Nersan´rah New Body

Time passed like fleeting sand, similar to how the screams of despair and pain did in the Sacred Treasury.

While the remaining undead fought against the sand soldiers and prevented them to get any closer to Nersan´rah and the girl. Danzel went around and swiftly killed the villagers at a scary pace.

Every time the air-cutting noise was being made from his sword, the blood of the living would taint either his armor or sword.

Few tried to fight against the Wight in order to save their dear lives.

And yet those few were the first to receive their death compared to the ones who hid and pushed others. Though cowardly, it did bring them a few seconds longer to live.

Yes, seconds.

As Danzel saw others betray each other, the one who pushed the other party would be targeted next by Danzel's blade.

The people could only see how death was closing in without being able to do anything.
