3 fucking Tier-3 Void Stones...

Sector- X, Block- A.

In the meeting Room.

"Only cowards use the tactics, Asher. The true warrior to the battlefield, kill everyone in sight, and come back victorious."

"Only people like you who are weak, and vulnerable thinks of thousands of steps, but know that, in front of true strength, everything becomes bullshit."

"And I am that true strength. So, say however and whatever you want. In battle, only Annientamento wins. Only I win."

"So, use your cowardly tactics at home. Teach your people how to survive, and maybe..... maybe... one day they will come in some use."

"Till then, leave everything to Annientamento, we will clear all the monsters for you." Magnus snorted as he haughtily sat on his chair.

And seeing him like this, everyone from Syntiritis couldn't help but grit their teeth.

Everybody had their way of fighting.