My Husband Cook For Me

Aileen's POV on 

Today I came home a little late because of the dance practice I did with my group. I really hoped that with this stage, because later there would be representatives from abroad who said that they would give scholarships for talented ballet dancers.

I really wanted to be a professional ballet dancer like my late mother but my father wouldn't allow it and wanted me to become an interior decorator. 

As I was walking towards the apartment where I was staying temporarily, I felt my phone vibrate and I immediately checked who was calling me. On the screen was the name of Glenn, my contract husband. I winced and wondered why he was contacting me. 

"Hmm, unusual," I mumbled quietly, letting the call out without any intention of accepting it. 

Besides, I would arrive soon at the apartment. So, why should I pick up his call, right? 

Not long after, I finally arrived at the door of Glenn's apartment or my temporary home, until we terminated our marriage contract.

Yes.... I was just waiting for the time, until my contract husband or I decided to end our cooperation. 

Pfft.... Cooperation. 

I found it funny to say that word. But, I was very lucky to meet him. Glenn, maybe from the outside he looked like a cold person and all.

At first maybe yes, Glenn looked stiff when we met at the shop that time. But after knowing him, that was not true at all. Glenn could actually really naughty especially he liked to prank me. 


I opened the door after entering the password that was told by Glenn then I immediately fell silent with a glaring look when I saw, Glenn wiped his hair with a small towel and topless.

This was not the first time, he had always been like that. Walking casually without wearing a top after a shower, was he not ashamed that his six-pack was seen by the opposite sex.

 "Ahh! Ish.... Always showing off your ugly six pack. Can you not put on your clothes? Or at least cover it with something!" I exclaimed annoyed, closed my eyes and turned my back to him. 

But sadly, he didn't heed what I said, instead he snorted, and walked past me into the kitchen as I took off my shoes. I followed behind him, then started bothering him as he opened the apartment fridge. 

"Looks like Glenn wants to cook again. He-he," I thought, giggling happily.

 "Glenn, have you showered?" I he asked idly and intended to tease him with my unimportant question. 

Even though it was very clear, because his hair was still wet and I also could smell the scents of soap. 


Looked, Glenn had always been like that, answering me with whimsical mumble. I wanted to see him upset and give up. 

"What are you doing?" 


"Glenn, answer my question correctly," I continued spoiled, until finally he immediately gave up answering my question. 

" I am looking for something to eat, Ai. Aren't you hungry?" Glenn asked with a patient tone, I immediately answered enthusiastically. 

"Yes, I am, he-he!" 

"Then you cook," Glenn said while facing me and again showing the his six pack making me reflexively close my eyes and raised one hand pretending to hit him. 

"Ahh! Don't turn around. Do you want to be hit?," I said fiercely. 

Again my holy eyes focused on the shape of his stomach. His shape was so beautiful. I wanted to touch it, but I was afraid of making mistakes and if I made a mistake, I was afraid of sin. 

"I am still a little girl. I am still a little girl" I said to myself, but still my eyes couldn't take my eyes off of his stomach. 

"It's useless, Ai. You cover with your hand but still is visible, right?"

Glenn teased with his annoying lopsided smile. I turned my back on him, then grumbled in annoyance.

 "Tsk.... Showing off." 

"Tsk, fine! Go take a shower. I have something to tell you after dinner." Glenn said and it made me frown in confusion. 

However, I tried not to think about it. I nodded, then left the kitchen after replying to Glenn's words as cheerfully as usual. 

"Alright.... Cook something delicious, ok? I go take a shower,"  

With that, I left the kitchen, went to my own room and carried out Glenn's order, who always made me feel like his little sister rather than his wife.

 "Glenn, if one day I like you. Can you think of me as a grown woman and no longer as a kid, as you've been saying for this week," I muttered under my breath, then opened the door and closed it slowly. 

