3. First Destination (Updated)

Narrator: Bojin.

After I used my magic to create a portal to our first destination, the planet parallel to Earth from the third dimension, Buru, both Grey, and this blonde-haired girl got stuck in the portal as planned. The only problem was that that teen with green eyes and brown hair was a little bit far, but if I left it for Grey, he would have let that blonde-haired girl go away quickly. I had to react quickly to I opened the portal immediately before she leaves, and the brown-haired teen got in the portal in time so there is no problem.

Duo to our contract I can feel Grey's emotions his anger, happiness, sadness, eagerness, hate, love…etc. That's why I was able to feel that he trusted the brown-haired teen blindly and loved the blonde-haired girl as much. As Grey has no one else in his life these two were the only ones suitable for this mission. I had to bring both of them even if the blonde-haired girl didn't agree.

There are only two things worrying me right now. First, is that guy who was next to the brown-haired teen. He was very near to the portal so; he might have entered. The second is that Grey looked at me before I finished forming the blade using my mana, which means that he could somehow sense my mana. But how could an Earthling sense mana? Anyway, it's better to focus on the problem at hand right now.

After we got into the portal we appeared in the sky of our destination, Buru. The brown-haired teen appeared after me, Grey and the blonde-haired girl by a couple of seconds. Grey, who is holding me in his right hand, holds the blonde-haired girl from her waist and land on his legs. How interesting. He landed with this weight on his legs from a 7-meter long fall.

"Are you alright Nuri?" Grey said with a lot of concern in his tone, but I know that deep down he was happy that he looked cool in front of the blonde-haired girl.

"G…gr..grey." She could barely talk from embarrassment and her face was as red as a tomato.

"Huh?" That moron's face turns red in embarrassment too. He finally realized he was still holding her waist all this time and put her on land and began to apologize awkwardly. "I …I'm... sorry."

Hearing a crashing sound everyone's gaze turns into its source. Apparently, the brown-haired teen wasn't as strong as our first tomato face or as lucky as our second tomato face to have someone carry him. So, he landed on his back.

"That moron. He leaves his best friend and saves a girl he barely knows." We could hear muttering. Grey seemed to feel bad, but I bet if going back in time was possible, he would have still carried the blonde-haired girl.

Both Grey and the blonde-haired girl stood next to each other and looked at the brown-haired teen. When he saw them, he asked a very predictable and reasonable question "Why are you both blushing?"

"I'm not blushing." "It's nothing." Both tomato faces respond at the same time and look away from the brown-haired teen. So, they find themselves face to face with only a couple of centimeters between them.

Their faces become even redder; did I say they are tomato faces? My ass tomatoes look pale in comparison.

The brown-haired teen let out a deep sigh and I began to chuckle. "What the hell is so funny?" Grey put me in front of his face and began to shout.

"Grey….. What's going on? And why are you talking to a sword?" Grey gets even more embarrassed at the blonde-haired girl's comment, but his face can't get any redder so it's the same color. "Please, don't misunderstand, Nuri." Grey said quickly after burying me in the ground and waving his hand in front of him. "I will explain everything."

Grey got me from the ground and asked the blonde-haired girl to touch my grip. Although I wanted to not give her permission to embarrass him, he can't get any more embarrassed, so I think that's enough.

After the blonde-haired girl touched my grip I gave her permission, but when she saw my eye, she moved back as fast as she could and began to scream and hug herself as if that will save her. Ok, I don't blame her, according to the Earthlings this is considered creepy. Actually, her reaction is normal not like some moron who began mocking me without a moment's hesitation. When I think about it, that makes him even more creepy than me.

"Don't worry Nuri, everything is okay. Just calm down." Grey tries to calm her down, but he is very bad at it.

"Hey, you thief, get away from the lady." A kid about 7 years old yells at Grey, while two other kids, who seemed older than him, were following him. Since the kids came from behind us Grey turned back to see them. Then the children stood about 2 meters away from us "You better get away from her before Marco gets angry." The fat boy on the right tried to threaten us. I think?

"Get out of my face kids, unless you want to get your asses kicked." Anyway, that doesn't affect Grey, who got his composure back.

Gerrard, who was on our left, came quickly standing in front of Grey and putting his hand before him, then he looked at Grey with the edge of his face and began to whisper "We don't want to get into any trouble, Grey." He then turned to the kids "Don't misunderstand. We are not thieves."

"You dare to insult Marco and then lie to us?" The kid on the left seemed very angry from what Grey and the brown-haired teen said. The kid in the middle, I think his name was Marco, raise his left hand, then the kid on the left shut up for some reason. "Don't worry lady. I will defeat these thieves with my powerful magic." That kid definitely wants to play the role of a hero, but when I look at the blonde-haired girl, I can see the confusion on her face. She doesn't know where she is or what's going on.

