Handsome man and a beautiful woman

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-D

Building no. 10, Room no. 75

In Adrian's apartment

Elijah looked at his cutie pie who was now sleeping on the bed on his hug.

He played with his bangs on the head.

Ah so cute, his Ady is so cute, he looked at the time and found he still has half an hour to play with his Ady before his Ady will leave him to do his work.

God knows what that work is but he hates whatever it is, his Ady will leave him for full 3 hours so how can he not hate it.

Even though now he can kiss his Ady, even mark him, he still can't help but wanting more from his Ady, he knows he is being unreasonable, but he loves his Ady just too much.

Adrian who felt Elijah touching and playing with his bangs slowly opened his eyes and cutely yawned "What is the time, El?"

Elijah didn't reply and kissed Adrian, locked both of their lips, hugged him tightly, put his Ady beneath him, got on top of him and kissed him.

Shoved his tongue inside of his Ady's cute little mouth, tasting his inside fully, licking his lips, biting his lips, sucking his lips, squeezing his saliva, drinking it fully, playing with his tongue, until he was fully satisfied.

Adrian tried to resist in the start but soon give up when he found Elijah being so persuasive in eating his lips and just opened his lips slightly to give him more space.

They both stopped when Elijah was satisfied, Adrian patted Elijah's head gently and spoke "It's just 3 hours El, I will be back in your hug in no time, you know your Ady can't live without you right."

Elijah nodded his head while burying his head on Adrian's neck and making his love bite even darker.

Adrian just laid there until Elijah was satisfied with all the work he has done on his neck and then asked "Now tell me what is the time?"

Elijah whispered like a small child "You have 20 minutes."

Adrian nodded, he didn't need to change his clothes, so he stood up, washed his face and got ready to leave, while Elijah was behind him all the time like a small puppy, begging for his attention.

Adrian sighed and patted his little puppy's head who was wagging his tail "I will be back in no time El ok, so let's go send me there quickly."

Elijah nodded his head and they both made their way towards their car.


Tier-1 City Carnage, Block-I

Annientamento Gang Side Branch

Underground Casino

While Adrian and Elijah were being all lovey-dovey, there in a Casino a handsome man and a very beautiful woman were looking at the dead bodies of Jacob and Grace.

Handsome man has a gentle smile on his face, like what he was seeing in front of him weren't two dead bodies but two irrelevant insects.

He was Ryker Beckett, one of the descendants of the main family of Annientamento, looking at the two dead bodies he mocked "Tch, tch, tch, pitiful Jacob." Then he turned towards the beautiful woman and continued "What do you think happened here?"

The beautiful woman who stood by him, scanned the two dead bodies with full seriousness, her attitude was calm while she was checking the two dead bodies.

She was Lucy, Ryker's secretary, and replied when she heard Ryker's question "Well, one thing I am 100% sure of is that the one who killed both Jacob and this woman was the one who was inside of the cell, clearly it's revenge."

"The one who was inside of the cell was a woman. I don't know who she is, how she looks like, it is all just my deduction after seeing the footprints on Jacob and the other woman dead body"

"She will be between 5 feet 9 inches to 5 feet 11 inches in height but I am not worried about her at all though, the one I am most worried about is the person who saved her and the person who made all this mess."

Ryker Beckett nodded his head and asked "Alright then, what do you have about the person who made all this mess for me to clear, do tell?"

Lucy chuckled "Well, frankly, nothing. I don't have anything. I know nothing about that person, I don't even know if that person is he or she, but there is one thing I am sure of, whoever he/she is, he/she is just like you."

"Someone who has awakened their bloodline and he/she is very dangerous, far dangerous than you are right now perceiving the enemy in your brain to be."

Ryker Beckett again nodded, Lucy continued "I will be frank, I have met Jacob many times in the past but one thing about him that I like the most is that he doesn't fear anything, especially not torture, but do you see his face?"

"It's clearly showing that he was afraid of the person who came to kill him and as you can see that the person even cut Jacob's tongue before giving him to the girl who was inside the cage to kill so that he can't speak anything about him."

