Shopping With My Wife

On the way to the mall

At the moment we were in the car and headed to the shopping center to buy some raw and instant groceries considering the contract wife I worked with couldn't cook.

My eyes occasionally glanced at Aileen, who was currently looking out the window with the same face as before. Maybe she was thinking about her debt problem, making me think about her problem too.

"Huft.... How can I get involved with this problem?" I thought between being sincere and not.

I felt sorry for her, but believed me I was not a person who could easily feel pity someone and this was the first time my heart melted.

I was afraid that my current feeling could be the starting point for me easily feel pity on her at every opportunity in the future. Whether it was a matter of help or it was about my heart had which never felt a strange flutter.

"Glenn," Aileen called, snapping me out of my thoughts and turning to look at her before returning to the front.


"Tomorrow I have ballet practice in the studio to prepare for a stage. I will come home a bit late," Aileen said with a slightly frightened face.

"Ballet?" I asked for confirmation and Aileen nodded.

"Em.... Yes, ballet," Aileen answered.

"Ok, I also have a meeting and come home a bit late at night. You can rest first, if I'm not home yet," I answered as I turned the steering wheel and entered the basement of the mall where we were going shopping.


I turned off the car engine and removed the key from where it was attached. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt with Aileen doing the same, then we got out of the car together.


We took the elevator and headed to the third floor, where our main destination was the supermarket.


There was no conversation between us, we just looked around with different views. She looked happy meanwhile I just stared flatly.

"Glenn! Can we eat at MCD? I want to eat french fries."

I immediately turned to Aileen, when suddenly she cheerfully asked to eat at one of the fast food restaurants.

Hearing her sudden request, made me frown, because now I no longer saw the worried expression that was painted earlier, when we were on our way from her rented house to the mall.

"French fries? You mean fast food?" I asked for confirmation and Aileen nodded, looking at me with a twinkle in her eye.

"Yup! The mocca floats are delicious too!" Aileen exclaimed excitedly.

"No, that's not healthy," I replied dryly, drawing an annoyed snort from her.

She put on an annoyed face, which made me secretly smile inwardly because she was finally acting normal again.

"Hmpf.... Just say that you are stingy. You are annoying, you know that, Glenn!" Aileen sneered, but luckily this time it wasn't Uncle's call that came out of her mouth anymore.

"Earning money is hard, Ai," I replied casually, then pulled her to follow me to the supermarket, and she replied again in annoyance.

"Fine, I'll treat. How about then? I haven't eaten MCD'S french fries in a long time," Aileen whined as I dragged her to pick up the grocery cart.

"Do you have money?" I asked, facing her and putting on a mocking face with my trademark smirk.

Aileen pursed her lips, then folded her arms in front of her chest while snorting at me.

"Of course, I have!" Aileen snapped with her chin raised.

Instantly made me laugh when I remembered a moment ago Aileen asked me for money for a taxi.

"Pfft.... This morning who asked for money for taxi fare, heum?" I answered loudly, making her move awkwardly and not forgetting her face turned red, maybe she was embarrassed.

"Ukh! You're really annoying. I just want to take advantage of my status as a wife. I mean, why do I have to use my own money for the wife's operational needs," Aileen replied, making me chuckle.

"Oh God! I think my life will be colorful from now on," I thought and shook my head in amazement.

"Taking advantage of your status?" I asked with Aileen nodding.

"Ok, I will buy you as many fries as you want-

"Yes, Glenn, tha-

"But on one condition," I interrupted and Aileen looked at me cluelessly.

"What do you mean?" Aileen asked but I just smiled crookedly to answer her.

"You talk too much," I mumbled, before tugging at her with the shopping trolley in my hand and with that, we started our first shopping trip as a contract couple.

We started from the instant food rack where there were rows of neatly lined noodles. Aileen looked at them with eyes sparkling with joy, making me snort because I could guess her habit by looking at her eyes.

"Glenn! Buy a lot of noodles-

"No!" I answered firmly, of course I immediately got a protest from Aileen who showed puffy cheeks in annoyance.


"I don't care. After this I will ask Mother Rena to teach you how to cook," I said nonchalantly, then dragged her away from the instant food rack.

However, Aileen quickly put in some, then immediately flashed her annoying grin at me.

"For stock, Glenn. You said that you like to came home late at night, do if i'm alone in apartment i'm not hungry." Aileen said with an innocent face, making me sigh before continuing our shopping activities.

"Whatever," I said tiredly, reaping a happy shriek from Aileen who followed me from behind.

We bought a lot of food, fruits and drinks together. Not only that, I also bought some of my necessities, separating myself from Aileen who I didn't know where she was. I just told her to wait for me near the cashier, when she was done with her own needs.

It didn't take long for me to look for my necessities. So I went to the cashier and could see Aileen who was already standing near the cashier by holding a trolley. I immediately approached her then put the things I bought into the trolley she was holding.

"Are you finished?" I asked with Aileen nodding in response.


I nodded and looked inside the trolley to see what had been added to our shopping cart. Her things were not far from sanitary needs and some snacks that were not there before, made me immediately look at her. But annoyingly, Aileen just whistled and pretended not to understand with the look of my eyes.

"If I had known, I wouldn't have let her go get her own needs," I thought.

I sighed again, then pushed our trolley to the cashier. I could hear Aileen mumbling 'yes' and chuckling behind me.

"Geez.... I'm at a loss on how to deal with her behavior and it's only been two days. Oh my God," I continued to myself.

The cashier finally calculated the total price of the items we bought, with lots of plastic bags as containers.

"Six hundred and twenty-three thousand in total, Sir," said the cashier.

I pulled out my wallet, took out my black card and gave it to the cashier. After finished the payment transaction, I turned to Aileen who was standing sweetly near our shopping bags. Aileen looked at me with furrowed brows, when I looked at her with my chin pointing at the grocery bag.

"What?" asked Aileen who didn't understand what I meant, made me smile sweetly and approached her to whisper right in her ear.

"After this we eat french fries, right?" I asked with Aileen nodding enthusiastically.


"Then?" said Aileen repeating my word and looking at me curiously, making my smile wider.

"Then hurry up and carry those shopping bags so that we can have lunch together," I said in a casual tone and walked away leaving Aileen with several shopping bags which should have been heavy.


"Pfft.... How funny," I thought happily, seeing her shocked face.

"Are you serious? Oh, come on, Glenn!" Aileen shouted behind me.

But I didn't care, because I was very happy to see her who always showed an unique face everytime she was angry like that.

To be continued.