Sad Gavin, speechless everyone.....

Sector- X, Block- A

Thatcher Mansion…

"It is our honor that you came to our house, Young Master Adrian Marshall," Edwin spoke as he stood up to shake Adrian's hand.

He had a motive for starting a conversation this way.

First, it was to tell Adrian that now he knew Adrian's true identity and that there was now no need to be mysterious.

Second, it was to show the authority of Thatcher's house and respect to the person sitting in front.

Third, it was to tell everyone to keep quiet and know their place. That means, Gavin, the second young master of the Thatcher family, whose mouth was fouler than anything in this world.

And knowing this, Gavin was so angry that he nearly beat the shit out of Edwin to tell him to shut up.

But somehow, it controlled itself, but that doesn't mean it won't get his revenge. 

As they say, revenge was the dish best served cold.