
Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-B

Pica Theatre

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!! ADDDYYYYYYYYY!!! The ghost is coming! Ady ghost is coming! Save me, Ady! It is in front of my face! WAHHHHHH!!!" Elijah yelled as he jumped on top of Adrian like crazy.

He was hugging Adrian so tightly that Adrian couldn't even breathe properly. Adrian felt like his life seeping out of himself, this motherfucker is watching the movie less and jumping or holding him more.

This has been going on since the movie started, at the beginning, Elijah was in control but as the movie continued Elijah lost it.

He started yelling. Sometimes he yelled. Sometimes he jumped. Sometimes his hands and legs moved. Sometimes he hugged. Sometimes he even bit Adrian when he was scared.

Adrian was going crazy. He truly doesn't understand, what came into him that he took Elijah to watch this darn movie.

Forget about watching the movie, right now he can't even properly take care of Elijah. Elijah is just too scared, he nearly lost his mind when the ghost queen chopped Nicholas's handoff.

Elijah was shaking all over, he tightly hugged Adrian. Adrian was holding him in bridal position. Elijah had shrunk his body and one of his hand came from behind Adrian's neck and he was gripping that hand with his other hand and Adrian was holding him from his waist.

Elijah now had enough of this damn movie so he just buried his face on Adrian's neck and clinch to him tightly.

Adrian hold onto Elijah tightly with one hand and rubbed his face with the other hand. He was now truly regretting his decision to watch a horror movie with Elijah.

He knows Elijah is afraid of ghosts but he is only afraid of TV ghosts and god knows why?

Elijah in his previous life was not afraid of real ghosts on the contrary fear from ghosts gave him even more power.

He killed every ghost he saw. It was like he was the death god for ghosts.

Every ghost or ghost summoner was afraid of Elijah, every time they saw or hear his name, they would feel fear deep down from their souls, this is much how Elijah hated ghosts.

Adrian whispered slowly "El, let's get out of here ok."

Elijah shakes his head furiously "No, don't go, don't leave me, Ady. Just stay here, stay like this. You just watch your movie, let me just hold you like this. I don't want to watch a movie. I just want to stay like this."

Adrian nodded his head and rubbed Elijah's face even more gently with his hand and start watching the movie but who knew Elijah just stayed cool only for 15 minutes.

No matter how much he didn't want to see the movie he could still hear it. He finally couldn't hold himself back and with a corner of his eyes he saw the screen and felt like his soul leaving his body.

Queen this time was chomping on someone's head, eating the head deliciously but Elijah who saw this scene felt like the ghost was chomping his head and screamed "Stooooooooppppppp! Addyyyyyyyyyyy!! She is eating head!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! Adddddddyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! She is eating the head, so disgustingggggggg!!!!!!"

Adrian who was enjoying the movie nearly felt his ears going numb from Elijah's scream.

Motherfucker, why the hell are you screaming in my ears? And just as he was going to beat Elijah, Elijah hugged him even more tightly.

Adrian now couldn't even breathe much less move his muscles. He spoke with his full power "El, you are choking me." And patted his hand slowly for him to release his neck.

Elijah hurriedly pulled his hand back but still didn't let Adrian go, instead grabbed his t-shirt this time.

Adrian took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and spoke "Just 30 minutes movie is left El, come hug me. Close your eyes and you know what? If you behave like a good kid, I will give you ten pecks on your lips and you can even play with my ass all you want ok."

Elijah who heard Adrian nodded his head furiously and spoke: "I have an idea, if I use that idea, I won't be afraid Ady, can I use the idea?"

Adria just nodded his head. As long as Elijah is silent, he will do anything.

Elijah licked his lips, even though he was scared but finally his time has come and without wasting any time, he lifted Adrian's t-shirt up, buried his face inside Adrian's t-shirt, put it back, and hugged Adrian even more tightly.

Adrian was shocked. Elijah's head was now inside of his t-shirt. He could feel Elijah's breath on his chest and tummy. It felt so good and tingly.

He could feel Elijah's hands roaming all over behind of his bareback. He could feel Elijah's rushing breath and now he could even feel Elijah's dick fully erected down in his pant.

Adrian controlled himself, bit his lips, and hugged Elijah to hold him. His own breathing was now rushing and he could feel the blood pumping in his little brother, which was now erecting without asking his permission.

Adrian controlled himself so hard not to moan. Elijah's touch which he hasn't felt for a long time was back to him, so how could his body hold back and his body reacted to Elijah's every touch.

Elijah didn't do anything. He just felt his Adrian's warm body, his manly scent was making him crazy.

He controlled himself not to do anything but he couldn't control his hands and they were now moving up and down behind Aiden's, feeling his back fully.

He so wanted to kiss Adrian tummy, lick his chest, kiss all over but he controlled himself.

Not now, there will be a day when Adrian will be his and he will taste him fully but now is not the right time.

At least he could touch his Ady as much as he wanted right now, feel his bodies warmth, stay close to his Ady, hug him as much as he wants, this much is already good enough.

He doesn't want his Ady to be afraid of him, sooner or later Ady will be his, after all they are two bodies one soul.

After that they both stayed like this, hugging each other, feeling each other, smelling each other until the movie was finished.