Scarlet’s Power

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block- E

Starlight Residential Area

Building no. 5, room no. 67

Scarlet could feel changes in her body, she couldn't describe it but one thing she was sure as hell that whatever was happening to her right now, it was too damn out of this world.

It was a total miracle, she could feel her body cells rejuvenating, splitting and increasing in number and then it happened, a booming sound resounded inside of her mind and she knew what power she has awakened and she turned towards the three people who were now waiting for her and she used her power.

All the three people who saw Scarlet using her power were shocked or more likely thunderstruck except for Adrian of course as he was acting, he already knew which powers she has even before she awakened them but he still has to act.

Axel and Evan gulped and saw Scarlet standing in front of them.

Yup in front of both of them, there were now three Scarlet's inside the room and all the three spoke together "This is my power, I can split myself into many of me."

Adrian clapped his hands and laughed out loud and then spoke "Cloning, this is what your power looks like, so how many clones can you make Scarlet?"

The moment she heard Adrian, Scarlet's lips turned upward in a beautiful smile, she lifted her one finger and let the other three guesses, she wanted to play with them, tease them and have fun while she was at it.

Alex gulped and spoke "T-T-T-Ten clones."

Scarlet looked at Alex in disdain and asked "Is this the best you can think huh, Lexi???"

Alex who heard his nickname which Scarlet uses him to call harrumphed and pouted in anger "THEN HUNDRED???"

Scarlet harrumphed back "Lexi will always be Lexi, you tell Evan."

Evan who heard his name thought for a moment and then spoke "Thousand?"

Scarlet again shook her head and spoke proudly "The correct answer is ten thousand. Yup, I can create ten thousand clones of myself."

Alex and Evan's eyeballs nearly fall to the ground. Shit, ten thousand clones, why don't she rob the bank while she is at it.

If they can make ten thousand clones of themselves, then they would've start wreaking havoc and surely would've loot half of the Earth by the end of the year.

If Adrian heard the thoughts of his two teammates, he surely would've applauded and told Scarlet to go and rob the bank, this is how much he loves money.

He didn't even let two thousand credit go when he killed all the three people in the control room and loot the damn casino while he was at it.

Adrian on the other hand rubbed his chin with his fingers and spoke "So you can create ten thousand clones, huh? Well, it sounds too good to be true, so what is the catch?" Even though he already knew what is the negative point of her cloning, he still asked her, to create a perfect show for the other two clowns who nearly had their eyes fallen to the floor.

Every power in this world has a price, there is nothing free, if there are advantages then it is to be expected that there will be disadvantages with them.

Scarlet who was proudly smiling nearly had a breakdown, she never thought this cutie will steal her limelight just like that.

Fuck, at least let me show off a little bit then you can speak whatever the hell you want to. She titled her face towards Adrian and glared at him menacingly and spoke "Cutie, now you are truly getting on my nerves."

Adrian gave her an innocent look and spoke "It just came out of my mouth without me realizing."

Like hell Scarlet believed this little fucker. He always does that, he always wants to show off and take others attention.

If someone by any chance had a little bit of limelight stolen from him, he will start to feel an itch in his ass and surely do something to take the limelight back which belongs to him.

Scarlet harrumphed "My every clone has only 50% strength of my real body, this is the only weakness of this power but still we can't really call it weakness. After all, I have gained 10000 bodies in return, all and all I like this power of mine, and I am very happy with it."

Adrian nodded his head in satisfaction, just like what happened in his previous life, Scarlet in the future also had a limit at the beginning of her awakening but as she grew stronger her talent also developed, and then this limit start to lessen, as long as he remembers, Scarlet at her peak could use 70% of her main body power and it's truly an incredible feat in itself.

Adrian spoke, "That's great, then let's start our discussion, let's discuss what I came here for and for what I called every one of you, shall we?"

All the three people in the room nodded their head and took their seats, Adrian also sat on the sofa and spoke: "Well, the thing is I am here for just one more day and after that I am going on a vacation with my Elijah, so from today on we won't be doing anymore locating."

Alex who heard Adrian jumped up and asked cheerfully "So that means we are free until you come back from your vacation boss?" He was so happy that he could dance right there and then.

Now he can take his lovely sister to the shopping mall, buy her new clothes, watch a movie together and at night have dinner outside.

If by any chance Alex's sister heard Alex's thoughts, she surely would've slapped his brother and told him to go find a girlfriend for himself, but soon his dreams were crumbled when he heard Adrian.

Adrian harrumphed "Like hell there is a vacation for you guys, I will give every one of you techniques which are suitable for you before leaving, you will practice those and by the time I come back."

"I expect all you to have a basic in those techniques, if I find out that any of you were wasting your time while I was getting eaten by my soon-to-be husband, then I will surely make all of you regret that you were born in this world."

Alex who has his fantasies crushed before they were born yelled in anger "Why can't we have a holiday, huh? You will be having fun while we will break our bones here, working like morons, we are humans too, we also need holidays, don't you know I have a younger sister at home? I also want to take her out to celebrate, have brother-sister time with her, and get hugs and kisses if it is possible."

Adrian retorted "Why don't you eat your sister alive while you are at it, huh? Your mind is just like some pervert I know, looks like every top are the same, beasts in human skin. If I say practice then that means practice, so stop yelling and listen to what I want to say further."

Alex harrumphed but didn't say anything, on the other hand Scarlet and Evan just sat there listening to two morons who were fighting over nothing.