standing, he tried to look but his vision was blurring because of being tipsy.


Stefan nods his head.

“She is Betty James.”

“I don’t know any Betty James.”

“But, she is saying she is your wife.”

Stefan gave a scanning glare to Sarah from head to toe and chuckled.

“Sarah, did you get drunk, have you forgot you are my wife.”

Siblings of Stefan giggled listening to him and Andrew gave them sharp glare which make them pursed their lips.

Betty felt insulted by the entire scene and pounce towards Sarah with dark face.

“What did you do to make him drink so much that he forgot his wife, otherwise my Stefan’s drinking tolerance is not bad.”

Nobody knows about his drinking tolerance that’s why nobody argued to Betty, but listening to her sharp voice to Sarah, Stefan mounted up from the couch, but stumble, Sarah and Jack immediately supported him.

“There is no point in arguing over this matter until Stefan could identify you.”

Sarah looked towards Betty and said calmly, but her words mocked Betty.

“These are my evidence; hope you can believe those.”

Betty said with rage and threw a file towards Sarah, if Sarah wouldn’t take two steps back, the file would crash to her face, now it landed on the floor making Sarah fume by Betty’s unscrupulous behavior.

Sarah looks towards everybody who was looking blank, then crouches and lifts the file.

There were few photos of Stefan and Betty together, few group photos, and Sarah recognizes that in one Betty and Stefan was with Valerie, as she already seen Valerie’s photo.

Seems like Betty knew Stefan and Valerie well, then she encountered with the marriage certificate, Sarah looked at marriage certificate and the photos of Stefan and Betty attached to the certificate and found it somewhat odd.

Then she turned the pages of file and saw some medical papers, a birth certificate and even paternity test report.

Sarah found everything odd, but didn’t say anything, closed the file and wanted to toss the file at Betty as she did, but kept it with me.

“Seems like you prepared well, before coming here?”

Sarah’s mocking words triggered all high and proud Betty. Betty took two steps towards Sarah, pointing her index finger.

“Hey, you, stop figuring out amiss in my appearance and ask from Stefan when he will in his full sense.”