Morning Drama

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-D

Building no. 10, Room no. 75

Adrian woke up from his sleep and the moment he opened his eyes, he saw a handsome face in front of him but instead of greeting the handsome man he felt like slapping the shit out of him and thought:

'Damn you pervert, it is so early in the morning, why the hell did you wake, huh? And can you please stop squeezing my ass, it feels just too good.'

'Hey, hey, hey, your hand is now rubbing my ass, when did I ever permit you to rub my ass huh?'

'Dude, don't pat my ass like I am some two years old kid, and stop touching my ass already.

'Woah, woah, woah, your hand is going towards the middle of my ass, stop it, damn you pervert.' And slapped Elijah's hands-off.

Elijah who although was awake but still has his eyes closed, stayed like that.

He was innocent, it's just his hand which is at fault, how can he let such a good chance pass by at such an early morning. Moreover Adrian still owes him a peck on a lip, he will take that later with more interest.

Adrian gritted his teeth. Damn this pervert, instead of opening his eyes, he is still acting like nothing happened. Then he suddenly felt pain crushing down his head and he yelled in pain "Ahhhhhh!!! My head. Shit, it's hurting."

Elijah who was acting till now hurriedly got up, he forgot Adrian drank so many drinks yesterday, he surely must have had a hangover and spoke: "Stop it, Ady, don't squeeze your head, let me massage it instead." And pulled Adrian's hands off of his head and put Adrian's head on his lap and start rubbing it gently.

Adrian whose mood was now going downward spoke: "Bring me hangover soup or something, this pain is nearly crushing my head."

Elijah spoke patiently "Don't worry I will order hangover soup from the canteen, so don't speak and lay right here and let me massage your head."

So, Adrian just laid there, enjoying Elijah's great service even though the pain was torturing him, he still can't help but feel happy with this situation.

Elijah ordered soup and it came within 3 minutes and their doorbell rang. He stopped giving a massage to Adrian, walked towards the door, took the hangover soup from the delivery man, and brought it to Adrian in a bowl.

Adrian who was still laying on the bed trying so hard not to squeeze his head in pain felt Elijah again tucking his head and he placed his head on Elijah's lap.

Elijah spoke, "Sit properly, I will feed you."

Adrian sat but Elijah the pervert has some other plans, and he put his hand on Adrian's waist and pulled him on his lap.

Adrian who doesn't have any energy to nag just made himself even more comfortable on Elijah's lap.

Elijah was satisfied when he saw Adrian sitting on his lap without complaining and start feeding him soup until it was finished.

Adrian drank soup without any complain and emptied the whole bowl within 2 minutes, he was just too hungry, it's been a long time since he drank such a delicious bowl of soup.

Elijah put the bowl on the small table which was beside their bed and hugged Adrian tightly, not letting him go.

Adrian who was still in pain didn't mind Elijah at all and had his full attention on his headache.

Adrian saw the time and finally spoke "Why the hell are you awake this early? It's just 7 am, today is weekend El."

Elijah who was now breathing Adrian's scent by putting his face on his neck spoke without even raising his head "How the hell would I know? I just woke up and felt your ass on my hand, it felt good so I just start playing with your ass."

Adrian looked at Elijah unamused and spoke "Who plays with ass in such an early in the morning?"

Elijah replied, "I do." And gave Adrian a peck on his neck.

Adrian shuddered when he felt Elijah's lips touching his neck and spoke hurriedly "Stop it El, my head is already hurting and you are now messing with me."

Elijah licked his lips and spoke, "Let's bath together then, it's been a long time since I saw you naked, we can even check our sizes and see how much we both have grown down there, let's see who is big."

Adrian laughed first and then yelled, "Shut your damn mouth you pervert, like hell you don't saw me naked for a long time. Yesterday I was drunk."

"So, there is no way in hell that you will let such a good chance pass by, you surely must have taken all of my clothes off, then cleaned me all over, touch my body until you were fully satisfied and then slowly clothed me back in new clothes."

"And for god sake El we both know who is big, so stop rubbing already and it is not like I am small, I am far bigger compares to other boys, it's just you who has a monster down there ok."

Elijah who heard Adrian turned his head away from him and started feigning ignorance.

There is no way in hell he will admit the truth to Adrian. He didn't just touch his Ady's body all over, he even kissed him until he was satisfied.

Not just on his lips but all over his body, although he tried so hard not to leave any love bites but in the end, he still couldn't control himself, so he placed two love bites on two sides of Adrian's back.

There is no way in hell that Adrian will be able to find them, even if he did, so what? It's not like this is the first time he did something like this.

Adrian just snorted looking at Elijah who was clearly ignoring him now and spoke: "Get your ass up, I need to meet Alex at the local mall today at 10 am and you are coming with me."

Elijah nodded his head furiously and they both took bath, of course, they didn't bathe together as Adrian was being too grumpy, then they got freshen up, wear fresh clothes, and made their way towards the canteen to have breakfast.