2. Team Assemble

I suddenly woke up in my bed and find myself holding a completely white sword with an eye in the handle in my right hand, and as if that's not creepy enough, it can talk too. "Who are you kid?" "Why are you holding me?" he kept asking questions like these while I stared at him with confusion.

He gave a deep sigh understanding my confusion, then continued talking again "Anyway. Where is the strong wizard that I will fight with to help my king, kid?"

I take back my words he doesn't understand a thing, he even asked me a more confusing question, but I could answer that one "By your king do you mean that guy with the wig and white costume?"

The sword's voice turns mad, and it starts shouting "You dare insult King Leon, you stupid human!?"

"Hey, you stupid sword, you are in my house in my room and even in my bed and you dare insult me? You better watch your words, or I will put you in my dog's poo."

"First you insult King Leon and now you are insulting me?" The sword's voice becomes even madder.

"We are not going anywhere like this, you stupid sword." I turned series realizing that this the sword that king Leon handed to me. "Stop messing around and tell me who are you and why did King Leon hand you to me?"

"My name is Emperor Bojin and what do you mean by King Lean handed me to you?" he said with a hint of confusion in his tone. That stupid king explained it neither to me nor to the sword whom he handed me.

Finding no other choice, I told him about both my name and dream, but I skipped the part when he mentioned my brother thinking that it will be of no use.

"That means you are the strong wizard my king mentioned?" he seemed a little annoyed, but his tone changed quickly to that of respect "If my king chose you then I won't complain. Anyway, that explains why you can hear me without a problem."

"And you are going to explain it to me, right?"

"There are two ways to hear me. First, is to make a contract which normally needs the approval of both sides forming it, but King Leon has the power to force both of us into the contract." Bojin began explaining, but then I cut him "He has such great power, but he needs me to save his kingdom?"

"I don't know the details either, kid" I sighed at his answer "Then what's the second way?"

"By getting the approval of both of us." Bojin continued explaining "If someone touches my grip and gets our approval, he will be able to see the eye near my guard."

"I understand now." I paused for a moment thinking about everything Bojin said. "But there's one thing I don't get, what is the grip and guard?"

"You don't even know the parts of the sword?!" Bojin started shouting again.

"Why the hell would I know them? Do you see me using a sword daily to kick some monsters' asses or something?" I started shouting by my turn.

"A grip is where you hold the sword from and a guard is a part between the grip and the blade, YOU DAMN MORON."

"You know what, I'm done with your insults, Bo."

"Bo? Where did this nickname come from?" Bo looked mad and confused at the same time, but he had no time to think about it as I stood up with him in my hand of course.

"Where the hell are you going with me?" Bo asked, but I responded with a smirk "I'm going to clean after my dog."

Bo kept shouting and asking annoying questions, but I ignored him. I went to the kitchen brought a trash plastic bag and went to the garden where my dog Bo lives, Yup I named the sword after my dog, then I started to clean Bo's poo using Bo as a shovel and putting it into the plastic bag while ignoring Bo's shouting of course.

Luckily I always wake up early and even woke up earlier because of a certain someone who came into my dream, so there's nobody at all in the street to notice me using a sword as a shovel.

After I finished cleaning, I entered the house that, was empty as usual, then I stared at Bo with a smirk and started talking "How was it? Did you have fun?" Of course, he was mad and started shouting, or should I say continued? "YOU FREAKING IDIOT, HOW DARE YOU HUMILIATE ME LIKE THIS?!"

"No no no" I responded with the smirk still on my face "I wouldn't recommend acting like this especially after you knew that I wasn't just threatening.".

Bo began to make a sound that looked like clenching teeth, but how he doesn't even have a mouth never mind teeth. Wait a second how does he talk without a mouth? I will ask him later, but now I will go clean him and tease him a little more. I put Bo near my nose and act like I'm smelling him, but I'm actually holding my breath. Then I put Bo away instantly "Ew, you smell like shit." Bo who was already angry became angrier "It's all your fault, MORON."

"Oh, and now you talk like shit too. Anyway, let's wash you."

After getting enough of teasing Bo, I washed him to prevent him from smelling like shit. Then I leaned him on the wall next to my bed and take a shower by my turn. After that, I wash my teeth and prepared breakfast. Luckily today is Friday which meant there's no school and I have plenty of time to talk to Bo.

After I finished my breakfast I went to my bedroom, laid in my bed, and stared at the ceiling, then I began talking "Hey, Bo."

"What? Are you going to mock me again?" Bo responded with anger "No" I cut him off fast "Just tell me what the hell is going on?"

Bo answered with confusion "What do you mean?"

"Someone I never saw or heard of in my life came in my dream told me I will travel to other worlds, retrieve his kingdom and save a princess from cursed magic and then disappeared and I woke up to see you in my hand. So, tell me Bo what the hell is going on?"

"Normally King Leon will tell me personally about all the details, but he told me since this is a top-secret mission, he only told me my first destination, and that further instructions will be sent via telepathy, which means that the first step is to gather your team and teleport to our first destination."

"Telepathy? Teleport?" hearing these words I remembered the whole reason this happened for. It was because of my dream to go to new worlds, use magic and go on adventures. A wide grin appeared on my face "This is getting crazy."

"Let's go now, Bo. We should get our team ready."

"Don't call me that. My name is Emperor Bojin." Bo seemed angry, but I ignored him.

I went quickly to the landline telephone in the living room and called my best friend Gerrard. After he answered the phone, I started talking "Hey. Gerrard. Can you come over? I have something important to show you."