"So, it makes one thing clear, either he is one of us or the other two underworlds overlords, or it is also possible that he is from military, beside them none can make Jacob feel fear."

Ryker Beckett rubbed his chin with his fingers and spoke "So, now if you are ready, can you please stop keeping me in dark and tell me what you want to tell?"

Lucy laughed "It feels just too good to torture people with suspense dear."

"Alright, let's start then, first: these two died because of the girl who was inside the cage as I already tell you, but what I didn't tell you is that even though I can see all these bruises in Jacob and the girl's body, I still can't find even a small drop of blood from the third party."

"I mean she slapped and punched them, how is it possible that she herself didn't get any bruises, if she did, there has to be her blood on the floor or on the dead bodies but nup, I can't find anything, this cell is just too damn clean."

"No DNA, no fingerprints, no blood drops, not even the chains which bind the woman who was here before inside the cage can be found, nothing, absolutely nothing, whoever he/she is, he/she is just too professional in doing his/her job and cleaning everything from this cell, no, from this whole god damn casino, if we take those bodyguards which are lying dead on the room."

"There are footprints but they won't help. You can't go and check the whole of Arora continent with these damn foot prints. So, they are also close to non-existent."

Ryker finally became serious and the gentle smile on his face was now replaced with a poker face, no one knew what he was thinking right now, then he asked "What about the cameras?"

Lucy shook her head "As I said, everything is cleaned, all the cameras have been destroyed. All the files have been deleted, I can't find anything from the whole damn casino at all,"

"Moreover whoever the hell this mysterious killer was, he/she was sure greedy as hell, forget about the money and weapons, he/she didn't even spare bottles of liquor. I mean how poor can he/she be, when he/she can kill people like a piece of garbage, it is like they are mocking me and my IQ and I hate this feeling the most." If Adrian heard Lucy right now, he surely would've yelled and gave a lecture about the importance of money to her, they were after all thousands of credits liquor so how could he just left them there, nup, can't do.

Lucy continued "That person started his attack from the control room, he killed all three watchmen for starters, then he went to pick Jacob and the woman from the room, where he killed 24 bodyguards and the most unbelievable thing is they all died from a sword, knife or some type of ancient weapons which were used in the previous era"

"Who the hell uses sharp weapons nowadays at such a modern ear? I mean we have guns, one bullet on the head and the person's dead, this is how it should be but no, that person killed everyone with a sharp weapon and he killed all of them gruesomely."

"Some had their heads severe, some had their hands and legs severe. Hell, there were some who were cut from the middle and split into two pieces, but again there was blood from all the 24 bodyguards which filled the room like a fountain shower but nothing from our mysterious killer, not even a speck, I truly want to bow down and kowtow in front of him, if he gave me the chance."

Ryker chuckled "Well don't forget to kill him while you are at it."

Lucy mocked "hahaha, so funny Ryker, I am serious here, there is nothing here, we have lost Jacob, he is one of the descendants, even he is just from a side branch but he always listened to every command and was one of the most beneficial pawns we had, and now he is dead, you have to give this account to the patriarch, it is all on you."

Ryker retorted the moment he heard Lucy "What the hell should I tell that old man huh? That I don't know who killed this moron, that I don't even have a clue what the hell happened here in this god damn casino."

"He will tie me upside down if heard this, so give me something good Lucy, some lead which I can follow or anything, you are always my life saviour and today will be the same, so start using your brain and give me the solution."

Lucy sighed "I can only tell you to find the girl who was inside the cage, otherwise there is nothing I can do. One more thing, all the people who knew about the girl are dead, that means there is no lead, but you can try a different approach and check CCTV's from other areas of previous 10 days or you can meet every person who met Jacob in previous 10 days and ask them, maybe you will have your luck."

Ryker nodded his head furiously and didn't forget to grab Lucy's big thighs and spoke "I knew it, Lucy, you are the best, you are the only one for me, now let's go, we will see if we can find this mysterious person or not."

Lucy just nodded her head, she already knows how stupid sometimes this calm and gentle-faced boss of hers can be, so she has already resigned herself to fate.