Ady will be a good boy Part - I

Tier 3 Potosi city

Sucre resort

Bedroom, Room no. 352

"Wakey wakey Ady, it's time to wake up. Wake up and give your Eli his good evening kiss." Whispered Elijah in Adrian's ears while biting his ears and rubbing his dick on Adrian's ass, going as far as to touch Adrian's asshole again and again with his big dick.

Adrian who finally woke up from his sleep felt Elijah biting his ears and rubbing his dick onto his asshole shuddered. 

Ahhhhhhh so good, Elijah's warm dick is feeling so good between my ass, like it meant to be there, control yourself, Ady, control yourself, it's not time to give up your precious cherry to this fiend, fuck, but it feels too good, it's been a long time since I have taken Elijah's warm dick inside of my ass and ride him like a whore, I so wants to take his big dick, I can't help it, ahhhhhhh such a good torture, and stuttered "E-E-E-El... my E-E-E-El.... pleaseeeeeee stop na...…..Ellllllllllllll....dontttttttt...…..ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... rubbbbbbbb naaaa....pleaseeee Ellllllllllllll...ahhhhhhhhhhhh....." 

Elijah licked his lips, Adrian was moaning in front of him, even going as far as to beg him, if the previous torture wasn't enough now Ady was even giving him the taste of his begging, so how could he stop. 

He put both of his hands on Adrian's ass, squeeze his ass tightly between his giant dick and start humping up and down like a monster while he whispered in Adrian's ears "Adyyyyyyyyyyy just stay like this for your Eliiiiiiii, let me have my fun please, just this once ok, just let me rub my dick on your cute little ass pleaseeeeeeee, your Eliiiiiiiii so wants to release himself and cum, pleaseeeeeee Adyyyyyyyyy."

Adrian bit his lips as tightly as he could, as he looked at Elijah's eyes which were now filled with lust, he gulped, and without saying anything he just locked his lips with Elijah.

Elijah got his clue and parted Adrian's lips with his tongue and shoved his tongue inside of his Ady's cute little mouth, and start thrusting his dick between Ady's cute little ass, sometimes even touching his asshole with his dick head.

Adrian on the other hand was going crazy, how can he not go crazy when Elijah's dick was teasing his cute little pucker like no tomorrow, grinding his dick onto his asshole, touching it again and again, giving him endless torture, keeping him on the edge. 

Moreover, Elijah's mouth wasn't helping at all, his kisses were even more torturous. Elijah was teasing his lips, kissing his upper lips slowly and the moment Adrian start to enjoy the kiss, he pulls his lips and start sucking lower lips, shoving his tongue inside of Adrian's mouth, squeeze whatever he could and the moment Adrian's tongue replied with his tongue, he will pull his tongue out and then lick his Ady's lips, it was an endless torture. 

Elijah was making him horny all over, Adrian couldn't help but look at Elijah with pleading eyes "Pleaseeeeeeee…. Eliiiiiiiiii..... yourrrrrrrrrrr Adyyyyy wants to.....ahhhhhhh... cummmm..... stopppppppppppp teasingggggg naaaaaaa...… ahhhhhhh... uhmmmm..... pleaseeeeee naaaaaaaaa Eliiiiiiiiii....." and now his eyes even has small tears onto them.

Elijah licked Adrian's tears off of his face with his tongue and whispered "Then say you will be a good boy for four days and let your El do whatever he wants to."

Adrian bit his lips, looking like he was ready to cry as he stuttered "Y-Y-Y-You are a baddyyyyyy Eliiiiiii... you are a baddddyyyyyyy.... y-y-y-you will fuck me, i-i-i-if I say yes, badyyyyyyyy Eliiiiiiiiii.... bullyyyyyy Eliiiiiiiii....."

Elijah didn't care whatever Adrian's said and bit his lips and hold onto his lower lips between his lips as he growled "You are mine, do you understand Ady, you are mine and mine alone, and no one else, do you know how much torture I constantly am in?"

"I love you so much that I want to make love to you 24/7, shove my dick inside of your cute little ass and fuck you non-stop until you moan and cry my name all over, everywhere you look you moan my name, you crave my name, this is how much I love you, I want to make you mine Ady, be mine, we are two bodies one soul Ady, two bodies one soul, say you love me Ady, I want to hear it, make your El happy Ady, say it."

Adrian who heard Elijah was now blushing like hell but he still stuttered "I-I-I-I-I love you Eliiiiii, your A-A-A-Ady loves you."

Elijah now had a small smile on his face but he still didn't stop humping as he hugged Adrian even more tightly and start humping his hips even more furiously as he whispered " gooddddd....Adyyyyyyy.... yourrrr assss feelllllssss so gooddddd..... I again wants to eatttttttt ittttttt..... so tastyyyyy….. say Adyyyyyyyyy...… you will be a good boyyyyyyyyy and let your Eliiiiiii dooo whatever he wantsssssss... say itttttt..."

Adrian's again looked at Elijah with pleading eyes but when he say Elijah's eyes only filled with lust, his pleading eyes crumbled, he bit his lips but still didn't agreed as he spoke "Y-Y-Y-You promissssssedddddddd youuuuuuu wontttttt fuckkkkkkk meeeeeee… are breakinggggggg promiseeeeee Eliiiiiii.....if you wontttttttt fuckkkkkkkkk meeeee I will letttttt you haveeeeee my wholeeeeee bodyyyyyy, but no promise breaking."

Elijah who heard Adrian kissed him deeply, shoved his tongue as deeply as he could, and fucked his mouth until he was satisfied as he growled "Alright Ady, whatever you says always goes, I won't fuck you but from this moment on you will be a good boy and do whatever I tell you to, and let me have a taste of your body whenever I want, no negotiation."

Adrian hurriedly nodded his head, as furiously as he could, going even as far as giving a love bite on Elijah's neck as he stuttered "I-I-I-I-I promise, I-I-I-I will be E-E-E-Elijah's good boy, I-I-I-I will do whatever m-m-m-my Elijah says, A-A-A-Ady will be E-E-E-Elijah's good boy."

Elijah bit Adrian's ear as he whispered "So be a good boy Ady and cum with your Eli, cum for me Ady, cum for your Eli."

Adrian bit his lips as he pleadingly looked at Elijah's eyes and spoke "Help me Eliiiii….. help your Adyyyyyy..."