I am manly, alright!! MANLYYYYYYYY!!!

Red Moon Country, Metaculous Continent.

Capital City- Red Moon Crown City

Grande Hotel, Room no. 999

"WHAAAAAAAAT.... BROTHER ADAM IS BACK...…. I mean, whyyyyyy….. wha... howwwwww...…" Adrian's mind froze the moment he heard the news.

This was what he worried about the most. He wasn't even afraid of the pervert on whose lap he was sitting, getting his neck kissed and licked.

But his brother, that was an entirely different matter.

Knowing his brother, he would follow him literally everywhere, take him to visit every famous place in Metaculous Continent, doing his brotherly duty with full of love. 

Now, he could forget about his pre fucking honeymoon. Fuck, he didn't even care about that absurd honeymoon right now.

Right now, all he cared about was his plan, which was just a step away from being ruined.


Because his brother was Adam Fucking Marshall.