Strange Feeling

Glenn's Apartment

We were currently on our way to Aileen's rented house. During the trip Aileen just kept quiet with a worried face as if hiding something. But I let it go. I didn't want to intrude on her privacy.

Even though I wanted to know what she was thinking, but I tried not to make a fuss about it. We were only a contract couple and could break up at any time.

But our relationship would definitely break up as written in the agreement, if I found a partner or she decided to continue her studies abroad, then that was when our relationship would really end.

"Where's your rented house?" I asked, as the car I was driving came across a road with two branches.

"Turn right or left?" I continued and glanced at her who was pointing to the right with her pointed finger.

"Turn right." Aileen replied in a voice that sounded strange to my ears.

However, I just shrugged and continued to turn the steering wheel to turn right. The road we were passing was crowded with children playing, then we arrived at in front of a second floor house with a sign saying 'accept rent for women'.

"So you really are a woman, huh?" I teased her because I couldn't stand the sight of her strange face.

To be honest, even though I had only known her for one day, hmm, no.... two days, I could accept her presence. In fact, I felt like getting to know her. But it was not because I liked her, that was definitely not the reason. It was purely because I felt happy, when I saw her mischievous face every time she made me angry.

"Tsk! Glenn, you always want to make me swear. You want proof, if I really am a woman, huh!"

"See, I am right. Aileen like this is more fun," I thought inwardly but then I immediately shook my head.

"Oh my God, what was I just thinking," I continued to myself.

"Ha-ha-ha.… Calm down, Ai. Just like this you're already angry, how do you think how I felt when you called me 'Uncle' all you want. Whereas I still look young, handsome, and charismatic like this, but being called 'Uncle'. It seems that you want to have your lips gagged?" I replied with sudden narcissism.

"Wait! How many sentences have I just said?" I thought inwardly.

"Tsk, handsome..., yes, when it views from above through a straw. Ah, just forget it! I'd better go inside and pack my things, than fight for no reason with you, huh," Aileen replied annoyed and then got out of the car while I tried to follow her.


"Hey! Ai, wait!" I shouted, opened the car door and saw her who already walked away from me.


"Huh! That kid," I mumbled, and chased after her as soon as I closed the car door. When I arrived at the door which I assumed was the room Aileen rented, Aileen glanced at me with narrowed eyes.

"What?" I asked flatly.

"You are here to help, so don't mess around inside," Aileen warned me, making me snort with what she said.

"Yes, Ai. Don't worry," I replied in a bored tone, then Aileen opened the door a little wider and went inside with me following her from behind.

Her room was not spacious but tidy enough with a single bed and a table that doubles as a study table and a dressing table with many of the women's necessities neatly arranged. There were no sofas and whatever, furniture or household utensils in general, made me guess that Aileen wasn't a rich kid.

"But what she's wearing is pretty branded," I thought to myself.


"Hmm?" I muttered and immediately looked at Aileen who called me.

"I only brought my clothes and books. Some are already packed, you can pick them up," Aileen said and patted a box which I didn't know what was in it.

I just nodded, then took it easily and looked at her questioningly.

"Only that, Glenn. I will take the others out," Aileen continued as if she knew what I was going to ask.

"Ok, I'll wait in the car," I replied as I left her alone in her room.

I went back to where I parked the car, opened the trunk and closed it slowly without locking it because I was still waiting for Aileen's other stuff. I didn't want to bother unlocking it again.

"Fyuh…. After this to the supermarket, then-

I had to swallow my words again, when I saw two muscular men who were looking for Aileen yesterday. Actually, I wanted to meet them, but I was afraid that I mistook them and there would be misunderstandings.

"I'd better give Aileen the money right away, so she won't be haunted by them," I thought, then decided to go back to Aileen's room to warn her.

I saw her stuffing some clothes into the suitcase then she turned her face to me with a frown.

"What is it, Glenn?" Aileen asked confused.

"I saw the two men who chased you yesterday outside. Are they here to see you?" I asked and she immediately fell silent with a pale face.

"So it's just like I thought. I have to pay off Aileen's debt soon," I thought.

"What! Really, Glenn?" Aileen asked confirming with me nodding.

"Then don't go out, Glenn. Let them go first," Aileen said and looked out the window.

"Shouldn't you go to them and say, if you're going to pay off your debt," I said, but Aileen just shook her head with a frightened face and asked us to stay in the room.

"No! I will come to them if I have the money."

"But they just need to say what the account number is and I'll send it right away," I said and she refused my words by shaking her head again.

"No! Um…. I mean, they don't accept transfers other than cash," Aileen answered quickly.

"Oh, I see. Well, it's up to you," I said and we waited until it was safe outside. I saw the look of fear on her face without any pretense, making me want to protect her even more.

"As soon as I have to withdraw money for Aileen. Huft.... For the sake of her college, she is willing to do this," I thought.

For the very first time I felt sorry for someone. I meant feeling sorry from the bottom of my heart, when I saw the difficulty of life for someone who was actually not someone who I had known for a long time.

Not long after, I could see her heaving a sigh of relief at me, smiling and nodding her head slowly.

"It's safe now, Glenn. We'd better get out of here quickly. I'll say goodbye to the landlady first, meanwhile can you take my suitcase to the car?" Aileen asked pleadingly, there was no mischief at all in the flash of her pale face and I nodded.

Like magic, I followed what she said even though I was a person who didn't like being ordered around.

"Sure," I muttered and took the suitcase in her hand.

"Thank you."

"Hm," I mumbled softly, then dragged the suitcase to put it in the trunk. Then she headed to the back of her room. It seemed like the rented house owner was living at the back. I didn't know.

I waited leaning against the body of my car, then stood up straight when I saw her coming out and walking to the car.

"Done?" I asked with Aileen nodding slightly.


"Good! Get in," I ordered and opened the car door for her.

One of my behavior that again seemed strange to me. Because really this was the first time I opened the door for a woman. I had never even treated my ex like this, but with Aileen.... I didn't understand why I was like this. This was really strange.

"Thank you."



I closed the door after making sure she was comfortably seated, and walked towards another door. We left Aileen's rented house area and headed to the next place as planned.


To be continued