What's The Matter With Me?

GA Invenity Company

"Good morning, Mr. Glenn!" 

"Hmm, morning." 

This morning there was something different from the gazes of the employees who saw me. I immediately noticed my own appearance, as soon as I entered the elevator. 

"There's nothing strange about me," I mumbled, after checking my left and right arms, then looking at the reflection of the elevator doors as well. 

I felt like every day and nothing had changed. I walked in and walked into my lobby as usual. But, why did they see me differently. 

"Or is it because I greeted them back? But, why is it like that," I grumbled with furrowed brows. 


"Ah, just forget it. I don't want to think about it any further." I thought and  shook my head to get rid of unimportant thoughts. 

I immediately stepped into my room, went inside and sat on my chair with a table piled up a lot of folders.

Yesterday I forgot to clear my desk and I didn't allow other people to touch my important things like documents. Right now only Eros had earned my trust and I wondered if there would be anyone else I could trust besides Eros in the future.

I didn't know and I still looked for it. Not long after, there was a knocking sound from outside my room and I assumed it was Eros. 

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

"Come in!" 


"Good morning, Glenn!" Eros exclaimed as he opened the door of my room wide, then went in and closed it again. 


"Hmm, morning," I said. 

I continued my activities which had been delayed due to the knock earlier, then started reading the rows of sentences on the map that had piled up in front of me. Eros stood in front of me, then mentioned my activities today. 

As usual, meetings were my daily meal and I just nodded, with my hands and eyes doing their job. 

"So the meeting with Smith's company is the last meeting?" I asked confirmingly while looking at Eros, when Eros finished mentioning one by one the names of the companies that would cooperate with my company.

 "Yes, we will have a meeting at Smith's company. To discuss the branch office building to be built." Eros explained and made me nod again. 

"Ok, just prepare the paperwork," I said curtly. 

"Ok," Eros replied curtly, then silently stared at me with a strange expression. 

"What is it?" I asked curiously. 

"Are you in a good mood, Glenn?"  asked Eros, making me wince in surprise at Eros' strange question. 

"I'm in a good mood? What do you mean?" 

"I just feel weird about you, Glenn. Your facial expression looks different lately. To be precise, right after you got married, you have a different aura," Eros said and looked at me with almost the same expression as my employees down there. 

"Me? What's the matter with me?" I thought confused.

 "What do you mean by 'different'?" I asked demanding, even I forgot my work and looked at Eros with narrowed eyes. 

"I don't know. It's just my feelings or something. But lately you seem more friendly. Now you're even an idol in your own company," Eros explained and made me think for a moment.

"Wait, Eros said I've become friendlier? So it is true. It is all because I've been greeting back the female employees' greetings recently?" I thought inwardly and tried to think of a logical reason after hearing Eros' brief explanation. 

"Why are they so weird? When I reply to their greetings, they comment on my back, when I don't reply, I'm being called arrogant. Geez! Seriously, Women are so unpredictable! Just the same as.. .. Argh! What was I thinking." I immediately shook my head, when I almost mentioned Aileen's name in my heart. 

"Hey, Glenn, what's wrong? Why are you shaking your head like that?" Eros asked and caused me to flinch and stare at him unfocused. 

"Huh! What?" 

"Tsk, you are daydreaming while I am talking to you. Fine, I'll go back to my room first. There's a lot of work to do before leaving the office," Eros said in annoyance, making me move awkwardly because I was caught daydreaming especially because of Aileen, a kid who claimed to be an adult. 

"Hmm, call me when it's time," I said and Eros just nodded then left my room.


Now the only one left in the room was me and I immediately put my head on the table after the door was completely closed. 


"This is the effect from last night and this morning. Dangerous.... She is really dangerous," I muttered and blamed Aileen who again hugged me after I gave her money as a sense of my responsibility. 

Yes... This morning, I didn't know what I was thinking but I suddenly gave Aileen money with an excuse for meal and fare. I became like a real husband, yeah..., a responsible husband.

"Hmm.... But she didn't have to hug carelessly, right," I thought when I remembered that my empty feeling was filled again every time I felt her embrace.

"Ok, I better stop thinking about it and get on with my work," I continued and then tried to focus on the rest of my work. 

A few moments later 

It was now two o'clock in the afternoon and according to the schedule Eros had explained, we went to Smith's company to discuss our cooperation. 

Smith company it self was a company engaged in interior design. This company placed as the best number two company in its field and competed with the Prambudi company which was also engaged in the same field. But according to news circulating the two companies were not competing, because the children of the owners of each company would be bound in a marriage.

But, I didn't care as long as it didn't hurt me. 

Besides, I had never seen the daughter of the Wiratmadja company, to be precise, the daughter was deliberately hidden unlike other company daughters, who were actually showed in public so that they could get acquainted with other businessmen's children. 

"But who cares," I snorted inwardly, because it really had nothing to do with me. 

Arriving at the company lobby of a tall building with the company name Smith clearly displayed, Eros and I got out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the building.

We were warmly welcomed by the officer on duty at the door, as well as the information officer who immediately contacted their boss. 

We waited for a while, until finally a tall man came and walked towards us. He stood in front of us with a faint smile and extended his hand towards us. 

"Good afternoon, Mr. Glenn, Mr. Eros." 

I welcomed his outstretched hand, smiled faintly and returned his greeting immediately. 

"Good afternoon Sir..." 

"Ah! I am the son of Mr. Barack Smith. I am Rendi Smith. Please come with me, Mr. Barack is waiting in his room," Rendi explained, then shook hands with Eros, after that we followed him to meet Mr. Barack, the owner of the Smith company. 

The meeting went as usual. There were many things that were discussed with Mr. Barack, whose personality was quite friendly, although hidden behind his fierce face. However, to talk about work, I think these two were suitable people to talk to. 

After completing the first meeting and reaching a mutual agreement, we decided to end today's meeting. Furthermore, we would often meet for other meeting, until the building construction process which was my company's obligation was completed.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Rendi. Glad to be trusted to build your company's umpteenth building." I said when we were at the entrance of the company. 

"We are happy with this collaboration, and hopefully we can continue to be partners, Mr. Glenn." 

Eros and I smiled, then extended our hands for a handshake and then left. We returned to our company and arrived around six in the afternoon.

"Are you going straight home, Ren?" I asked Eros, when we were in the elevator. 

"Hum, my work is done. Although there are still some files to work on, but I can do it tomorrow," Eros explained while nodding his head and I also nodded. 

"Ok, be careful," I said curtly. 


"How about you?" Eros asked, as the elevator doors opened. 

We got out of the elevator and walked side by side to our respective rooms

"I'm going home too. There's someone at home I'm responsible of, Ren," I replied and Eros who heard my answer chuckled. 

"Pfft... Responsible? As her husband or babysitter, bro?" 

"Damn you," I cursed in annoyance, before Eros and I parted with Eros who entered his room first. 

"Well, enjoy it, bro. Think of it as a lesson before having your own child, ha-ha!" 


"Damn you, Eros!" I cursed him again, but sadly he had already entered his room and was only left his laughter that could be heard along the corridor leading to my room.

To be continued.