Metallic Spider Dungeon

[You have entered a dungeon]

Noah walked in with his gun in his left hand and a sword in his right.

The cave was dark as he walked in but soon had glowing stones on the walls giving it enough light for him to see. Noah walked in while looking around, there wasn't much around it was empty.

His spatial sense allowed him to sense something in the corners. Noah pointed his gun and shot at it.

[Metallic Spider]

F Class

Level 2

A silver metallic spider, large as a dog fell to the ground and stood up. Its black eyes saw Noah and charged him.

The spider wasn't too quick, it was was slow enough for Noah to strike it four times when it attacked.


Its attacks didn't seem to do much. The spider was standing fine. Noah used his skill Strength Boost on himself and then sliced down with all his might.


The metallic sword hit down on the metallic skin. Bullets shot at it from the gun in his other hand. The spider was pushed back. It moved a bit shakily and fell to the ground.

It dropped 6 copper, which Noah picked up.

'That wasn't too bad, it has a strong defence and is also agile for how bulky it looks. It attacks by tackling and biting, I think if I attack it from its belly I'll be able to kill t much faster.'

Going in further, the cave widened a bid as the steps of multiple monsters sounded to echo. Noah stood strong as a legion of spiders came in his way.

Now he knew their weak point Noah was able to kill the metallic spiders faster. He moved through the legion like a fish dodging tackles and twisting back to stab at their underside.

His mana was a lot higher now so he was able to continuously use Strength boost as well as Flash Step.

The dungeon became a relentless challenge as wave after waves of spiders came. It was only when Noah reached the complete end of the corridor did the spiders stop coming.

He found a door at the end of the corridor, a large metallic door. Noah pushed on it to see if he could open it and with a light push the door opened. The door kept on opening even without any force being applied to it.

Noah walked in slowly. The room was large, his footsteps echoing. He couldn't see any monster around him.

"Aren't dungeon lords suppose to be quite large, why can't I find it?" Noah thought, then he turned to look up to the ceiling of the cave.

A large spider 10 times the size of the spiders outside was descending from a string on top of him.

Its body was similar to the spiders outside, a silver metallic exoskeleton but its right hind leg had turned completely black. The black looked as if it was some type of corruption that was growing on the spider.

[You have entered the Dungeon Lord's lair]

[Mutant Spider Queen] (Dungeon Lord)

F Class

Level 3

The queen spider of all metallic spiders. She has been corrupted by a certain type of energy causing her to mutate.

Noah ran to the side getting out of the way as she landed on the ground, a cloud of dust was lifted to show how heavy it was.

The spider then launched itself towards him. Its large body defying common sense and moving at incredible speeds at him. Near him, it raised its front metallic pike of a leg and striked at him.

Noah blocked with his sword but was pushed back. He shot at it and continued moving. The spider seeing his speed moved its back body up and shot a ball of sticky web at him. Noah dodged by using Flash Step, he appeared a meter away, to the side where the ball of web had landed.

"This will be rough..." Noah remarked as he ran at the spider. With how agile he moved he was able to dodge more shots of web, until he closed in and attacked with his sword. Each of his hits causing a loud clang that resounded through the cave as the metals clashed.

The spider answering in kind as it stabbed down with its arms. Noah's feet shifted and his body twist as the spider leg landed next to him, he then used his sword to grind on the other that attacked deflecting the attack.

"Damn, I can't even scratch it." Noah took a step back and activated Cold Mind. Time slowed and the spider's movements weren't as dangerous anymore. Understanding where the force of the spider's attack came from, Noah was able to deflect at the right moment which forced the attack to the side granting him the opportunity to slide under it.

Sliding, he shot mana bullets from his steel magic gun. He tried to shoot as many times as he could and rapidly pushing on the trigger. The bullets of mana hit hard on the weaker exoskeleton causing the spider pain.

Noah slid out from the other side and shot at the spider again. The spider turned its body and chased after. The two went back and forth in the room, the spider moving more irregularly, it climbed walls and walked on them, it used strings of spider web to hang from the ceiling and stomp on Noah.

The fight was long and arduous. Noah finally killed it with his 50th shot on its underside.

The Mutant Spider Queen fell, light was emitted out of it as loot fell out. Noah received a message.

[Achievement 'Solo Clear': Strength +1]

[You have killed the Dungeon Lord!]

[You have levelled up!]

[You have access to inventory!]

"I finally levelled up." He had fought numerous monsters since he had come to the eternal battlefield yet he had still been level 0.



Name: Noah Sinfero

Age: 18

Race: Human


[Strength 15(1+14)] [Agility 18(5+13)] [Physique 9] [Intelligence 15(5+10)] [Willpower 15(5+10)] [Sense 20(10+10)] [Mana 4(2+2)]

(Bonus Attribute Points: 2)

Awakened Talents-

Guardian of Love (C++ Class)

Blessed Mind (A+ Class)

Truth Seeker (E Class)

Spatial Sense (A Class)

Genius Martial Combat Body (D+ Class)


[Ambidextrous] [Insomnia] [Explorer]


[Lv.1 Flash Step (B+ Class)]

[Lv.1 Four Season Style: Winter (D++ Class)]

[Lv.2 Strength Boost (F Class)]

(Skill Points: 0)


'Oh? Sword Mastery reached level 5. I did mainly fight with a sword, but it rose much faster than Firearm Mastery. Mastery skills were related to practice and muscle memory, from that he had trained a lot more using the sword on earth. So he could see it levelling up faster.'

'Strength Boost also levelled up, it now gives an increase of +6 in strength for five minutes for the same amount of mana.' He had constantly used strength boost on himself during the whole time he was inside the dungeon. That was why it levelled up.

"As for the bonus attribute points, I'll probably be using them to increase mana for a while." He used both points and brought his mana attribute to a 6.

Noah looked at the objects that dropped, 300 copper, a Mutant Spider leg and two books.

One book was silver, the other was bronze both were enhancers.

[Mana Edge (Silver): All weapons held by you will have a thin coat of mana on their edges for increased sharpness.]

[Razor Blade (Bronze): Increase weapon sharpness and damage.]

"Is this what made the front two legs of the spider so strong." His sword had been chipped multiple times in the fight, the only reason it hadn't broken was that he deflected attacks rather than block them straight out.

Noah held the books, "Learn Mana Edge, Learn Razor Blade."

Both books disappeared and were added as enhancers for Sword Mastery.

Noah then picked up the mutant spider leg. It was black, the same leg that was on the spider had dropped. It was smaller than it was on the spider and it was also sharper. It was a material item that could be used in crafting.


A thin line of 5 squares appeared in front of him. This was the inventory the system provided. The first thing he did was put the mutant spider leg in. It filled the first spot.

He then picked up the copper that had dropped and placed it in, only four copper coins were taken in. Each copper coin was in a separate square. The items didn't stack. Noah thought about it a bit and put all the copper he had into a sack. He then put it in and it only took one spot.

"I see so that's how I should use it." Noah got up and started walking out of the dungeon. It was empty now with corpses of metallic spiders still piling on the ground.

The dungeon was harder than he had thought but was still doable by him. However, he knew that he had trained in combat since he was young and was able to react calmly to anything that came at him. He didn't expect this out of others though, from his perspective, someone who had only gone through the 7 days of training for a mastery skill wouldn't be able to last the first wave of spiders much less the Dungeon Lord.

Back at camp, Alice was still sleeping, Noah got into his sleeping bag. He then closed his eyes, resting.