
Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-D

Local Mall Parking

"You just gave Alex my 100000 credits," Elijah spoke the moment they both entered the car.

Adrian shrugged "Big deal, it's just 100K credits."

Elijah who heard Adrian spoke hurriedly "You have to at least give me 10 pecks on my lips as a compensation, after all, it was my hard-earned money."

Adrian glared at Elijah and harrumphed "humph, hard-earned money my ass. Like hell I will believe you, and what, 10 pecks for 100K credits, do you think I am so cheap?"

"You will get only 1 peck on the lip for 100K credits, if you want to kiss me with tonguing and all then you have to give me 1 million credits. If you want to touch me all over then you have to give me 5 million credits at the least."

"If you want me to suck you then you have to give me 10 million credits and last but not least if you want to fuck me then you have to give me 100 million credits, after all I am Adrian. How can I be so cheap just to give you 10 peck on the lips only for 100K credits?"

Elijah who heard Adrian gulped so hard that his bobbing of throat even resounded on the car.

So shameless, this dude is becoming more and more shameless as the days are passing.

First gay porn and now this, this is just too unreasonable. It's a clear invitation but somehow it is feeling more like a trap made by a demon who is waiting for me to fell on it.

Elijah took a deep breath, so what if it's a trap he is still ready to fell on it and licked his lips and spoke "Then let's start with the 100 million deal directly and let me fuck you all I want, I will transfer the money the moment we get in our apartment."

Adrian looked at Elijah who was now looking back at him with lustful eyes and smirked "You really think too highly of yourself, don't you El?

"If I want money, I will just take it from your wallet, do you really think that I even need to ask you for that? So, start the damn car and start driving."

"Moreover, let's not forget who we are El, we are two bodies one soul after all, what is yours is mine and what is mine is yours, ain't I right?" And asked in a most teasing tone he could while grabbing Elijah's chin with his hand and tilting his head towards himself.

Elijah so felt like slapping himself right now. He is the one who uses this damn line to take the advantage of Adrian, how come now Adrian is the one using this line. The script is not following like how he thought it would.

Although before Adrian was shameless and good at acting but there was still limit but from yesterday it is like Adrian has suddenly changed. His shamelessness has no limit and the way he is inviting him again and again to give more pleasure is simply inhumane.

Elijah again took a deep breath. Alright, he lost this round but he won't lose without taking Adrian down with him and grinned "You didn't forget the previous peck and ass squeezing deal, did you? You didn't let me peck you on the lip yesterday so there will be interest, one more peck and including today's, now you owe me 3 peck on the lips."

Adrian snapped the moment he heard "WHAT 3 PECKS, HUH???!!! It ain't my fault that you forgot yesterday's deal. Moreover, let's not forget that you did peck my lips while sleeping. There is no way in hell you didn't give me a good night kiss, otherwise, I wouldn't have slept, it's impossible."

Elijah retorted "Good night kiss is my exclusive right, you can't take that away from me and it can never be counted with other deals and you know it. So, stop being grumpy and give me what is rightfully mine, I demand 3 peck on the lips right here, right now." And pouted his lips in front of Adrian's face.

He was serious, damn serious. There is no way in hell he will lose without taking his Ady down with him.

Adrian was so angry. He clutched his fists tightly. Glared at the damn pervert who was now pouting his lips, and knew he has to give three peck, so he did, umah, umah, umah and yelled "Here are your three kisses, if I hear you talking about this deal again I will fucking kill you!!!"

Elijah who was now fully satisfied didn't mind whatever the hell Adrian yelled. He was just too damn happy.

He got 3 pecks on his lips right now, and let's not forgot there is still a good night kiss, so including them, it will be 4, ahhhhhhhh so happy.

Adrian felt his face getting red. Damn he is blushing, he is sure as hell that he is blushing right now.

How can he not when Elijah is the one he just kissed, even though it was not a full kiss but still, he put his hands on his face to hide his blush and start looking outside of the window.

Elijah gulped when he saw Adrian blushing. Fuck, Adrian is blushing, he didn't see it wrong, did he? Why the hell is Adrian blushing? Because of him? There is no way, right?

He gives Adrian a good night kiss every day, then Adrian doesn't blush. But Elijah didn't say anything if he did he knew Adrian will flare up in anger and start beating the shit out of him.

So he just shut his mouth, pull out his phone and start taking photos of Adrian, not minding how many he took and quickly put the phone back in his pocket before Adrian could realize.

Adrian took a deep breath to calm himself down and finally his blushing face stop getting red and became normal.

Elijah also took a deep breath, started his car but didn't drive it immediately, and tilted his face to look at Adrian who was still looking outside of the window, and asked "Where to Ady?"

Adrian didn't turn his head, still looking outside, and spoke "Let's go to Block-B to watch some movie, it's been a long time since we both watch a movie on a big screen."

Elijah nodded and start driving but he still didn't forget about teasing Adrian and whispered "You still owe me ass squeezing."

Adrian who had enough of the damn pervert spoke while gritting his teeth "El, if you didn't stop spouting your bullshit right now then don't blame me for throwing you out of this damn car."

Elijah shut his mouth immediately and drove the car silently like he wasn't even there and the silence descended on the car till they reach their destination.