Romantic Elijah

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-H

Dimiourgia Headquarters

"Adddyyyyyyyyyyyyy...….. Where are you my Adyyyyyyyy... what are you doing my Adyyyyyyy...….. where are you hiding my Adyyyyyyyyyyy...…. why aren't you replying to me Adyyyyyyyyyy...…..?" Elijah sang as he went inside his personal and then saw Adrian sleeping on the bed, looking cute and all.

There is only one thing on his mind now 'Ady is sleeping so let's eat him while he is in his dreamland' and made his way slowly towards the bed, laid down beside him and without wasting his time, he put his left hand on Ady's ass, his right hand on Ady's cheek, his lips on Ady's lips and started sucking Ady's lips slowly, gently, lovingly.

Adrian who was sleeping peacefully suddenly felt someone squeezing his ass and without even thinking he knew that his pervert Eli was back, and then he felt Elijah's tender lips pressing on his lips, so without thinking his body reacted and his lips opened voluntarily.

Elijah smiled when he felt Adrian opening his lips and without wasting any time, he pushed his tongue inside of his Ady's mouth and then they both started kissing.

Adrian's eyes were still closed but his body now was on Elijah's hug, he just laid there submissively and let Elijah take charge of everything while enjoying every moment they both spent together.

Elijah, on the other hand, was losing his mind, Adrian wasn't stopping him on the other hand he was replying to his kisses with more kisses, he lost himself in the moment and start squeezing his ass harshly, his kisses also become harsh.

Adrian felt himself so venerable but he still let Elijah do whatever he wanted, he just laid there like a small kid and let Elijah eat him until he was satisfied and Elijah did, Elijah ate him, Elijah ate his lips until they were red, puffy, his kisses were demanding, domineering, harsh and he kissed him until they both were breathless.

Now both of them were on each other hugs and they both were breathing harshly.

Elijah who wasn't ready to stop made his way towards Adrian's neck and start marking him all over. Elijah was harsh, just like his kisses, he started eating Adrian's neck, he bit, he kissed, he sucked, he nibbled, he tasted until he was satisfied with his work.

Adrian on the other hand bit his lips not to moan when he felt Elijah's teeth's and lips on his neck, he could feel Elijah's warm breath on his neck, he shivered every time when he felt Elijah licking his neck, tasting it with his tongue.

He felt electrocuted whenever Elijah bit him, he was nearly losing his mind on lust, he so wanted to just let Elijah devour him and be done with him, once and for all.

Elijah slowly tilted his face and looked at Adrian's face, Adrian's face was red, his lips were swollen, his eyes were dreamy, he looked so cute and vulnerable that Elijah wanted to start all over again, so he gently whispered in Adrian's ear "Ady, baby, love, can I eat your nipples, say yes baby, otherwise I will lose my mind."

Adrian shuddered all over when he felt Elijah's warm breath on his ear and then he blushed when he heard Elijah, he doesn't have any power to speak right now, so he just bit his lips cutely and nodded his head shyly.

Elijah gulped looking at Adrian's shy face and when he saw Adrian nodding, he nearly couldn't control himself but he somehow controlled himself and slowly and gently kissed Adrian to lose his tight body.

Adrian relaxed when he felt Elijah's gentle kisses and slowly grabbed Elijah's shirt, his eyes now only had Elijah in it and nothing more.

Elijah slowly lifted Adrian's shirt and looked at his small red nipples which were a little puffy by his sucking and without wasting any time, he started eating them.

Elijah felt himself going crazy, Adrian's nipples were sweet, so sweet that he just wanted to eat them forever, he controlled himself so much not to become harsh and start eating Adrian's nipples like crazy, but he knew his self-control was all for nothing, his body wasn't listening to him, he knew he couldn't control himself in front of his Ady, he was losing control of himself.

Adrian on the other hand bit his lips tightly not to moan, he could feel Elijah's tongue on his small pink pointy nipple, he could feel Elijah's warm breath on his chest, he could feel Elijah biting his nipples, he could feel Elijah licking them, tasting them.

It felt so good that he was in ninth heaven, every touch of Elijah made him full, made him feel alive, made him feel loved, made him feel the warmth and he loved it, he loved it how Elijah made him complete, he loved it how Elijah made him breathe, Elijah is his everything, his air, his oxygen, his soul, his other half.

They both knew they won't be stopping anytime soon, so they both enjoyed every moment they were together on the bed and they made love to each other for more than half an hour and finally, both of them stopped.

Adrian's face was red, he was blushing like hell, his breathing was rough, his expression was lustful, his eyes were hazy, his lips were parted and his eyes have Elijah on them.

Elijah himself was the same, his own face was red, his breathing was harsh, his lips were shivering and his eyes were filled with Adrian.

They both looked at each other, they could see the love in each other eyes, and Elijah who had finally controlled his emotions hugged Adrian tightly and whispered "I love you, Ady, more than anything, more than this world, more than anyone, you are mine and mine alone Ady, you are Elijah's Ady."

Adrian knew he was now blushing even more but he still whispered: "I know so there is no need to say it out loud, you are making me embarrassed."

Elijah chuckled "What should you reply when I say I love you, Ady?"

Adrian blushed and buried his face on Elijah's neck in embarrassment and whispered "I love you too El, happy, now shut your mouth."

Elijah bit his lips not to laugh when he saw Adrian's embarrassed expression and just nodded his head while hugging Adrian tightly.