My Husband Comes To Pick Me Up

University Art of City J 

Aileen's POV on 

My friends and I were currently taking a break after practicing for a dance performance that would be held in about two weeks.

While I was discussing dance moves with my team, suddenly there was a slight commotion and somehow my eyes turned to the door, to be precise, turned to a man who was walking in, with his head moving left and right as if he was looking for someone. 

My eyes widened when I saw who it was. I was not sure if that man was him or he was just someone who looked like him. Then the man saw me and our eyes collided. He raised his hand to tell me he was here. Instantly I realized that it really was him and it wasn't a dream. 

"My husband comes to pick me up." I thought to myself. 

Kya! Kya! 

Suddenly the students were screaming. 

"Look! That man is very handsome."

 "You are right. How about we go over there and get acquainted with him?"

"Oh my! What is he doing here," I thought in disbelief. 

"Ai.... Ai.... Hey Ai! What's wrong?" 


I quickly turned to my side when a rebuke of a curious question entered my eardrums. 

"What's wrong?" My friend repeated her question while looking at me curiously. 

"Nothing. Everything it's fine. Hmm, I have to go for a sec," I explained, then without waiting for an answer, I left my friend and walked over to him who was smiling at me. 

Suddenly the atmosphere around us were bustling with shouts, when the female students who participated in the performance saw him smiling. 

"Geez, why does he have to smile? doesn't he realize he's made a fuss?" I thought annoyed when I heard the whispers around me.




"Follow me." 

I quickly interrupted him then pulled his hand to follow me out of the hall. We left the flirtatious female students who were delighted with the arrival of a man in the tie, who looked stunning even without the suit he was wearing this morning.

"Ai slowly," Glenn said who was currently behind me.

This time I disobeyed what he said even though he was my husband, Glenn Alexander. I had to bring out this handsome man who just made a sudden rowdy atmosphere, as quickly as possible.

I never thought that this man would come to my university, whereas yesterday he was still cool and didn't mind if I came home late at night for practice. 

I let go of his hand when we were outside which was a bit far from the hall. I didn't want anyone to see us, let alone see Glenn. I didn't want them to ask me a lot of questions. I turned my body towards him and looked at him. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a whisper, even though there was no one around us. But still, I had to be careful. 

"I come to pick you up, Ai. Mom told me to," Glenn replied casually while shrugging his shoulders.

However, I didn't believe it right away and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"You are lying," I said quickly while pointing my index finger at him and he casually lowered my finger, then shoved my forehead with his long index finger.

"Don't be too confident, Ai. Yesterday Mom called and told me to pick you up, when you come home late like this. You know, crimes is rampant," Glenn explained after savagely shoving my forehead. 

"Ah, come on! You know it very well that although I come home late, I always come home in good condition. So you don't need to worry," I replied annoyed and slapped his hand that was casually pushing my forehead. 


"I said I'm not worried but this was Mom's idea. Tsk.... You are too confident. Ok, don't discuss this anymore. I'll wait for you in the car." Glenn said unconcerned and snorted with the confident statement I said earlier. 

"Was it really Mom who told you to?" I asked, and Glenn nodded approvingly.

I found no a single awkward expression from him, if it was of his own volition. This made me secretly disappointed for having misjudged. I thought Glenn had picked me up because he was worried about me, but it turned out to be wrong and this was all because Mom told him to.

 "Huh, what was I thinking? Is it possible for a mature and perfect man like him to be attracted to me? No way," I thought while sneering at myself. 

"Ok, you better go back inside. I'll be waiting for you in the car," Glenn said, making me flinch and look at him questioningly. It seemed I was absentmindedly daydreaming, even Glenn himself was looking at me in confusion.

"Then why did you go inside?" I asked curiously. 

If he really wanted to wait in the car, why did he get inside? And because of him there was bustling among my friends. 

"There was an officer who came to my car and told me to just come in and wait in the hall if I was waiting for a student who practiced." Glenn explained, making me nod in understanding. 

It was true that the college securities would not allow foreigners to wait in the parking lot at night like this. It would be different if during the day when many vehicles passed by. 

"Then why are you waiting in the car now. When you're told to?" I asked with furrowed brows. 

"Tell me, who was the one who asked me what I'm doing here? And then dragged me out forcibly, heum? I think that the person who dragged me didn't want me to wait inside," Glenn quipped and raised his eyebrow. 

Instantly, I thought that he looked so cool and it made me move awkwardly. 

"Glenn sucks, why does he have to talk I drag him by force. It was a reflex to protect him from the prying eyes of beautiful young women." I thought inwardly.

"Tsk, just because of that you're now angry. I was just a reflex, when I saw you were here," I explained, not being completely honest. 

"I thought that you didn't like I am-

"I like it!"


I immediately covered my lips with wide eyes, meanwhile Glenn showed a slightly surprised face, before turning into a chuckle and patting my head lightly. 

Pat! Pat! 

"Ok, you better get back to practice and I'll wait for you in the car. How about that?" Glenn decided, after pulling his large palm from my head.

 "Why in the car?" I asked quickly. 

"It's okay. I just want to," he replied casually. 


Hearing that, I couldn't possibly force him to wait inside. But that was better, than being eaten by the women in the hall. Moreover, the female students on my campus were beautiful and charming. While I... 

"Fine. I will also finish soon. Just waiting for a routine evaluation from the chairman, and it won't take long," I explained. 

"Ok, I'll be waiting for you," Glenn replied before leaving where we were standing, and heading to the parking lot. 

I could see his back from where I was standing. I also saw how he walked with such a resolute attitude so that there was a loud thump with every step he took. Then he turned and disappeared from my sight, making me sigh tired and realize what had happened. 

"Huft..., after spending some time with him, I feel strange things in my heart with various feelings."


"Oh my!" I gasped in surprise when someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind. 

I immediately turned around and found my friend standing behind me.

 "Where's the man from earlier, Ai?" She asked with her head looking for Glenn's whereabouts. 

"What man?" I asked back, neutralizing my beating heart from the sudden clapping. 

"The one you dragged earlier." 

"He went home. Come.... let's go inside," I said curtly, then left her alone at the back in annoyance, when my own friend asked about my husband - um..., my contract husband. 


I walked in a hurry to the parking lot. I didn't want my friends to follow me to the parking lot because when I was in the hall a lot of people asked me about him.

It really annoyed me because I didn't know what to answer them when they asked who Glenn really was . 

Who was Glenn? 

I couldn't possibly answer that he was my contract husband.

"This sucks," I cursed angrily. 

Then I opened the car door and got in after knocking on the car window as a sign.


"Are you done?" Glenn asked, making me turn to look at him as I fastened my seatbelt. 

"Hmm, thanks for waiting for me," I replied and showed him my best sweetest smile.

But I only got a nod from him before he turned his gaze to the front without smiling back at me.

What the.... 

"You're welcome. Let's have dinner first, ok," Glenn replied while starting the car engine. 


After that, the car he was driving left the campus parking area with only silence between the two of us. 

"Huh..., why do I feel annoyed?" I thought as I stared out the car window. 

Aileen's POV end

To be continued.