The prey! Syntiritis prey!

Sector- X, Block- A.

In the meeting Room.

Looking at the expanded map, everyone's attention turned towards Kiel, as everyone wanted to know the function of the map.

Without keeping them in suspense, Kiel spoke "This empty map has the power to write everything within 1 km permanently. The more you have taken this map to new places, the more it will write itself."

"Plus, it can show everything within Tier 3. With its help locating all the monsters below Tier 3 will become easy. As for Tier-4, we haven't developed this map that much, it will take new materials and we will have to experiment a lot before we can develop it further."

"But for now, this can solve the immediate problem for everyone. As long as we kill Tier-3 and below monsters, Tier-4 monsters will stop birthing. As for those monsters who are already in Teir-4, finding them is quite easy."