Ady will be a good boy Part - II

Tier 3 Potosi city

Sucre resort

Bedroom, Room no. 352

Elijah licked Adrian from his neck to his face and then shoved his tongue inside of his Ady's mouth and start kissing as furiously as he could, tasting every corner of his Ady's mouth, gulping his Ady's tasty saliva, giving his own saliva to his Ady, playing with his Ady's cute little tongue, biting his Ady's cute pink lips, nibbling them, sucking them, playing them, tasting them. 

Elijah's hands weren't free, with his left hand he was holding his dick between Adrian's ass and tightly squeezing Adrian's cute little ass to keep them onto his dick tightly, and his right hand was now playing with his Ady's cute little nipples and he played them torturously, giving Adrian endless pleasure. 

Sometimes he pinched Adrian's nipples, sometimes he rubbed them with his thumb, sometimes he pulled his nipples, sometimes he squeezed them, he was endlessly torturing both of Adrian's nipples until they were bloody red, just like he loves them.

Adrian like a good boy opened his mouth and let Elijah do whatever he wanted, moaning endlessly inside of his Elijah's mouth, giving his tongue endless pleasure of his moaning vibrating, making Elijah kiss him endlessly, giving him the best pleasure, moreover, he could feel Elijah's warm dick rubbing onto his ass, filling his ass fully. 

Elijah's hand on his nipple wasn't helping him even a little bit, it was making all this pleasure even more torturous, it was a bitter-sweet ride, the more Elijah played with him, the more pleasure he got, and finally he couldn't control himself and start cumming as furiously as he could, the more he cum, the more energy his body left, in the end like a small kid he fell onto Elijah's chest and start huffing furiously.

Elijah himself was breathing heavily, Adrian came but he didn't, he made Adrian lay on the bed, took all of Adrian's cum from his own chest and deliciously ate it.

Adrian was embarrassed looking at his pervert Elijah who was clearly enjoying eating his seed but he was too busy to breathe to say anything.

Elijah looked at Adrian who was looking like a mess, red face blushing like hell, eyes filled with lust, hazy, dreamy, looking high, mouth open, saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, giving him the best slutty look of his, even though he knew Adrian doesn't want to, but Adrian face looked just too lewd so he couldn't help but open Adrian mouth with his thumb and then shove his dick as deep as he could in a single thrust.

Adrian who was breathing like hell till now suddenly felt Elijah's thumb opening his cute little mouth and like a good boy he opened his mouth for his Elijah, and then he felt Elijah pointing his dick onto his lips and then without warning shoving his dick as deeply as he could, Adrian gagged when Elijah's dick directly penetrated his throat but he relaxed his throat next second and took Elijah's dick entirely. 

He knows how Elijah loves to fuck his cute little mouth, so he is professional in this field. In his past life he didn't waste his time, he rode his Elijah like a professional bitch, his past Elijah taught him everything and deep throating was one of them, so like a professional, he relaxed his throat as much as he could, collected as much saliva as he could and took Elijah's dick fully until it was deep down inside of his throat.

Elijah was in heaven, so warm, Ady's mouth feels so warm, moreover Ady was taking his dick fully inside of his cute little mouth, how did such a big dick fit inside of such a small mouth, he didn't know, not that he cares, and like a beast he started fucking Adrian's mouth, as furiously as he could, the more he fucked, the more pleasure he gets. 

Every time he pushed, he could feel his balls hitting Adrian's chin and he loved it, so he started fucking Adrian's mouth deeply, fully shoving his dick inside of Adrian's mouth and then let it stay there, until Adrian was breathless and then give him his due breathe and repeat this process until he finally couldn't hold himself back and start cumming inside of Adrian's mouth.

Adrian like a good boy gulp all the cum down his throat, and then cleaned Elijah's dick fully with his tongue, and then cutely looked at Elijah who was glaring at him while breathing harshly.

Elijah looked at his cute Ady who was cutely looking for praise and kissed him deeply as he whispered "Sooooo goooooood Addyyyyyy..... my little Adyyyyyy was so good.... your Eli is happy Ady, your Eli is happy." And licked Adrian's lips with his tongue.

Adrian blushed and then cutely nodded his head and hugged Elijah tightly.

Elijah being Elijah hugged Adrian back even more tightly and they both stayed like that until they both calmed down.