
Tier-1 City Edifice, Block- E

Starlight Residential Area

Building no. 5, room no. 67

Adrian looked at the three people sitting in front of him and spoke "Alright, now everything is in its place and everything is right. So, I am going back to my home, to my hubby, bye-bye." And without waiting for any answer he ran away from Alex's apartment.

All the three people inside the room looked at the cutie who ran away with his full speed, without waiting for them to speak anything.

Alex couldn't hold himself back as he grunted "Fucking hell, he always does that, after his business is done, he always runs away."

"Anyway, I am busy, my lovely dear sister will be at home all alone, missing his dear big brother, I have to go." And Alex also ran away after speaking his mind off, without giving a damn about anyone or anything.

Scarlet and Evan both were speechless looking at the two clowns, who badmouthed each other and ran away.

Evan then turned towards Scarlet and asked "Don't you have anything to say, now you are the only one left without speaking."

Scarlet thought for some time and asked "How about a movie?"

Evan who heard Scarlet also get on with her and nodded his head "I have two latest action movies, let's watch them then."

Scarlet nodded her head and spoke, "Then let me go and buy some popcorns." And just like Adrian, she also clicked her finger and in front of her stood a clone and the clone start walking towards the door without giving a damn about Evan's ridiculous expressions.

Scarlet's expression yelled 'aren't I cool' all over just like his cutie boss.

Evan so wanted to bang his head on the floor, why the hell does everyone on his team are filled with clowns?

He so wanted to ask god for justice. His boss is a cutie, attention freak, and a little bit shameless.

His other teammate is a sis-con, who wants to spend every second of a day with his sister, and buy her whatever the hell she wants, of course in return of some hugs and kisses.

His second teammate is shameless to the core, who doesn't have any shame and walks inside the room just wearing her bra and panties, and shows off her body like some freak.

Of course, he loves it no doubt but still, his dick can't take this much torture, can it?

Can see but not touch, so ridiculous.

Scarlet looked at Evan who was standing and thinking about something while making thousands of different expressions and yelled "What are you waiting for, hurry up?"

Evan woke up from his stupor and nodded his head, ran towards his bedroom, and came back with two CDs in his hand.


While everyone on Adrian's team were busy with their nonsensical work, their boss Adrian was in Elijah's hug and getting kissed like it was both of their last day on this Earth.

The moment Elijah saw his cutie pie, he jumped on him and hugged him tightly and start kissing him like crazy and yelled "My Ady! Oh my Ady! You don't know how much I missed you! You don't know how I spent my three hours without you!"

"I nearly lost my god damn mind and barge into that damn Alex's house but I controlled myself! Now my Ady, you have to give me hundreds of kisses and hugs to mend my fragile little heart! Look it's nearly broken into pieces without you, now give me kissi!!!" And pouted his lips in front of Adrian, demanding kisses from him.

Adrian who was on his Elijah's hug looked at the handsome man who was now acting like a small child and completed his wish by giving him, not just one kiss but 10 kisses on the lips, with tonguing and all.

He even went as far as to lick Elijah's neck and bite him there and make a bold hickey on his neck and asked: "Now my Eli's heart is fine right."

Elijah who now had a blushing face nodded his head shyly and spoke "It is, but it is still demanding more kisses, it wants to lick his Ady's lips, bite them, suck them, nibble them and taste his nectar until there is nothing left in his Ady's mouth."

Adrian gulped, bit his lips tightly, and slowly nodded his head and Elijah who got the permission, hurriedly sat in the car with his Ady and without waiting for a second start sucking Adrian's lips.

The driver didn't wait for asking permission to drive and start driving the car towards their apartment, he truly didn't have a wish to disturb his boss and die at such a young age.

Elijah on the other hand has Adrian on his hug, lips on lips, hugging him tightly, sucking his lips, and drinking his nectar, nearly eating him alive. They both kissed until they got to their apartment.

Adrian finally couldn't take this anymore or more likely his dick was the one who wanted to release itself and broke the kiss and buried his face on Elijah's chest, hiding his face and not letting Elijah see anything.

Elijah who knew that his Ady was now shy and blushing like hell, also didn't make things difficult for him and hugged him tightly, rubbed his back, until both of their breathing stabilized.

Elijah looked at the building in front of him and saw that they were back to their home, lifted Adrian on the bridal way, made his way towards their apartment, without giving a damn about the look all the people giving them, of course, there were some girls who were yelling and giggling crazily while clicking photos, but he just ignored them, enjoyed kissing his Ady.