Distributing Sweets

Tier-1 City Edifice, Block-F

Blue Firefly Mall

All the people on the mall stared at the two boys, one was looking cute as hell and the other one was looking hot and handsome as hell.

Cute one was wearing a grey sweater and black pant, his right hand has 5 grey bands on it, his black shoes were cute in which black panther was imprinted.

His hairs were little bit curly, his eyes were full of vitality and had mysterious charm in it, his lips were swollen and red, his face was perfect oval and he looked so cute that everyone now had the phone in their hands and they were clicking his photos non-stop.

On the other hand, handsome one was wearing red court pant, his eyes were cold, he has an evil smile on his face and he was glaring at everyone especially those who were clicking photos of the cute boy, making them shiver in fear.

His hairs were falling on his forehead, although he has a cold and evil look that still couldn't hide his handsomeness, hotness and domineering aura, he was so handsome that even though people were afraid of him even then some girls with their full courage clicked his photos too.

They were Adrian and Elijah, they both just walked minding their own business, not giving a damn about anything and anyone.

Girl 1: God so cute, I so want to squeeze his cheeks, he is so cute.

Girl 2: Me too, look at his black curly hairs, god, it makes him look even cuter, you didn't forget to click his photos right, I had already clicked more than 20 photos but I want more.

Girl 1: I would be damned to forget such a thing, such an eye candy if I didn't click his photos, I will hang myself to death.

Girl 2: God, that handsome man nearly made me piss my skirt, his cold eyes made me shivered all over, but don't know why as a girl I want a man like him, domineering, who takes charge, ahhhhhhhhhh, so handsome.

Girl 1: Gulp, me too, I even clicked 3 photos of him, even though my legs were going soft.

Adrian turned his face and looked at the girls who were talking and smiled cutely, pulled Elijah towards him, and gave him a peck on his lips.

Elijah, on the other hand, was stunned and then blushed, his steps quicken their pace while he was hugging Adrian, on the other hand, Adrian just laughed and waved his hands toward the girls and the crowd

Every girl on the floor squealed loudly "Ahhhhhhhhhh, my eyes, my eyes, I will go blind, wahhhhhhhhhhh oh my god, oh my god, now I can die without any regret from this world."

Girl 1: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, did you see he smiled at us? Oh my god, he kissed him, did you see how that handsome cold man blushed, so cute.

Girl 2: Forget about seeing, I even made a video, I thought why should I waste my time on clicking photos, but who knew something this delicious captured in it.

Girl 1: You made the video, damn girl send it to me too, I want to see this video every night before sleeping.

Girl 2: Will do, don't worry. So handsome, so cute, such a god made pair.

Girl 1: Now I don't have any regret left in this world, after seeing them, it felt like my whole soul rejuvenated, I felt relaxed, so good.

Girl 2: Me too.

On the other hand, Elijah who was still blushing spoke "What is the need to kiss me, Ady? It was so embarrassing."

Adrian laughed "You, getting embarrassed, if such a day comes, I will without hesitation donate my half of the shares, although in my dreams, but I will surely do so."

Elijah harrumphed "Laugh all you want to laugh Ady when we will be in bed, I will take every ounce of interest from your body."

Adrian laughed even more when he saw Elijah harrumphing in anger and spoke "Like I have stopped you before from eating my body, I will just enjoy myself and have fun." And licked his lips while looking at Elijah.

Elijah again felt his face getting red and growled "Shameless."

Adrian laughed "That I am love, and you know it, so just deal with it."

Elijah asked, "What do you want to buy then? Clothes, shoes, watch, bands?"

Adrian spoke, "Whatever I like my ATM card, so just follow me from behind like a good boy, you are here to pay the bill and I am here to buy whatever I want so be a good boy and if I get happy maybe I will let you see myself naked, without any underwear, or maybe even let you squeeze my naked ass while we are at it."

Elijah shuddered when he heard Adrian, he gulped and nodded his head, and spoke "If you say my Ady, I will buy this whole damn mall for you much less some mere dresses."

Adrian nodded his head in satisfaction and spoke "Yup, at least this is what my whole-body worth but no thanks, I don't want this mall, I will just take whatever I want."

Elijah who heard Adrian asked hurriedly "But my reward will stay the same right."

Adrian looked at Elijah who was now checking his body with full of perverted eyes and spoke "As long as you don't touch my cherry, you can have my whole body forever, not just in bed, whenever you want but in return never say no to me, I want my all demands fulfilled without any complaints, what do you say El?"

Elijah gulped and nodded his head without hesitation "Ok, deal. You can ask anything from me, anyway, we are two bodies one soul Ady, what is mine is yours and what is yours is mine, so just take whatever you want, no one will stop you, I will do the same." And squeezed Adrian's small perky ass without any shame.

Adrian nodded his head in satisfaction and smiled evilly but Elijah who now has all of his interest in Adrian's cute body didn't see that evil smile, if he did, he surely would've hesitated and thought hundred times before nodding his head.