Broke up, Again.

Moonbuck City A

In a cafe on the outskirts of town A, there was a couple of lovers sitting across from each other. Their faces showed different expressions. The man stared flatly at the woman. Meanwhile, the woman looked sadly at the man.

But not for long, because soon she became annoyed, when she heard the casual answer from the man in front of her who was now officially become her ex-boyfriend.

"I want us to break up, Glenn."


15 minutes before….

On a trip

Glenn's pov on

I was driving my car at medium speed to one of the cafes to meet a woman who happened to be my lover. Luckily the cafe was not far from my company.

So it didn't take long for me to reach the parking lot of a fairly well-known cafe called Moonbuck. Before I came out, I looked at myself in the rear view mirror to see my handsome face.

Anyway, I should introduce myself.

My parents gave me the name Glenn Alexander, son of Wendy and Renata Alexander. My age right now, umm..., well just said, was enough to get married.


Of course, a handsome man like me, a status in relationship.

After ensuring my appearance, I got out of the car as a result of my own hard work. Do not think I had a rich father and mother, no! I got all this because I was a stubborn man who liked to work like crazy. The result was now, I had everything and could make my parents proud of it.


I checked my car door if it was completely closed, then I continued my footsteps to the cafe. I walked with a little brisk walk, to avoid the raindrops that started falling from the sky.


The cafe's atmosphere was crowded. It made difficult for me to find my lover's whereabouts. I spread my gaze, looked around every corner of the cafe and finally I saw her.

She was at the end of the cafe, to be precisely, in the corner of the cafe, which was quite far from where I was standing. I could see the narrow back of my lover, sitting alone with her back turned to me.

I quickly stepped my feet, walked up to her and tapped her lightly on the shoulder before sitting in front of her, whose face was a little different. There was also no conversation when she usually always preceded.

"What's wrong?" I thought confusedly.

But too bad, I was not a man who could show my confusion, even though I really wanted to ask questions. I had always been like this.


Dropping my butt casually on the chair opposite her. I immediately looked at the table and found nothing on the table. So that automatically my eyebrows raised, asked her who shook her head briefly.

"You haven't ordered drinks or food?" I asked in surprise.

"Not yet," said my lover.

My lover's name was Zoya Arandeeta, a freelance model whose face sometimes appeared in adult magazines. My girlfriend had almost a perfect body shape, with the tattoo we made together on our 100th day. It was not a sweet moment like in dramas that you often saw. Because in fact, I made tattoos because I really wanted to add to my collection of tattoos on my body.

We also lived in same apartments but different room, although sometimes Zoya escaped and ended up with us sleeping together. But nothing happened, apart from warming up with me who fortunately immediately remembered the boundaries that I made myself.

I already told her that I would only touch her when we got married later. But I knew, sometimes she would put on an annoyed face, if I remembered my limits and stopped her.

"Then let me order," I decided and raised my hand to call the waiter who immediately approached us.

"What do you want to order, Sir?" The waitress asked and I looked at my lover.

However, my lover just glanced away, then gave an irritated snort at me. I shook my head, then looked at the waitress who was still smiling kindly beside me.

"Two Vanilla latte," I said and the waitress immediately wrote it down.

However, the waiter and I immediately turned to look at a woman, who was sitting in front of me when we heard an irritated sigh.


"Don't tell me that I forgot her favorite drink," I guessed to myself and binggo, it turned out that my guess was true.

"How come you don't even remember what my favorite drink is." Zoya scolded and I could only massage my neck which was a little sore, because I was doing too many reports without resting.

"Sorry." I muttered in an ordinary tone, because to be honest I was not a man who liked to remember, if you didn't want to say that I was a guy who tended to be ignorant.

"Huh," Zoya snorted and, looked away again as she said her order to the waiter.

"Capucino ice extra wipe cream," Zoya continued a little curtly.

Geez! I just realized, that I had been living with my angry lover for one year. Actually this was a record in my life for having relationships with many women.

Trust me…. I dated the longest maybe about 10 months. Then broke up with many reasons. Sad? Not really, because I actually didn't have feelings in that relationship. You could said, it was bland.

So, spared the pity on me and pitied on them, who struggled to get my love but I did not reciprocate even though I dated all of them.

There was a little secret, why I accepted them. But I would tell later, for now I had to focus with Zoya who sat in front of me.

"Good! So, 1 vanilla latte and 1 extra cappuccino ice wipe cream. Are there more?" the waiter asked.

"No thanks," I said quickly.

Then the waitress left and the drinks came not long after the waitress left us.

"Your drinks, Sir."

"Hum," I muttered and we were really alone now.

We were silent for a long time. We drank the drink we ordered. I would not open my voice and waited until Zoya said what she meant by asking me to come to the cafe. She should have known, at a time like this I had a lot of work to do. Fortunately, I had the right hand of trust, as well as a close friend who I considered like a brother.

Ten minutes passed…

I looked nervously at the watch on my wrist and found that the meeting time was almost here. I intended to reprimand my lover, but it turned out that I was quickly overpowered by a shocking statement from her that made me speechless at once.

"I want us to break up, Glenn," Zoya said without looking at me.

I immediately raised an eyebrow in confusion at her sudden words. As far as I knew that last night we were still fine. This was in my opinion, I didn't know what she thought.

"Break up?" I repeated the statement again, afraid that it could be a mistake of my hearing which I felt was fine.

"Yes, break up. I am fed up of living with you," Zoya replied repeating her words with confidence, even she looked at me with sharp eyes.

How strange, she asked me to make her my lover. However, she was also the one who asked to break up. I have experienced this before and it was the same as before. Thus, here I am, returning casually to her statement with her looking at me in disbelief.


"Why didn't you ask me why I want to break up with you, Glenn? Have you never loved me, even the tip of a nail? " Zoya asked scolding.

Now I became confused as to what was happening right now.

"You are asking to break up, why should I prevent it. That's your decision, I'm not the one who tell you to ask for a break up." I said casually.

She immediately got up from her seat, walked away and left me alone after pointing her middle finger in a curse sentence at me.

"Damn man!" Zoya cursed with many cafe visitors looking my way, probably curious.

"Tsk, I'm lazy to be a spectacle like this," I thought irritably, then left the cafe after I paid our drink bill.

This was the sixth time I broke up from the sixth woman who became my lover. This was not the first experience for me to break up and then got back into a relationship, with another woman who approached me first.

I had many ex-lovers in my life. However, there was not a single woman yet who made my heart flutter, like a normal person who fell in love with their partner.

Would I someday be able to feel when my heart was beating fast because of love? No idea but I felt tired. Maybe after this, my parents would offer me a woman to marry. But then again, whatever, because I felt tired.

To be continued