Pulling out the ultimate card: Truth

Sector- X, Block- A,

Thatcher Mansion…

True, whatever Adrian said was true.

Lazy, no one was inherently lazy. They become lazy only after coming to the world. 

As for him, he was lazy cuz he had no reason to do anything. He had everything he wanted in the world.

From money to power, even his future was already set in stone. And knowing this, he had no reason to do anything.

Friends, fuck friends, the number of times he had been stabbed in the back had told him how much worth these so-called friends were.

Connections were the only things these so-called friends wanted from him. Nothing much, nothing less.

That was why he would rather have Gavin as his friend and brother than those so-called friends and humans, who only existed just to exploit each other.

Compared to them, his Gavin was nothing but a cute little kid, asking for chocolate now or then to keep itself busy.