Distributing Work

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block- E

Starlight Residential Area

Building no. 5, room no. 67

Adrian looked at the three people sitting in front of him and spoke: "Let's start with you Alex. I want everything you can get about Ace."

"His location, the layout of the underground cell where he is placed, how many military officers are there? Their security? Everything which you can get me. It's really important."

"We are talking about military here, there is a reason why even though there are three underworld overlords in Arora Continent, it's still this peaceful and the military is the main reason for that.

"So, let's do this task as secretly as possible, without any causalities on both sides, I don't want to kill military officers for saving Ace, so your task is far more important than anyone here, now everything depends on your report."

Alex who heard Adrian nodded his head with full seriousness, he can take his sister to date later but his work can't stop till he can't find the other two people for his boss, it is far more important to find Ace and Edwin than anything, even though his boss has told him not to worry about Edwin location but he is still trying, the more he is using his powers the more he can now see and locate.

He has to make sure that he is worth the price he is getting from his boss and make himself resourceful and powerful for his boss and hug his boss's thigh, only then he can make his sister's future bright.

Adrian continued "Evan, you were gangster and thief in the past, so you must have your contacts with underworld right."

"I want you to buy weapons, as many as possible, it does not matter which type of they are, just buy whatever you can find. Aircraft weapons, anti-aircraft weapons, heavy artillery, flamethrowers, firearms, anything, as long as you can find them, just buy."

"After buying them you can keep them inside of your cards, after I come back from my vacation I want to see them in front of me and make sure you are buying weapons from different channels."

"You have to be as secrete about this as possible and don't worry about the money, you can use this card to the limit, it has 1 million credits limit. Spend every penny it has and you can take 5 million credits from Scarlet, she will give it to you." Those 5 million credits he looted from Casino when he killed Jacob and others.

It surely made him happy like hell. Fuck, it's 5 million credits they are talking about, it will help them immensely.

Evan nodded his head towards Adrian and then Scarlet, Scarlet also responded by a nod, as long as he has money, weapon will be like a breeze to buy, but why the hell are we buying so many weapons?

We aren't going to blow Arora Continent in two, are we? But he didn't use his brain for too long, it is not his thing, so he stopped thinking.

Adrian then turned his head towards Scarlet and spoke "Beautiful, your work is to help Evan, you can separate your body into ten thousand, so that means you can go to many places at the same time to complete the deal on behalf of Evan. So, it is your work to go to the location where the deal regarding weapons will be completed and bring weapons with you."

"Evan will give you empty cards and you just need to throw the card towards all the weapons while thinking about the weapons in your mind and all the weapons will get inside of the cards itself and then you can come back."

"If by any chance someone tried to be over smart and did something which they shouldn't like taking the money without giving weapons or giving weapons and then killing, at that situation you can just destroy your clone and after I come back, I will destroy them, or there everything from the face of this Earth, are we clear?"

Scarlet hummed and also nodded her head.

Adrian clapped his hands "Good, now that you have all understood, I will pass down the techniques which are suitable for all of you." And waved his hand, three yellow colors circle flew out from his hand and went inside the other three people heads.

All the three people felt pain crushing down inside of their head although it wasn't as painful as they felt when they awakened their powers but it was still painful enough to make all of them grunt in pain and clutch their heads.

Soon all three felt the pain fading, they all closed their eyes, maintained the same position, and start reviewing the information they got inside of their head.

Adrian also closed his eyes and soon his stats came in front of him.

(Awakening power: Soul power stealer)

Name: Adrian Race: Human

Gender: Male Age: 17

Rank: Tier 2 (Expert) Bloodline: Judge (Beginner)

Potential: S Grade Innate Talent: Gravity

Awakening Power: Soul power stealer (High talent), Third eye (Peak talent).

Status: (The average adult males status value is 10)

Strength: 8.0 Agility: 8.9

Vitality: 8.7 Intelligence: 28.1

Wisdom: 24.0 Charm: 26.0

Luck: 44

Skills: (Limit: Wielder of this power cannot cultivate more than ten techniques.)

