Chapter 38: Nurse

This wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair at all. Though I’m sure that my dad thought that his life was fully lived, it wasn’t. He shouldn’t have had to die because someone was really selfish and decided to play with all of our lives. My dad was nothing short of a hero. He couldn’t complete his mission because he couldn’t bear to see his daughter get hurt right in front of him. He had always wanted to protect me and provide things for me in any way that he could.

You would think that I’d be ready for death, seeing as how I had wanted to kill myself and that’s how I am where I am right now. The only reason I was put into this coma in the first place was because I had the strongest desire to end my life. It didn’t make any sense, but for some reason, I wanted to live now. I wasn’t ready for my death and I wasn’t really sure why. Seeing the way that my dad went out, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have the same fate.