A few moments later

After I finished showering, I went back to meet Glenn in the kitchen. From where I stood,  I could hear the sound of the frying pan colliding with its opponent when they met. 

"When a husband cooks for his wife, it feels very good, doesn't it? I've never thought that my husband will cook for me. Hi-hi," I muttered with an amused laugh afterward. 

At the kitchen entrance, I stood with my face turning red when I saw Glenn's appearance again. How could I not be blush, if at this time Glenn's topless body was only wrapped in a black apron, with his wide back exposed freely in the kitchen.

Looked at his arms that looked sturdy. The shape was just right and not too much, I like it..., oops! 

Every time Glenn was like this, it made me forget myself. Sometimes I got annoyed, if he had shown an annoying face with his annoying behavior too. But, when he was like this, cooking in a handsome style I actually liked it and honestly, I even was fascinated by it. 

For an office worker who left for work in the morning and returned in the evening like Glenn, I thought it was impossible to get such a shape, let alone maintain it. 

For example, my college friends. Their bodies were not shaped like Glenn. Instead of having a good body shape, their bodies actually looked bad. Even though their activities were not as busy as office workers with important positions like Glenn.

"But, my brothers Rendi and Randi were also in good shape. And, they don't like showing off like Glenn, huh," I thought to myself, but then I shook my head to get rid of my absurd thoughts.

 "Why are you shaking your head like that? Is your head about to fall off, do you need help, heum?" 

I gasped and looked straight at Glenn who was currently placing a plate of steaming food on the table. 

"What do you mean by help?" I asked in response, as I stepped closer to the dining table to get a better look at the food Glenn was cooking. 

"I want to help quickly release your head. Do you want it, heum?" Glenn explained with a sweet smile, and looked at me with narrowed eyes that really interfered with my vision. 

"Tsk, you're so mean," I grumbled annoyed. 

However, I immediately lit up when I saw my favorite food served on a plate. 

"Salmon!" I shouted with joy and Glenn immediately snorted at me. 

"Huh.... After diner, don't forget to wash the dishes later. I have work to do. When you are done, I'll talk to you about something. Ok," Glenn said at length. 

I just nodded, then looked at him with a big, carefree smile. 

"Roger that!" 

"Geez," Glenn snorted as he took off his apron and sat down in the chair opposite me. 

"Again I eat by looking at the male muscles. If this continues, I must have grown up prematurely," I grumbled to myself.

This was the first time I had a close relationship and lived under the same roof with a foreign man. I had been living in the care of three overprotective men, who forbade me to have a relationship before I got a job. But once I was out of their control, I got married without feeling the beauty of dating and falling in love. 

Hmm.... I knew this was just a contract marriage, but it was still the same thing. I was married and would be a young widow if we got divorce. 

"Bon appetite." Glenn said and again startled me, I didn't seem to realize I was daydreaming.

"Bon appetite, Glenn," I said and we started our meal. 

"Seeing Glenn's behavior tonight, makes me wonder why he broke up with his ex and left by his future wife? I think they will be very sorry, because they have wasted Glenn. Okay forget the fact that he likes to tease me. But take that as a minus. Nobody's perfect, after all, right?" I thought, then nodded when Glenn asked me.

" Is it delicious?" 

"Umm. It's delicious" I said quickly.

 "Of course, it's delicious, because you don't have to cook it. You just sit down and eat it," Glenn teased, again annoyed me. 

"Tsk, I swear that-

"Oy! Don't swear at someone is older than you," Glenn said as I squeaked in annoyance. 

"So you admit that you're old?" I teased him back, with Glenn glaring at me sharply. 

"What are you saying, Ai?" 

"Sorry.... Come on. Let's continue eating, " I relented and finally managed to make him not angry with me. 

It was always like this, eating with jokes interspersed. 

"Glenn, what a lucky woman who will be your wife," I thought inwardly and looked at Glenn who was busy with his food.

 Aileen' s POV end

To be continued.