Negation (Beginner 0/1000), Four directional Movement technique (Beginner 0/100), Clones (Beginner 0/100), 9 locks of quake terror (Beginner 0/100), Sword Technique: Indiscriminate Slaughter (Beginner 67/100), Teleportation (Beginner 27/100), Gravity (Beginner 0/100), All sight (Beginner 0/100), Life steal (Beginner 0/0), Space of chaos (Beginner 15/100),

Soul Points: 1520

Occupation: None

Items on hand: None

Adrian smiled when he saw 1520 Soul points instead of 0.

These soul points generate when he kills any living creature, it does not matter which type of creature it is, as long as it is alive and has an ounce of any type of energy present inside of its body, it will give soul points to Adrian.

This is his talent, Soul power stealer, which steals the basic energy inside of any living creature when they die and gives it to him, now he can place these points to his stats, his techniques, his talents, and even his bloodline.

This is how he became one of the most powerful humans when he was in his future world.

Adrian killed 3 people in the control room which get him 30 soul points, all of them were Tier 1 Normal creature.

Creature ranks are divided into three categories: Normal, Elite, Expert.

When someone has more than 10 stats point in his two of the six main stats then it will be an Elite creature, if someone has four or more than that in any of the six main stats of his body, then the creature will be Expert level.

Then, he killed 24 bodyguards which were all Elite level creatures which gave him 360 soul points, they gave him 15 points each as they were Elite level creatures.

Then, he killed 113 employees which were in security duty which gave him 1130 soul points as they were also normal creatures, total he got 1520 soul points.

Adrian ignored his stats, it is not that he doesn't want a strong body or wants to become powerful, it is just that he has one technique which he wants to urgently level up and use it.

Which is his clone technique, just like Scarlet, he also has cloning technique, but he can only make one clone after he will put points into his clone technique.

But unlike Scarlet's clone, his clone will have 100% of his powers, it will be same as him, everything which he has will also have on his clone, even his weapon.

This is why he wants to level it up, his main body will remain with his husband and accompany him all the time while his clone will work with his teammates and deal with everything here, of course, he won't tell about his cloning to anyone, not even his teammates.

Adrian then start putting points into his technique, 10 soul points is equal to 1 proficiency point. He put 1000 points into his clone technique and it turns from beginner to intermediate in level.

He then looked at his left-over points and found 520 points remaining. He won't let them just sit around and waste them, so he looked at his stats point.

Stats points proficiency depends on tier, in tier-1, 0.1 stat point is equal to 10 soul points but this limit will double after it will become tier-2, which means 20 soul points is equal to 0.1 stats points, in tier-3 it will be 40 points is equal to 0.1 stat points, so on and so on. So, he put 230 points in vitality, 110 points in agility, 180 points in strength, and all of his soul points emptied.

The moment he turned his soul points into stats, Adrian felt a familiar warm and soul piercing aura wreaking havoc inside of his body, it was painful but compares to when creatures change their Tiers, this pain was nothing and within 10 seconds pain faded away, Adrian wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

Now Adrian's stats display looks something like this:

(Awakening power: Soul power stealer)

Name: Adrian Race: Human

Gender: Male Age: 17

Rank: Tier 2 (Expert) Bloodline: Judge (Beginner)

Potential: S Grade Innate Talent: Gravity

Awakening Power: Soul power stealer (High talent), Third eye (Peak talent).

Status: (The average adult males status value is 10)

Strength: 9.8 Agility: 10.0

Vitality: 10.0 Intelligence: 28.1

Wisdom: 24.0 Charm: 26.0

Luck: 44

Skills: (Limit: Wielder of this power cannot cultivate more than ten techniques.)

Negation (Beginner 0/1000), Four directional Movement technique (Beginner 0/100), Clones (Intermediate 0/500), 9 locks of quake terror (Beginner 0/100), Sword Technique: Indiscriminate Slaughter (Beginner 67/100), Teleportation (Beginner 27/100), Gravity (Beginner 0/100), All sight (Beginner 0/100), Life steal (Beginner 0/0), Space of chaos (Beginner 15/100),

Soul Points: 00

Occupation: None

Items on hand: None

Adrian looked at his Clone display:

Clone (Intermediate): Can split creature into two and the creature shall retain everything which the main body does including stats, power, weapons, etc.

Adrian was now very satisfied with stats points. He could now feel his body getting more powerful and now his all worries disappeared.

From now on, he could spend all of his time with his hubby and also deal with his teammates while he is at it.

Ah so good. 'Hubby, I will be back in no time, just wait for your Ady.'