Elijah, the scaredy-cat

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-B

Pica Theatre

"NOOOOOOO!!! No, no, no, no, no, big no, there is no way in hell we are watching a horror movie especially not this one, you do know how afraid I am of ghosts right, so how can you take me to watch a horror movie?" Yelled Elijah.

The moment he saw two horror movie tickets on Adrian's hand and not just any horror movie, it is 'the horror' movie, which name is 'the rise of kings and queens'.

Whoever loves horror movies must've heard or seen this movie once in their lifetime, this is how much famous this horror movie is.

Adrian smirked. He knows, this is why they are watching this horror movie, to put Elijah back in his place.

This motherfucker needs simulant from time to time, only then he will give me my due respect. Otherwise, I won't even know when I lost my body to this pervert.

Nup, it can't happen, this time I will give my body when I want. This time I will be the one who will be in command of this relationship. I will be the priority and Adrian asked grumpily "Why not? You know I love this movie, because of you I haven't watched this movie for god knows how many years. Today, I will watch this movie no matter what. If you want to come and watch this movie with me, then you can come. If you don't want to, then don't come." And start walking.

Elijah felt like crying. He was so scared that he was nearly shitting his pants when he saw Adrian walking towards the theatre.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down and thought 'Calm down Elijah, calm down. Adrian is there, there is no way in hell that your Ady will let any ghost come close to you.'

'You will be safe as long as you are sitting with your, Ady. On top of that, you can hold your Ady's hands, hug him tightly and even kiss him if you got the chance or you can just directly sit on your Ady's lap and hold on to him like a ghost.'

'Yup, I will do this, If I am going to die, I will take Ady with me like always. We are two bodies one soul. My Ady belongs to me and he will take care of me, be brave, be strong, let's go.' And yelled, "Wait for me, Ady."

Adrian smirked, mission accomplished but before he could fully smirk, Elijah hugged him tightly and spoke hurriedly "I will watch the movie if you promise me you will let me hold your hand, hug you, and let me sit on your lap till the movie ends."

"You have to hold me tightly, not let me go even for a moment, promise me this first otherwise I won't let you take one more step from here."

Adrian who has now his mouth fully opened tilted his head to look at Elijah who was clearly being a two years old kid and throwing tantrums and demanding full attention for watching the damn movie.

He truly felt like slapping this motherfucker. It is just a damn movie for god sake, what the hell is he being so demanding for huh?

But he still thought for a moment, then found there is nothing wrong with Elijah's demand.

Elijah will be the one who will be sitting on his lap, he will be the one who will be hugging Elijah from behind. He can even do whatever the hell he wants with Elijah while he is at it.

He is clearly at advantage in this deal, what can Elijah do? Hold his hand, hug him more tightly, even if he went as far as he wants, it will still end up with a kiss, so big deal and spoke: "Ok. Deal. You can hold my hands, hug me and sit on my lap, no problem at all, let's go then."

Elijah gulped and nodded his head, hold onto Adrian's hand tightly, and walked with him towards the theatre. They both have VIP tickets. They found their seats and sat down.

As Elijah said, he sat on Adrian's lap instead of his seat.

Adrian just shook his head and hugged him from behind. Elijah grabbed Adrian's hand tightly and spoke with a scared voice "Ady, don't leave my hand, ok. Stay like this, hug me tightly, If you lose your grip, I will scream."

Adrian looked at Elijah and felt like slapping the shit out of him and whispered in his ears "Stop being a scaredy-cat, will you? Movie hasn't even started playing yet, so what the hell are you shaking this much for?"

Elijah who was still shaking in fear spoke "Ady, this is a 4D movie, the ghost will come out of the screen, what if he ate us? What if he kills us? What if he drags us in the bathroom and beat us? What if he slices our legs off? What if he.....mmph???!!!"

Adrian put his hand on Elijah's mouth and didn't let Elijah continue speaking. Then looked apologetically towards the people who were now looking at them or more like staring daggers at them.

Their expression was clearly saying, if you didn't shut this damn boys mouth then we will. This boy is being just too negative for himself and now even we are scared to watch this movie'

And whispered to Elijah "Shut the hell up El, people are looking at us with so much anger that they will kill us before that ghost of your will do. And for god sake, no ghost is coming outside of the screen, it is because of the graphics and 4D movie that it looks like things are moving and happening in front of us. This is what makes it even more fun, so just sit on my lap like a good boy and watch the movie."

Elijah just nodded his head, sat on Adrian's lap, holding his hands tightly, not even letting him eat his popcorns or cold drink or anything.

On the other hand, Adrian just sighed. This must be the punishment God is giving him to take Elijah to watch this horror movie.