The kid named Marco raises his arm pointing it towards us with his hand opened. Then, four strange symbols appeared before his hand in a way of sorting that made them seem to be the vertices of a rhombus. I could feel that they are made from mana, but I never saw such something like this before.

Before I get the chance to warn any of them, Grey pulls the brown-haired teen hand down "Get out of the way. I can feel something radiating from his hand."  Feel something? Does that mean he can mana? All Earthlings are not supposed to feel or see mana then how? The brown-haired teen looks at him in confusion for a second, but he got out of the way quickly "I will trust you." He then headed to our back.

These four symbols that were in front of the kid's hand combined forming a water sphere that came towards us at a relatively high speed. Since the blonde-haired girl and the brown-haired teen could not see the symbols, all they could see was a water sphere appearing out of nowhere and being shot at Grey.

The sphere that that kid shot was not dangerous. The best it can do is to make Grey's clothes wet, so I decided to leave it to Grey to know how he will react. Grey kept his composure, moved my blade upward, and sliced through the water sphere without a problem. When I sliced through the water sphere, my mana disturbed the spell's mana causing the water to fall idly on the ground.

"Is that all you have kid? After all that big talk you only shot a small water ball?" Grey said with a smirk on his face. "Why are you very ARROGANT?" I asked Grey "You only stopped the water sphere thanks to my mana. If You had used any other sword, it would have gone through the water and done nothing."

Grey looked at me for a second but did not answer me. He seems to have learned from what happened with the blonde-haired girl.

The kid who lunched the spell seemed very angry while the other two kids were shocked "Don't get high of yourself because you blocked my weakest spell." The leader kid started to shout at Grey like that. Listen, kid, never get in a humiliation challenge with Grey. You will just regret it. "It may be your weakest, but it will be your strongest too if it's your only spell." Grey never shows merci "So unless all you have is that big mouth of yours stop talking and show me what you got." The kid was very angry, I swear I saw a vein popping out of his face.

Grey took a ready stance after he finished his talking. He stood with his legs straight and next to each other with some distance between them and holding me in front of him with both of his hands. It doesn't even need an expert to know he is an absolute noobie.

The kid kept throwing him with water spheres, but Grey just kept cutting through every single one of them. Until some other stranger came jogging at us "What the hell you think you doing, kid" Finally an adult, someone we can properly talk to "Get the hell out of her now." The kids apparently forgot about playing hero's and ran away.

"Hey, you guys and lady." The man, who seemed to be in his twenties, looked at us with a smile that didn't reach his eyes that were staring at me with horror. "I apologize instead of these kids for bothering you." The brown-haired teen replied after coming next to Grey as quickly as he could and answered instead of the blue-eyed moron "Please, don't worry about that.". When I looked at the back, I could see the blonde-haired girl who became a little calmer, but she still seems nervous to me. "It could have been worse if you didn't come, Mister."

"Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is John Albion." That man is a good actor, but he needs to practice more. He is terrified by my huge mana, but that smile on his face never vanished. However, his fear is still obvious in his eyes.

"My name is Gerrard Raymond, my black-haired friend here is Grey Zoria, and our shy blonde-haired friend her is Nuri Boldic." The brown-haired teen introduced everyone. At least everyone could be introduced.

"Mister John, can you please tell us where we are right now?"

"You don't know the Oltis village?"

"It has nothing to do with whether we know it or not. As you can see, we are lost." The brown-haired teen seems to be holding himself well in this conversation, but that's only because it was just talking till now.

"DO NOT MOVE." About 10 armored guys surrounded us from every direction at once. "The Oltis guards?" The guy called John ran into behind the guards as fast as he could, as his face seemed to be relieved and the fear in his eyes disappeared.

"What the hell is the meaning of all of this?" Grey shouting at one of the guards.

"Shut up, you filthy criminal." The guard answered shortly. "The mayor himself ordered to bring you back."


"Grey." I cut him short before he continues "Talking to a mere guard is useless. Let them take us to the mayor. Gerrard, act like you are trying to convince him."

"Stop it, Grey." The brown-haired teen does as told, "We will go to the mayor and correct any misunderstanding."

"Tsk. Looks like I have no choice." Grey seems annoyed which is something I can understand.

The guards handcuffed Grey, the brown-haired teen, and the poor blonde-haired girl that didn't get a proper explanation till now. Then, they put me in a sheath and used tons of chains to restrain my movement.