"Yup I don't have any plan today so I will come as near as possible." Gerrard always comes to my home anyway, so I don't think it's a problem for him.

"You seem to trust that boy. " Bo said to me.

"Of course, I do. He is my best friend." I responded, "He may be a little lazy, but if I force him to do something he will anyway."

"He didn't seem lazy from your short conversation."

"Actually, coming over is the only thing I don't have to force him to do. I bet he thinks it's a new manga volume or something like that, so he came without a problem."

"I don't like how it sounds."


After about 30 minutes the bell rang, and I opened it for Gerrard. Seeing me he smiled and raised his right arm high with his elbow to pointed to the ground and his hand opened "Long time no see, Gerrard" I returned his smile and raised my arm in the same position as his accepting his handshake "What do you mean by long time? We just met yesterday" Our hands' positions seemed like we are having arm wrestling in the air, but we were just handshaking "Ok it seemed like very long to me."

After that Gerrard got into the living room and I explained everything to him from the beginning about my dream, the mission, and even Bo. "What the hell are you talking about Grey?! Did you lose your mind?" Ok, I think his reaction is reasonable.

I stand up and start to move toward my room. "Where are you going, Grey."

"Just follow me." Gerrard looked surprised at first but then he followed me to my room. I hold Bo in my right hand and tell Gerrard to touch Bo's grip. Gerrard seems very confused now, but he will understand everything eventually. Gerrard touched Bo's grip after a moment of hesitation "Hey, kid."

"What the hell?!" Gerrard jumped backward as soon as he heard Bo's voice. "Don't worry kid, I won't hurt you."

"Wait a minute. If the talking sword is real, does that mean that the dream is real too?" Gerrard is even more confused now.

"Listen kid" Bo tries to explain to Gerrard "I don't know everything Grey told you, but we are going on a secret mission and Grey chose you as one of the two people he trusts more than anyone that will go with him on this mission."

"So, someone called King Leon came in Grey's dream giving him a secret mission to travel to different worlds and do something to get back his kingdom and gave him a talking sword." Gerrard seems to understand now. "And knowing you, you won't just stay home if I told you."

"Of course not. I have always dreamed of traveling to different worlds. Then why the hell would I let this opportunity slips." Gerrard sighs deeply at my answer "Ok then I assume I don't have any other choice but to go with you. And since my parents are traveling aboard anyway, they won't notice."

"Very well." Bo responses "One more to go, Grey."

"Oh. Actually…. we have a little problem here." I answered awkwardly "Gerrard is my only friend, right now."

"WHAT?!" Bo screams at my answer "You have only one friend?" It's hard to know whether he is mad or disappointed, But I won't be surprised if it was both. "And what do you mean right now?"

"Don't worry about that." Gerrard cut of Bo's screams "I know who to bring with us."

Ah, Gerrard my savior. I think I own him one now "You own me one now, Grey. Make sure to repay it." What the hell? Did he just read my mind? "Meet me at the Dominos Park at 5 P.M." I nod in agreement "I depend on you." Gerrard nods in turn and goes out of the house. I don't know who he will bring or how will he convince him, but I will just trust Gerrard. "Looks like we are saved."

"Yeah, I think so." After this small conversation with Bo, I set the alarm at 4 P.M. and sink deep at my bed.


I'm now at Dominos Park and it's about 4:45 P.M. Bo is covered in multiple layers of bandages that no one will ever realize it's a sword. He still looks weird though and keeps drawing attention, but I'm sure it's better than nothing.

I then saw the reason I came here early, aka Nuri. Nuri is a kind girl that treats everyone kindly. She is a beauty; she has beautiful emerald eyes and tall blonde hair. I came here earlier to talk t her a little I will not have any other chance to do so. We didn't have a proper conversation in years, but I will collect my courage and do it.

Nuri comes here every Friday to feed birds and walk. How do I know? I will keep it a secret, it's not like I'm a stalker or something anyway.

When I saw Nuri, I could feel my heart bouncing. "Hey, Nuri." I called her while running in her direction. Nuri looked at the source of the voice, aka me, "Grey?" Nuri looked surprised "Why are you here?" I saw her looking at Bo, but she seemed to ignore him.

"I wanted to say something to you, and heard you come here on Fridays so I came to see you." I couldn't resist my eagerness to smile while talking.

"Oh, I understand." She said with a beautiful smile on her face "You can tell me whatever you want, Grey."

"Ah, right. I'm going to travel tonight and just wanted to say goodbye." She looks a little confused, but she puts a warm smile "I hope you have a safe journey."

"Is there something bothering you?" noticing her confusion I ask out of concern. "No, nothing is bothering me." She responds quickly "It's just a little strange that you tell me you are traveling the first time we talk to each other."

She is right. For her, it's our first time. "I'm sorry about that." I get embarrassed and rub the back of my head with my free hand. But then I could feel something strange feeling near my right palm. When I looked at my palm, I could see a small white blade perpendicular to Bo's original blade. Then, that blade began moving across Bo's blade cutting through the bandages until all the bandages fell on the ground.

"What the hell is going on, Bo?!" Bo then started moving on his own making a line between me and Nuri dragging me with him. Nuri who was already freaking out started to scream when Bo came near her, but then that line opened into a 2D oval shape something that looked like a portal I used to see in anime and glowed in all the seven spectrum colors. "GREY." I could hear someone shouting my name. When I looked at my left, I could see Gerrard sprinting at us with a shadowy figure next to him. But then everything turned white, and I could see nothing but light.