Elijah, the salesman...

Sector- X, Block- A.

In the meeting Room.

While the iron was hit, Elijah hit, "Every red dot you are seeing represents a monster in Sector K and L, while the map upwards belongs to Sectors C, D and G, H."

"Green dots all the humans present in Dimiourgia. As for the numbers in every red creature shows their Tiers."

"Within this map, there is no place that I cannot visit. Except for the places, shadowed by the teleportation cloak, void turbulence, void shield, etc, which is normal."

"To remove that we need to grow the limit of the map, you will know that once the map is in your hand."

"Now everyone in Dimourgia has one child map in their hands, we have already cleared six sectors in our possession. Now, only Sector- P is left for us to clear, as for Sector- O, we have decided to declare it as a forbidden zone."