Alex's talent limitations...

Sector W, Arora Continent,


Hearing Adrian, Alex could not help but pause, while others could not help and look at Alex and Adrian.

If Evan not using his card to save Hannah and Scarlet was biggest mystery to Adrian, then Alex's talent not working was biggest mystery to everyone.

This was something that had never happened, especially when it comes to humans, monsters and other type of creatures.

Although, his previous talent could not locate oddities, herbs, and precious materials, all that changed once he had bathed onto the fire which had changed the world.

After that, his talent could do wanders that left everyone in awe. His talent could show where herbs and other materials could be found.

Which tier and which level other monsters and humans were? It literally had the power to see almost everything in this world.

Yet such an amazing talent of his did not work when his parents and Hailey came by the river.