Cheeky Adrian, mischievous Elijah.

Red Moon Country, Metaculous Continent.

Capital City- Red Moon Crown City

Grande Hotel, Room no. 999

Don't know about four days and four nights, but Adrian was surely fucked for four hours continuously without any rest.

Moreover, he loved every part of it. From fucking to taking that giant till his throat, moaning his Eli name all over, begging him to slow down but moving his own ass to increase his pounding.

Getting spanked harshly on the butt to licking his Eli face all over. They did anything and everything possible with their fragile bodies.

And finally, he was allowed to rest, while his Eli hugged him tightly from beneath, making him explore his manly body, which he loved the most.

So manly, so sexy, so domineering, wanting him to touch his body again and again.

Why god, why?

Why such unfairness?