Who Is Betty James

The next morning Stefan woke up with a terrible headache and rubbed his temple while moaning.

“There is a hangover drink beside you, drink it you will feel better.”

Stefan turned his face at Sarah’s voice and her sitting on couch, being ready in a Mauve colored dress and doing something on the laptop with a solemn expression.

Stefan looked around and found its already sun is shining out, then he checked the time on his exquisite and branded, limited edition wristwatch and found it really late.

“Oh god, I am already late.”

Stefan stood up, sat on the bed leaning at the back post, picked the cup of hangover drink and started sipping it while gazing Sarah’s solemn face.

‘What happened to her, why is she looking so serious today, early in the morning?’

Stefan was trying to figure out Sarah’s mood and then realized, last evening he was terribly drunk and even confessed his love from Sarah.

‘Oh, shit, what did I do, that’s why she is looking upset, probably mad at me. I messed up everything. Hmm, perhaps not.’

Stefan was in confusion and cursing his last night’s action, a minute later while gazing Sarah’s solemn face he gathered courage to talk to Sarah and find out her reaction on his love confession.

“Ahem, Sarah, are you upset with me?”

Sarah was lost in her work looking at the laptop and oblivious of Stefan’s current thoughts, she lifts her head from laptop when Stefan asked something.’

“Hmm, Stefan, were you saying something?”

Both looked in each other’s eyes silently for a few seconds then Stefan continued, “I guess I upset you last evening being heavily drunk, I shouldn’t do that.”

Sarah sighed, “It’s alright, I annoyed you by my taunts and in the result you got drunk, so I was the one who should apologize.”

‘She is looking extra ordinarily calm. Wouldn’t she hear my drunken confession?’

“Hmm, perhaps, I spoke too much while drunk, did I blabber anything absurd an annoyed you? Actually, my alcohol tolerance is bad.”

Stefan asked and looked towards Sarah’s face tentatively. Sarah’s back stiffens, by Stefan’s words. Last evening Stefan confessed his love for Sarah, giving so many chilled shivers to her, even they were about to kiss, but in the morning everything is shattered.

“Don’t you remember anything what happened last evening?”

Sarah asked with a fast beating heart, but maintain her calm and aloof expression.

Even Stefan’s heart beat raised when Sarah asked about last evening. Of course, he remembers that he was emotional last evening and was sorry for Sarah; he apologized to her, then he told her about his pain related to Valerie, he than thanked her for helping him to getting out of the darkness of revenge then he confessed his love to her, then he leaned to kiss her then after he don’t remember anything.

He doesn’t remember that he kissed her or not, if he did then what happened further which made Sarah’s mood solemn early in the morning.

“No, I don’t remember anything.”

After thinking for few minutes, Stefan lied conveniently and Sarah felt a piece of her heart has broken.

‘I used to think that people say their heart out in drunken state, but now I am not sure about Stefan.’

Sarah suppressed her all words in her heart, which she prepared to tell to Stefan in the morning.

“Alright, Stefan, you get ready fast, there is something important downstairs we need to deal with.”

Sarah said with her ever-calm expression at the surface, but there was a storm has been created at the bottom of her heart. Even Stefan was confused with the term ‘important to deal with’.

“Important to deal, what was that?”

“First you get freshened, wash and change, then I will explain you. You are still smelling alcohol.”

Sarah said half-jokingly, Stefan shrugs his shoulder and walked towards the bathroom. Sarah once again busied herself with the work she was doing on the laptop.

After some time, Stefan came out of the bathroom, got changed in the changing room and walked towards Sarah. In the meantime, servants already came twice to knock on the door and with the message of Andrew is calling them, but Sarah was helpless because Stefan wasn’t got ready.

Sarah has to talk to Stefan regarding an important matter, what’s more, she doesn’t want to go downstairs alone to make fun of herself.

“Yes, Sarah, what so important.”

“Stefan, somebody came to our house last evening and claimed herself your acquaintance, but you were drunk and refused to recognize her.”

“Alright, who is she?”

The more Sarah was saying, the more her heart was beating faster, she even felt that her veins are bulging from her neck, but she has to maintain her calmness.

“Her name is Betty James.”

Sarah said and looked at Stefan with a keen gaze.

“Betty James?”

Stefan didn’t give any expression, but Sarah felt like he is drowned in some thoughts, perhaps trying to recognize this name.

“Yes, and she is……”

Before Sarah could finish her words there was a knock-on door, Stefan opened the door and found a servant with the message of Andrew to see them in the meeting hall of his residential area.

“I think we should go.”

Sarah stood up, keeping her laptop aside, and tidied her clothes.


They both were walking when Stefan asked while thinking something, “Why do big uncle wanted to see us in his meeting room.”

Even Sarah don’t know, but she said few things to let Stefan know the importance of this matter.

Sarah and Stefan were the last one who entered the meeting room, rest all members of Walters clan were already present there, including Betty James.

“Sarah, you took so much to show up, were you afraid of the situation? Even dad has to send multiple reminders for you.”

The moment they entered the meeting room, Ashley’s mocking words welcomed Sarah.

Sarah sneer, “When my elder in laws will ask something I will tell them my reason of getting late, for now you keep your mouth shut because you are my younger sister-in-law and I am not answerable to you.”

Sarah was already upset from the situation, and Ashley’s mockery made her irritable.

“Sarah, this is the report of the verification of these documents, I want you to open it and read in front of everybody.”

Andrew said and forward a white envelope towards Sarah, she took it and started opening it with trembling hands and fast beating heart.

“But before that I wanted to ask from Stefan, do you know this woman, Betty James.”

Andrew said in slight high pitch and overbearing tone.

Even Sarah’s trembling hands which are holding reports stiffed and she concentrated towards Stefan who was looking at Betty James.

“Yes, I know her she is Betty James.”

Sarah squeezed her eyes, which turned foggy by Stefan’s answer.