Ignorant Scarlet

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block- E

Starlight Residential Area

Building no. 5, room no. 67

Alex, Evan, and Scarlet sat on the sofa silently, staring at their boss from top to bottom.

What the hell is wrong with their boss? Why the hell is he wearing such a cute dress?

Their boss Adrian was wearing a pink t-shirt, cream-colored shorts, his black and little bit of curly hairs were falling onto his forehead, his lips were red swollen obviously from all the kisses he got, he has two dark purple hickeys on his right side of the neck and one on the left side and he was also wearing five pink bands on his right hand to complete his cute look, all and all he was looking so cute that now all the three wanted to just pin him down and start squeezing his cheeks, kiss and lick him all over and also rub his curly hairs while they were at it.

Now all the three subordinates of Adrian's were in a dilemma if whether they should pinch their cute boss or not, especially Scarlet, she has already started to feel an itch on her hands and wants to squeeze her boss's cheeks like hell.

Adrian who was oblivious to the attention he was given, sat across her three subordinates with his arms wide open, like a big boss, but he didn't know how cute he was looking while he was acting like a chunni and he spoke in his regular voice which was as cute and melodious as cuckoo "If you are done staring, shall we start what we came together here for?"

Alex and Evan nodded their head but Scarlet shook her head and spoke fearlessly "Cutie, how about one kiss, let me kiss you one time on the cheek then we can start what we are all here for?"

Adrian glared at Scarlet and harrumphed "Humph, there is only one man who can touch my body and that is my man Elijah except him nobody has even right to see my handsome face, you should be happy I am not asking for you to pay to see such a handsome face live."

All the three people on the room look at the cutie who was without any shame was calling himself handsome.

They so wanted to yell 'dude for god sake, go and see your face on the mirror and then see your own man Elijah's face, you will know what is the difference between handsome and a cutie, and can you please not call yourself handsome while harrumphing, it's just too damn cute.'

Scarlet who knew her beauty ain't gonna work here, lost her will to get a kiss from the chunni bottom and spoke "So, what the hell did you call me here for?"

Adrian coughed to gain everyone's attention "Well, for starters you need to sign a contract with me." And clicked his finger to handsomely pull out a contract from thin air and threw it on the table with a full authorism and went as far as to wave his hand on his curly hairs which clearly said 'Ain't I cool and handsome', but that nearly made everyone in the room to laugh out loud, they even have to bit their lips not to laugh.

Scarlet bit her lips hardly and took the contract to read the content:

I, Scarlet hereby declare that I am selling my soul to Adrian in return of all the following conditions:

1. Revenge against Jasper, Grace, and my family.

2. I, Scarlet can ask two more wishes from Adrian as long as they don't harm his interests and anything belonging to him.

I hereby declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge.

Scarlet Sign:

Adrian Sign:

Scarlet nodded her head and signed the contract and placed it back on the table.

Adrian picked the contract and signed it and like always, the contract burned itself and vanished from the sight of everyone.

Adrian smiled and spoke, "Let's awake your powers, are you ready?"

Scarlet looked at Adrian with a surprised look and pointed at herself "Me, but I didn't ask you for powers and all."

Adrian laughed "You can think of it as a gift from me, so let's get started, let me tell you it will be a little bit painful, so just deal with it, it will only be one-time pain, so it's no biggie."

Scarlet nodded, there is one thing in this world she is not afraid of and that is pain, she has been suffering from pain for as long as she remembers, so big deal, a little more pain won't make much of a difference.

On the other hand, the two people sitting beside her shivered all over when they heard Adria.

They so wanted to yell 'Little bit painful! LITTLE BIT PAINFUL!! Our brain litterly split in two half!!! Our whole head burnt like hells fire!!!! All of our organs were spilling blood like a shower on the washroom and you are saying it was just a little bit of pain!!!!! Why don't you tell us to go and ascend to the heaven while you are at it, huh, you little fucker?????'

Scarlet who was laid back soon regretted her naïve thinking when she felt her brain burning like a black pot, she nearly passed out but that was not enough.

She soon felt her brain splitting in two halves. She felt like killing Adrian, this is what you were saying about a little bit of pain?

This is what you meant for me to deal with huh?

Why don't you just take your sword and start stabbing me while you are at it, you motherfucker?

But she wasn't able to think like that for much longer because she felt something which made her nearly piss her pant.

She was now bleeding all over from her nose, her ears, her mouth, and even her eyes, this time she was truly scared shitless.

Fucker, forget about awakening this power shit and all, just give me my normal life back.

Mommy this outside world is truly frightening, I want to go back home, atleast there she only has to listen to their nagging but here these people are bleeding her all over while showing their cute face and the one who was doing all this shit, was the cutest of them all, cutie overlord.

Scarlet for the first time felt like this world was filled with injustice.

This cutie motherfucker was spilling her blood while smiling and feeding her eyes his cute look, this was double torture, she so wanted to cry and beat the shit out this cutie but she soon find all the energy inside of her body sipping out and she fell on the sofa.

Adrian looked at Evan and spoke, "Give me your hand." Evan nodded his head; he knew what Adrian was going to do and he was already.

Adrian took his hand and put his second hand on Scarlet's back and an indescribable aura came out of Adrian's hand and went inside of Scarlet's body, Evan whose hand was on Adrian's hand suddenly felt his life force declining, he didn't felt any pain, he just felt slight discomfort.

Scarlet who now doesn't even have any energy to move a finger suddenly felt a warm aura inside of her body and she slowly felt all of her body cells regenerating, she felt amazing, she could feel all of her vitality came back to her body which she lost just a moment ago.

All the pain she was suffering slowly started to fade away and she felt such an amazing feeling inside of her that she couldn't explain. It was heavenly, out of this world and it made her relax.

Scarlet raised her head and saw Adrian cutely smiling at her as he spoke "Show everyone what you got my tigress, it is time for you to awake and dominate the darkness of this world for me."