It Felt Different

Glenn's Apartment

This was the umpteenth dinner for me and Aileen. As usual at our dinner she would ask her endless questions. Actually, I was not a person who liked to talk while eating. But, a week with her I gave up and replied to every word she said, because if not she would whine and in the end I would be the one who felt disturb.

I admitted that this week my life became colorful and my role had expanded, from being the CEO of my own company to being a chef at home. You didn't need to ask the reason, because it was very clear that it was because of this kid who also was my contract wife.

Even eating like now, felt colorful. While I was enjoying my meal, Aileen with her big smile filled my plate with food again.

"Ai, don't add any more," I said with her just shrugging nonchalantly.

"No rejection. You will need a lot of energy, Glenn," Aileen replied again while enjoying the food casually.

"Why do I need energy at night?" I asked with an eyebrow raised, stopped my meal and looked at her with a crooked smile.

"Who knows.... Maybe you want to exercise at night," replied Aileen who also stopped eating and looked at me with furrowed brows.

I shook my head, then rested my chin on my palm to take a deep look at her.

"Hmm.... I do want to exercise," I confirmed and Aileen immediately smiled.

"See.... So I was right when I said that you need nutrition fo-

"I mean, sweaty night workout with you, heum...." I immediately interrupted what Aileen was about to say.

Aileen immediately looked at me with her eyes getting rounder, then threw me with the grapes which were on the dining table accompanied by a grunt.

"Glenn, does your mouth want to be hit, huh? You are really annoying." Aileen raged with what I said, making me laugh at her exaggerated reaction.

"Ha-ha-ha..., what were you thinking? Why were you so quick to respond when it comes to sweaty night workouts. Whereas, I didn't mean it like that, so I wasn't the one asking to be hit, but you, a kid with perverted thoughts," I joked at length and showed her my teasing grin that had become my favorite lately.

She rolled her eyes again which made her eyes rounder this time than before.

"Tsk, you're lying right? Just admit it that your mind was thinking about that," replied Aileen who was still not willing to budge.

I shook my head and decided to end our argument. It would be very long if I continued and we could reply to each other indefinitely.

"Relax, I'm not like that. Ok, now finish your dinner quickly. I still have work and besides, we still have something to talk about, if you forget," I said relentlessly.

Aileen did as I said. She went back to eating and finished her meal quietly, although occasionally her round eyes narrowed at me. She still seemed suspicious, if the sport I meant was an "unusual" sport.

"Huft, Ai. Why are you making me like a pervert man like this," I complained inwardly.

After that, we ate quietly until the food I cooked, no longer remained. I stood up and walked to the sink and washed my hands. Meanwhile, Aileen was cleaning the dining table and collecting the dirty dishes to wash.

"When you're done, go to the living room, Ai. I'll finish my work first, ok," I said again.

Aileen who was cleaning the dining table turned to me, nodded slightly and showed her big smile by giving me two thumbs up.

"Ok, Glenn," Aileen said and then again wiped the table.

I shook my head at what she was doing. Before leaving the kitchen, I took the time to pat her head briefly and she felt silent with a shocked body.

"Don't too long," I whispered at her.

Then I left her in the kitchen and walked to my room to get my laptop and finish my own work.

A few moments later


I immediately looked away from the laptop screen towards the front, when I heard someone sitting on the sofa right in front of me. I looked at Aileen, who had a curious face with her neck hanging out to see my current work.

"Tsk, don't look, Ai. Sit quietly, I'll be done in a minute," I scolded and looked at Aileen who pursed her lips in annoyance.

"Don't take too long, I'm tired," Aileen said then leaned her body on the sofa, while I looked back at the screen and started to continue the rest of my work that was about to be finished and luckily, in just a few minutes I could finish it briefly.

I turned off the power of my laptop, then closed it and began to focus on Aileen who glanced at me briefly, before returning to playing with her cellphone.

"Hey," I called.

"Hmm?" Aileen replied with a mumble, while placing her phone on the table and staring at me completely.

"I'm going on a business trip to Germany in about two weeks, you come along. Mom already asked," I continued and made Aileen who heard it wink, and showed a face of confusion.

"Germany? In two weeks?" Aileen repeated, with me nodding.

"But what did Mom ask? what do you mean by saying that she already asked?" Aileen continued and she looked more confuse than before.

"Honeymoon. Come on, don't ask too many questions. In two weeks, we'll be leaving for Germany, okay," I explained quickly, when she wanted to interrupt.

"But ..."

"But what?" I asked immediately, when Aileen looked like someone who had a problem, whereas my former lover always wanted to come along, if I went on a business trip like this.

"But, two weeks from now is my performance day, Glenn," Aileen said in a low voice.

I immediately patted my forehead, when I remembered she was busy preparing her stage. The dance performance could be an opportunity for her to be selected for a scholarship program abroad.

"So you mean, your dance performance coincided with the departure to Germany?" I asked to confirm.

"Yes, Glenn."

"What time?" I asked quickly.

"Ten in the morning, until it's over," answered Aileen not explaining.

The word until it was over, indicated an unclear and indeterminate time. What if it turned out that the event lasted until the afternoon or even all day. No one knew.

But I couldn't cancel the departure, because everything had been arranged according to schedule and the party there had confirmed it. I sighed, thinking of a way out of our troubles. I couldn't force my will on Aileen, let alone make her cancel the dance performance that had consumed her time and energy.

"Or..., you can catch up? I'll reschedule your plane ticket. So you can still perform and I can fulfill Mom's request. How about it?" I suggested after thinking things through.

"Could it be like that, Glenn?" Aileen asked in disbelief.

"Of course, why it can not be, Ai," I answered immediately.

Aileen of course showed a happy face. She even got up from her seat and sat beside me to hug me tightly.


"Thank you Glenn. I've been wanting to go to Germany for a long time, but it's a shame that Papa never allows me," Aileen said happily, although at the end of her sentence she grumbled about her dad.

But, her face didn't show any annoyed expression at all. Instead, I saw eyes of longing.

"That's weird. Why didn't she meet her dad? If she really misses her family," I thought confusedly.

However, I tried to ignore it. I was just about to let go of her embrace, but there was something strange about me. My hand went up and hugged her back, then...

What happened with my heart. Why it was like this?

Thump! Thump! Thump!

"My heart is beating fast?" I thought confused.

I woke up from my daydream, when Aileen let go of her arms and looked straight at me with her trademark big smile.

"Then I'll go to my room first. I have another practice tomorrow. Good night Glenn," Aileen said excitedly and left me without waiting for my answer.


I pondered with a frown, and my heart suddenly felt empty. I often cuddled with a woman. However, the moment with Aileen felt different.

"Don't tell me..."

To be continued.