"You said you will be home by 6:30, but it's 7:10!" yelled their mom.

Their mom was really angry, it wasn't because it was 7, Sal said that they'll be home by 6:30, Rose didn't like her children going against their words.

Which was a little harsh, as they were just teenagers. But, you know, nobody's perfect.

"But we were learning good things there, mom," said Sam trying to convince his mother. Before anyone could say anything else, their father appeared from his room.

"Calm down Rose, if they are learning good things then it's ok that they are a little late," their father said. The word 'Good' has convinced them and that was a relief for both of them.

Salvadora never wanted to take Sam with her, but because of his persuading quality, she took him with her.

"But it won't be okay if this happens again, Mark my words. Usually, 'good' things don't take a lot of time," mom said, and then she disappeared into her room.

Salvadora and Sam also went into their room. They were relieved that their mom understood. She's really hard to convince sometimes, hopefully this wasn't that.

"Whatever happened today, is not gonna happen again, we are not going back there. Whatever happened, it happened, but we can be cautious for the future, " Sam said frightened.

"Sam please tell me that you are not a coward, it was just a stupid crow, besides we didn't even find anything useful today," Salvadora ensured.

"But people have died there!" Sam wanted to shout but he kept his voice down so that they wouldn't disturb mom and dad.

"It could be a trap, if you don't want to come then it's okay, I'll go alone," said Salvadora.

Sam didn't reply. Then a dreadful silence filled the room. They both were scared, they weren't sure what to do and what not to do.

Salvadora thought that she was tangled in a web from which she couldn't get out until and unless she solves the mystery, while Sam thought that he was wasn't caught in the web yet and could still walk away.

But Salvadora broke it and said, "Let's check out the pictures of tonight, maybe it captured something."

They started looking at the photos. They noticed a weird thing; the photo of the crow was not there. They both were confused, Sam doubted Salvadora. 'Did she really took the picture? or she was too scared to take it?' he thought.

Then a totally mystical thing happened, the camera started working on its own as if it had a mind of its own.

The pictures started scrolling on their own! Both of them were too scared and had no explanation for it.

Then a blurry image appeared, it got clear after some time. A video started playing on its own, it was a video of their visit to the house.

But they noticed that in the video, all four of them were there, which meant that a fifth person took the video, from the top floor!

After that, the video blurred again and then mystically disappeared from the device just like it came.

"Do you have any…" Salvadora interrupted Sam in between and told him that it was already late and they will discuss it later.

After Sam left, Salvadora was left alone in her room with her thoughts.

There were several questions wandering in her mind, What? How? Why? Neither she nor Sam knew the answers or an explanation. But she knew that she must find out those answers.

This mystery was getting complicated by the other second, new things kept coming, but neither of them had any idea what and why it was happening.

They were all wrapped up in it, they can't go back now. Even if they could, they wouldn't. They have to solve it, they just know it. Nobody told them.

Salvadora was running downstairs, but neither the stairs were ending nor the floors. She thought she was locked up in a maze whose end was nowhere.

She was confused about where to go, right, left, up, down, where? There were windows to escape, but they were too high to jump. She ran until she was too tired to go anymore further. So, she sat in one place to rest.

Then she realized that she was in that old creepy house where she and her friends had visited! She was totally freaked out because she was alone in this house which had no exit. She said to Sam that she was not scared, but deep down she was.

When she totally lost hope, she decided to jump! She knew it wasn't a great idea but that was the only way. Then she closed her eyes tight and jumped off!

She thought it was just a stupid dream and it would end in seconds, but surprisingly when she opened her eyes, instead of going downwards she had gone upwards!

She was standing in the balcony on the top floor with a hanger dangling beside her! She felt a chill around herself, then she heard the footsteps of someone. The footsteps she heard were of no one but Sam.

He was walking in a very awkward way as if he was not him, it was like he was compelled to act like this, but Salvadora didn't care, she was really happy to see her brother.

"Sam, I am really happy to see you, I was so scared here and…." She stopped when she saw him walking towards the hanger in the same awkward way!

"Sam, why are you not talking to me? Come here, talk to me." She started getting worried. She thought it was just a dream, but it won't get over.

She tried to get out of the dream but it was useless. Sam was going to hang himself down! "Please, Sam! I don't want you to suicide! At least speak something to me."

Sam was going to take the final step, she tried to stop him but she noticed that she can't reach him like there was an invisible wall between them!

"It's not a suicide, this is my turn, next will be yours, BE AWARE!" Sam said his first and last words and after that, he hanged himself!