Sacred Treasury

Walking down the secret path together with Nersan'rah, they shortly arrived in a fairly large room that had all sorts of magical items, from accessories to weapons, few were in display.

Too few to be exact.

"Is this the treasury that you bosted all about? If yes I am severely disappointed" Danzel said while reading the description of the few items.

Most of them worked like keeping a spell inside of them that could be re-charged similar to his [Rune of Force], but most of them weren't that useful.

Some either created clean water by consuming ones or just shifted the sands to create a shape.

The most useful of them all was a ring that could keep the sand floating to create a shield similar to how the wraiths had done.

They were a nice item, but nothing impressive.

"Of course not, this is merely the lobby of it." Nersan'rah said with a scoff before moving towards a wall that had a centimeter big hole.