You know, you don't know the truth.

"Isn't this message weird? How can anyone just ignore it?" asked Sam curiously.

"This is Wikipedia Sam, anyone can upload anything here, how can we be so sure that this is true?" replied Salvadora.

Sometimes, Sam felt like Sal treats him like a baby and he didn't like it at all. Though 13 is not very old but living with his big sister made him older than his age, mentally.

"I know, but still that's interesting, let's search something about this John guy," Sam said and searched his profile on Instagram.

Sam read his profile as if he was doing a very important job. "This tells that he was a ghost investigator," said Sam.

"Wait a minute! What does it mean by he was? Is he dead now?" Salvadora asked terrified.

"I think so, remember he said he was in danger?" reminded Sam. "I think what John said was true," guessed Sam.

The only lead they had was gone now, they thought that maybe this John guy would tell them something or anything else about that house, but now they were just left with his message.

"If we trust him, then we must focus on the word 'cursed'," said Salvadora.

"Let's consider it true because that's the only thing we've got now," Sam said.

They both sat silently for some time lost in their thoughts. Then a cool breeze blew by which had arisen gooseflesh on their skin.

They were kind of scared about this whole thing, but since yesterday, they both felt like they were meant to do this.

They weren't doing it just for the contest anymore. After thinking for a while, Sam gave an idea, "Let's check the group chat, maybe others could have found something interesting."

She quickly opened the group chat and started looking for messages, but there were no messages to read. They both got disappointed.

Then a message popped on the screen, it said that you have used the whole 2GB data for today, Sal checked data usage to see what exactly had happened.

"What the hell! That stupid website drained my whole internet," she cried.

"But we only opened it for minutes!" Sam said wondering how it happened.

"Now we will have to wait till tomorrow, ugh! It sucks! Damn it!" Salvadora said with disappointment and anger.

"What about the Wi-Fi? The last time I checked, it had unlimited data," Sam said grinning.

"Stop grinning, you stupid boy! Mom changed the password and wouldn't tell us as our punishment, happy?" Salvadora's words vanished the grin from his face.

"Yeah, whatever," Sam rolled his eyes as she said.

Sal was really pissed off at that website, but it also provided them information so she thought it was worth wasting 2gb data.

"There's one thing we can still do, let's face this house for real, come on, tell everyone to reach there," Sam said hopefully.

Salvadora was surprised to hear this. She thought Sam was still scared, but something in Sam forced him to go.

"Yesterday, you were so afraid and today, you are being my brave brother," Salvadora said patting on his shoulders.

"Now I'm yours?" he laughed.

Sal laughed too, "No matter what you do, good or bad, we're stuck together."

They both laughed and enjoyed the moment. They realized how distant they've been lately, they both were always busy in their own work.

This thing brought them closer and Sam and Salvadora felt like now they see things with angles they thought never existed before.

They felt good at the moment, they didn't know how long it was gonna last, but this was it.

We should enjoy all the little moments of happiness while we can and if you don't feel good it's okay, you shouldn't force yourself to be happy. You'll be happy when you're actually happy.

"After all these things, I'm not going back, we have to face it, good or bad, like you said," Sam said bravely.

Salvadora quickly informed everyone to come and mentioned if Adaline doesn't want to come, it's okay.

This time they reached last. Adaline and Alex had already come. Adaline wore a plain white jumpsuit with black casual sneakers, her dressing sense was good, that is one of the reason why Sam likes her.

While Alex was dressed in a red linen shirt with black trousers, Sal and Alex were besties, though sometimes, they both felt like they were something more but neither of them seemed to accept it.

"Guys, we are already late so, let's get there fast," said Alex hurrying towards the house.

They walked into the garden and then finally reached the main place. While they walked, Sam filled in with the whole Wikipedia story.

Gooseflesh arrived on everyone's skin, they were too scared to move forward anymore, Adaline and Sam were terrified the most as they were the youngest.

Alex and Salvadora were scared too, but they tried to act like an adult.

"Omg! I'm really scared, so much happened to you guys. I'm really sorry for you both," Adaline said.

"It's okay, our destiny has led all of us till here, it definitely means something," said Sam.

After listening to this, no one wanted to go inside, now it truly looked like the mouth of danger. But they also knew that they weren't outside the mouth now, they were inside!

If they turn back, they might miss the opportunity to win the competition. Besides that, it wasn't just a contest for all of them anymore.

Everyone had reasons to turn back, but they had more plausible reasons to move forward. The after effects of it was unknown, nobody knew it.

They didn't know the truth behind all this, but they had to do it. They couldn't leave it incomplete, they were the ones who started it, they should complete it too.

It was like a responsibility given to them, an important one.

After all, their instinct was telling them to go. Yesterday, it said not to. So, they decided to go.

"Let's move guys," Sam said.