
Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-D

Moonlight Bar

Adrian danced crazily without giving a damn if he was hitting someone with his fists or not while dancing.

On the other hand, Elijah was going crazy. Hell, he didn't even get his kiss much less felt Adrian's ass and now Adrian is dancing here on the bar like a crazy beast without giving a damn about anyone. He even forgot how many times he himself has been hit by Adrian's fists.

Adrian raised his hand and both of his hands were holding a bottle of bourbon, he was drinking from both of the liquor bottles from time to time, Elijah, on the other hand, felt like crying, this is already Adrian's 5th bottle and he still isn't done with drinking.

Adrian looked at Elijah and put both of his hands-on Elijah's shoulder while still holding the bottles and dancing while sticking his body with Elijah's.

Elijah gulped, he can fully feel Adrian's body, so warm, so good, he controlled himself, put both of his hands-on Adrian's waist, and moved where ever Adrian moved.

Adrian stared at Elijah and felt himself losing on his handsomeness and yelled grumpily "Why the hell are you so handsome huh? Why do you have such pink lips? Damn, they are so kissable."

"Look at your eyes which always has me in them, damn, even your black hairs are so amazing, why are you so perfect huh? You should be sued for being such perfection, I also want such a perfect and handsome face."

Elijah who heard Adrian gulped even more hardly, Adrian is making him crazy, so crazy, why is he being so childish today and yelled back "What the hell are you talking about huh? Compares to you I am nothing."

"For god sake, look at your cute face, your red lips which are a thousand times more kissable than mine, if I don't kiss them at least once a day, I won't be able to sleep at night."

"Look at your eyes, compares to mine it gives such a soothing and gentle feel."

"Look at your face, such a perfect oval face can make anyone jealous of you."

"For fucks sake Ady, you should be the one who should be sued for being so cute. Everyone who sees you turns around to have just one more look of yours, if it won't be for me, I don't even know how many people would be behind you."

Adrian laughed heartily and then looked at Elijah's eyes, licked his lips, and spoke "Then why don't you keep me for yourself? You can just lock me down somewhere in your house then nobody will be able to see me." And then closed his face in front of Elijah's and continued "Nobody will be able to see your Ad."

Elijah hugged Adrian tightly, buried his face on Adrian's neck, and spoke "Can I? Can I lock you down and keep you for myself my Ady?"

Adrian nodded and hugged Elijah even more tightly "You can, didn't you say you have every right on me? You can just lock me down then, keep me for yourself."

Elijah just hugged Adrian until his emotions calm down and spoke "You are drunk so stop spouting nonsense."

Adrian chuckled and nodded his head "I just gave you a chance to do whatever the hell you wanted to do with me El but you are losing this chance yourself, don't say later I never asked you."

Elijah licked his lips and said, "Don't worry Ady, I will have you, you are mine and we both know this but I will only have you when you are sober and fully awake, not like this."

Adrian laughed and spoke, "Whatever you say El, now let's dance, let's raise our hands in the air, and yell like crazy, today is our day El, today we will sing, we will dance and we will lose ourselves in this crazy place." And again started dancing.

Elijah took a deep breath to calm himself down and followed Adrian's lead, they both danced like this for two hours continuously, and finally, Adrian stopped dancing and came back on Elijah's hug.

Elijah raised Adrian on his shoulder, went towards the counter to pay his bill, and then finally they both left the bar.

Adrian who was now on Elijah's shoulder shook himself to get down, Elijah sighed and put Adrian down, they were just standing outside of Elijah's car.

Adrian looked at Elijah and without saying anything jump on him and start biting his neck.

Elijah cringed but didn't stop Adrian. This happens all the time.

Adrian has a bad habit of kissing and biting people when he is drunk but only those people who are close to him otherwise he will start to throw tantrum like a small kid.

Elijah hugged Adrian, raised him in the air and walk towards their car, opened the car door, and somehow sat on the driver's seat but Adrian still wasn't leaving him and was still biting his neck.

Adrian stops biting Elijah's neck and looked at Elijah and spoke pitifully "More, I want more."

Elijah sighed and gave Adrian the other side of his neck, Adrian without wasting any time start biting his other side of his neck until he was satisfied then he again looked at Elijah and spoke pitifully "More."

Elijah again sighed and gave Adrian his ear to bite, Adrian again starts chewing Elijah's ear and then the second one, then he again looked at Elijah and spoke "More."

Elijah gritted his teeth and hugged Adrian tightly and start patting his back, he patted his back as parents do to their child's until Adrian slept, then he slowly started the car and made his way towards Adrian's apartment.

He is living with Adrian. Well, they always sleep together, either in Adrian's apartment or in his house, so it wasn't something new.

After he parked his car, Elijah picked Adrian in bridal style and made his way to their apartment and finally they were inside of Adrian's apartment.

Elijah slowly placed Adrian on his bed, changed his clothes, washed his body, and then took bath alone, changed his own clothes and laid beside Adrian.

Elijah looked at Adrian who was now sleeping like a child without any care in the world and hugged him, taking Adrian fully onto his body, placed Adrian's head above his chest and slowly kissed Adrian's lips and spoke "Good night Ady, have sweet dreams about your Eli." And closed his eyes.

Adrian made himself comfortable and hugged Elijah even more tightly when he felt a familiar body beneath him, Adrian has a small smile on his face, so warm, so good, so comfortable, finally, he is home, back to his Elijah.